Discover the Word is a weekly, Bible-study podcast that invites you to join a team of hosts — and ma
Few promises of the Bible offer more reassurance than when God says “I will never leave or forsake y
Justice. What comes to mind when you see or hear that word? We've heard a lot about justice recently
Growing up in the American South, Esau McCaulley knew firsthand the ongoing struggle between despair
In the Bible, there seems to be a love-hate relationship with mountains. It was in the mountains tha
How do you view mountains? Do you see them as majestic? Intimidating? Beautiful? Dangerous? No matt
Most of us find prayer baffling. Sometimes even unsatisfying. At the heart of our struggle is a kind
Let’s be real. Modern culture is not a patient culture. We don’t like to wait for anything, and we’v
A crisis has been defined as any event that is going to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation
In this series on Discover the Word, the group explores the importance of "where" with our Bible geo
In Discover the Word Podcast, the group explores the importance of "where" with our Bible geography
Most of us long to hear from God. Directly. In words we can clearly understand and respond to. Right
Dive deeper into our conversation with Jeff Manion’s book The Land Between. Using the biblical story
Pastor and author Jeff Manion joins Discover the Word to discuss observations about the unwanted tra
One of the tried and tested ways we learn is through repetition. Whether it’s multiplication tables,
Remember playing dress up as a kid? You’d get in your mom’s or dad’s old clothes and role play adult
Dr. Christina Edmondson is convinced that since our brain is part of our body, we need to pursue goo
None of us escape being hurt deeply by others as we go through life. We've all been cheated on, lied