cover of episode The Hidden Truth: Why Elon Musk's AI Vision Could Backfire | Gary the Numbers Guy DSH #800

The Hidden Truth: Why Elon Musk's AI Vision Could Backfire | Gary the Numbers Guy DSH #800

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Gary the Numbers Guy
Gary the Numbers Guy: 本期节目主要围绕埃隆·马斯克的AI愿景展开讨论,认为其自动化计划将导致大规模失业,最终摧毁资本主义并导致共产主义。他还批判了卡马拉·哈里斯的政治生涯,认为其缺乏真才实学,是通过不正当手段获得权力,并预测如果她当选总统,美国将面临经济崩溃和社会动荡。此外,他还对P. Diddy等名人的行为和政治立场进行了批判,并结合数字命理学和占星术对未来进行了预测。 Sean Kelly: Sean Kelly在本期节目中主要起到引导和提问的作用,对Gary the Numbers Guy的观点进行回应和补充,并引导讨论深入到政治、经济、社会等多个方面。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What happened under Donald Trump? Nothing. No wars. Because he led with strength. You think if the election wasn't stolen and Donald Trump was president, this would be going on in Ukraine right now? Nyet. Zero chance this would be going on because Putin would know better than to test Donald Trump.

All right, guys, he is back for the fifth time. Gary, the numbers guy. We got an election in one month. What's going on? Scary times, my friend. Scary times because if you look at everything they've done to President Trump, 34 counts, first time a president ever has been indicted like that, former president. They tried to assassinate him not once but twice. They killed his brother. They killed one of his ex-wives. And people think he's doing this for money.

I'm going to make abundantly clear. Donald Trump is no saint. I never claimed he was a saint, but the man has an ego on him. The ego that wouldn't fit in this fucking room, to be honest. And at the end of the day, he wants people to remember his legacy as the guy who turned America around. That is what his ambition is now. He wants to fix this country the best he can.

I'm going to make this abundantly clear to all these people out there who are saying Donald Trump is going to bring America down. Under Obama, we bombed Libya. Under Obama, Putin took Crimea. That happened under Barack Obama, a Democrat. What happened under Donald Trump? Nothing. No wars. Because he led with strength. People feared his ass. As soon as Biden comes in,

The debacle in Afghanistan. He's tested in Ukraine because Putin wants to test his ass right away. You think if the election wasn't stolen and Donald Trump was president, this would be going on in Ukraine right now? Nyet. Zero chance this would be going on because Putin would know better than to test Donald Trump. Oh, he tested Joe Biden because they will test Democrats. Democrats are weak. And now...

They want to put a woman in a position of power. I'm just going to give people a little history and you can make your assessment yourselves. The last time there was a United Korea, North and South Korea united together, it was under a woman. The last time they had an independent Hawaii, when it was its own country, was under a woman. The last leader of the Ming Dynasty was a woman. You guys really want to gamble and put a woman first?

Who you, I'm not going to cut any corners. She basically slept her ass all the way to a position of power.

First, she was with Montel Williams. Remember him? He was a talk show host in the 90s. She got a little bit popular. Then she got passed around to Mayor Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco. She worked her ass into the district attorney's office where she blocked up more black men for marijuana than anyone in that per state's history. And then she wants to go out and talk about she's black. She locks them up. That's what Harris does. Then...

They needed a black woman, and she was chosen to be Joe Biden's running mate, who was basically a puppet to Barack Obama at the time. At nowhere did she win any elections. At nowhere did she earn any nominations. She was given all this stuff. So I want to make this clear. In Mexico, we have a woman president because they killed 38 candidates. In America, they want a woman president, and they shot Donald Trump.

You understand? They're trying to kill people to put women in positions of power. Feminism leads to whores. Whores lead to single mothers. Single mothers create weak beta males. Beta males create a weak society. A weak society creates communism. Communism creates death. This is the cycle. And if you're going to vote for Kamala Harris, not only is inflation going to go up,

Not only is life going to get more difficult in the United States of America, I don't think we possibly could be a superpower by the end of her reign. I'm telling people right now, Donald Trump is no saint, but he is the lesser evil. Under his administration, we had less inflation. Under his administration, the economy was better. I was just with a woman who drove me up here, a taxi driver.

I asked her about her policies. Every single time, she's citing Republicans and Trump. And then she says, I'll never vote for Trump. I'm voting for Harris. Do you understand? The type of women, and I'm not talking to all women, but most women are single-issue voters. They know the economy's bad. They know the grocery store prices are way up. They go to their grocery store more than us. They know this. But even after knowing all that,

All they care about is their right to keep their legs open and pop out babies and kill them. That's their number one issue. Think about how sick society has to be that your number one issue is I want to murder people because I can't control my lust and I can't keep my legs closed. Is that a just society? Not at all. Vote Trump because we have no other choice.

And then in 2028, maybe another candidate will come. Yep. So you think if Kamala gets in, we'll go communist? I think if Kamala goes in, I don't think we're—I think the U.S. dollar could default. See, if Trump gets in, he's cool with the Saudis. I'm telling you right now, Trump is cool with the Saudis.

If the Saudis are good with the United States of America, the petrodollar system stays supreme and there's nothing the Chinese or anyone else can do to stop it. It's only if the Saudis are like, you know what? I'm done with this Biden, Obama, Kamala says we're going to bricks.

Even though that's not 100% certain, it's a lot more likely to happen under Harris. No chance in hell that happens under Donald Trump. So Donald Trump, not only does he have my vote, every man out there, I want you to listen to me carefully, every single man who watches this podcast, if you are voting for Donald Trump...

and your wife and your daughter are voting for Harris and they're canceling out their vote, I don't want to hear you on Twitter. I don't want to hear you on Facebook. I don't want to hear you talking about Trump. I need you to convince the women in your life to vote for Donald Trump. Because what is the point if you're a man and you're voting for Trump and your wife and your daughter is voting for Harris? They're literally canceling out your vote. Don't tell me you're alpha male and your woman doesn't vote the same way you do.

When COVID-19 was coming around, I told my wife, we're not getting a shot. I told my mother, we're not getting a shot. I'm the head of the family. That's the end of discussion. I'm voting for Trump. Everyone in my family is voting for Trump, including the women. End of discussion. Don't tell me you're a real man and your woman is canceling out your vote. You're a beta. Remember that. Fix that first. Now, I'm going to tell you something. If you need to start arguments with your woman, do it.

I don't care what you need to do. If that's what it takes, hell, brother, I'm going to keep it real. If you need to threaten her with divorce, do it. We need Donald Trump because if he's not the president, this country will not be a superpower. That means $10 bread, $15 a gallon gas. We're done. We're absolutely done. Go look at what happens in Canada. That'll be United States of America. Exactly.

There's five groups they're saying trying to take Trump out. Scary, man. More than five. You mean more than five? More than five. Five. That's like, you know, the first people in line. Are you kidding me? Listen, Trump likes to run his mouth. He is definitely, you know, it's Trump supporting the ear of the dog. Dogs like to run their mouth. They like to be heard.

They like to bark, woof, woof, you know, all that shit. That's what they like to do. Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban's born in 1958. You're the dog. Bro, he runs his mouth more than Trump. He's always talking. Listen, I support Mark Cuban's quest to own Twitter because Elon Musk got to go. Elon Musk has to go. No matter what you tell me about Cuban, he's a family man and he has good kids. I can say the same thing about Donald Trump.

He's a family man and he has good kids in Cuban's defense. He hasn't been divorced to like Trump like three times. So shout out to my boy out there. Uh, but at the end of the day, he's voting for Harris. So I, again, what Mark Cuban proves to me, you and everyone listening is if Mark Cuban can be a billionaire, anybody can be a billionaire. He's literally the dumbest, smart guy. I know his thing with Trump seems personal. It doesn't 100% is personal. So, um,

When Cuban before there was something called Shark Tank, he had a show called The Benefactor.

And the benefactor basically was a copy of Trump's apprentice. And it failed miserably. And Trump sent him like a package or a newsletter like, yeah, good luck next time. You know, just basically talking shit. And from that time, he's been going after him. You have to understand, these billionaires are human beings just like us. They're just as petty as us. You understand? They keep grudges, bro. This is real. This is why Mark Cuban is... And not to mention...

Mark Cuban has a man crush on Barack Obama. Like he literally has a man crush on Barack Obama. I mean, listen, I was watching an episode of Shark Tank. It was an old one on CNBC. And I saw that a person, you know, mentioned that they knew Barack Obama.

At that point, I bet my buddy, yo, a thousand bucks, Cuban gives you a deal. I never watched the episode, but wouldn't you know it? That's exactly what happened. Cuban loves anything Barack Obama. He literally has a man crush on him. And I don't think he'd deny this, in all honesty. So it is what it is. When it comes down to Twitter...

He can't afford it, but you literally need a loudmouth billionaire to be the head of Twitter. That's the only way it's going to work. Isn't Elon Musk? Isn't Elon that though? Well, Elon definitely is that, but Elon's a fraud in my opinion. Elon might possibly be one of the best con men in world history. I want you to think about what he's doing. He's creating robots to replace human beings.

He's creating robots to replace human beings in grocery stores, self-driving trucks. What's that going to do? That's going to lead to a lot of people losing

being replaced in the workforce. Those people still need to eat. Those people still need to support their families. What's going to happen? He's going to cause a universal wage to be put in, which is basically communism. So no matter what Elon Musk tells you, what he's doing is causing communism. All his robots, all his AIs, they're going to replace human workers.

At the end of the day, they're going to be out of jobs. And when you have 20, 30, 40 percent of the population out of jobs, it's almost impossible to have capitalism. So Elon Musk in himself is basically destroying capitalism. It's a long term game. I'm sure he'll deny this, but that's exactly what he's doing. As for Elon Musk as a person. Well, I'm going to tell you this. He claims to be a conservative now.

He's for universal wage and all this other stuff. He's for a carbon tax. I don't know how the pendulum has swung so much that that's considered conservatism nowadays. But at the end of the day, you know, the Republican Party is, you know, welcome homosexuals into this rank. So, you know, with that pendulum has swung so far, I don't even recognize, you know, John F. Kennedy would be a staunch conservative today. He'll be more far right than Donald Trump. That's how much the pendulum has swung. Flat the hell out.

But when I look at Elon Musk, I question things in his history. Elon Musk had a baby that died at 10 weeks old. That's very unfortunate. Or was it a child sacrifice? Joe Biden had a child die very young too. The richest man in America and the president of America both had their kids die at a very young age. Is it a tragedy? Possibility. Is it a child sacrifice? Is it a probability?

People out there can decide themselves. I don't believe Elon Musk is a good person. As a matter of fact, when I compare Zuckerberg, who's supposedly this far left guy, to Musk, who's all of a sudden this far right guy, let's look at their history. Musk has been married, what, four or five times? Musk has a transgender daughter. Zuckerberg married one time. Zuckerberg has a normal family. Who's the conservative here?

I'm being dead serious. Who is the conservative here? It looks to me like Zuckerberg has a much more normal family, much more nuclear family, which is considered quote unquote conservatism than Elon Musk. So this guy's a fraud to me. And his actions say everything the opposite of what he currently stands for. And when it comes to Elon, he would have been broke without Barack Obama. How so? Yeah.

Tesla was dying, I think it was around 2010, and he took a government loan, about half a billion dollars, which is nothing in today's standards, but it was a lot of money back then. Without that money, Tesla would have folded. And they got it from Barack Obama. Let me tell you something. If Barack Obama signs something, you owe him. Okay? And P. Diddy found that out. P. Diddy found that out. We'll get to that in a second.

But Barack Obama is that dude you don't fuck with. And Elon Musk came to him for money, which means he's indebted to him. By the way, the only person he speaks highly of is Barack Obama. Elon Musk with his tweets. Nothing but love for Obama. Talk shit about Trump before he was pro-Trump. By the way, why did he turn pro-Trump?

Why? Well, because there's a certain somebody called Peter Thiel, part of his PayPal mafia, who has a love-hate relationship with Elon, but...

He does listen. Elon does listen to Peter Thiel. Peter told him? That's one of the people he... Well, Peter Thiel actually put J.D. Vance with Trump because J.D. Vance is Peter Thiel's boy. Oh, wow. He basically fronted him the money to become Senator of Ohio. He's the one who won that race for him. 100%. Peter Thiel and Trump have a deal, and J.D. Vance is basically Peter Thiel's man in the White House. Now, if... If...

Trump wins. And I'm saying if because it's impossible to call politics. They can steal the elections very easily. But if Trump wins, then J.D. Vance is going to be that in between between Silicon Valley and the Trump administration. So everything is going to be.

Like real smooth. Like, for instance, Zuckerberg has a good control over I.G., but he doesn't control all the mechanisms of Facebook. There's like a deep state within Facebook that prevents Zucker from controlling everything. But I.G. is pretty safe. You can pretty much say anything you want on I.G. They won't suspend you. They won't do anything. I think I.G. is a lot more free speech, in my opinion, than Twitter.

Because, I mean, hell, Nick Fuentes is allowed to have a Twitter account, but for some reason I'm not. It's interesting how that goes. And let's not forget, Elon Musk blocked my account before he actually bought Twitter. Why? I mean, you have to ask him that. But at the end of the day, numerology, astrology is real, and we see this. And next year, Elon, you're going to find out, because next year is the year of the snake.

And Elon Musk is a pig. Enemy signs ain't going to work out too well for you next year. So I believe Elon Musk is going to have to give up one of his babies. And his babies are Tesla, Twitter,

and SpaceX. He's going to have to give up one of them next year. Banking is probably going to be Twitter. And then he's going to have to probably sell it for a loss. And Mark Cuban is interested. He just doesn't have enough money. Imagine a guy who has like a $7 billion. Oh, you're too broke to buy this. There's levels of the game, man. And him and Cuban go at it every day. Elon and Cuban. Yes, they do. You know, listen, I'm pro-Trump. That's about the only thing me and Musk agree on.

Cuban is a moron for backing Harris. But I think he has different people in his ear saying that if you want to be in good standing with the NBA, you have to tout this line. I really have a hard time believing the man that intelligent is that stupid. But, you know, it's Elon Musk. Right.

And Mark Cuban, they're going to go at each other. It is what it is. I kind of like when Elon and Trump go at each other. I miss those days. I think we'll see them again. We'll see it, yeah. A lot of NBA players seem to be backing Kamala. Saw Steph Curry made a video. Yeah. Well, I mean, Steph is a dragon. He's backing a dragon. Steph, you know better. Steph, you really do know better, man. I mean, come on, dude. Listen, if we want to be real about Steph...

he's held in check by his woman to such a degree that if it publicly got out how much in check she has him, a lot of people would be taking shots at him. I feel that. Yeah. So, Steph, nothing but love for you, so I'll close. I'll shut up now. Now, LeBron, on the other hand, Diddy's friend, has not said a word. I mean, what can he say at this point?

No party like a Diddy party. That's what he said, right? That's what he said, right? So what exactly are you talking about? Because 50 Cent's been telling us about it for 20 years. 50 Cent told us for 20 years what was going on. But he was above the law. P. Diddy was above the law for, what, 25 years? I personally believe that P. Diddy put Biggie Smalls in the ground. I believe he killed Tupac.

And we'll get to Vegas being a snake city and Tupac being a pig and him dying in his enemy city. We'll get to that. But let's talk about Sean P. Diddy Combs right now, born 11-4 in 1969. He's born on the 4th. Four is the number of law and order. You must be a fool to think you could do as much dirt as you've done in your life and get away with it. At some point, if you're born on the 4th, they're going to come for you.

Because you cannot have a criminal lifestyle and be born in the fourth. It's not compatible. Four is the number of law and order. So a lot of people born on the fourth, 13th, 31st. The law is going to watch them with a lot more scrutiny than anyone else.

So, you know, a lot of people, even in my profession, believe four is the number of wealth instead of eight. I've constantly told people it's eight. But, you know, some people who don't have as much information as me make connections they don't understand. And when they talk about four being the number of wealth, they want to bring up Sean Diddy, billionaire.

Jay-Z, Beyonce, billionaires. And they want to say, yo, look at all these people born on the 4th who have money. You know, Jay-Z even has his mansion in the shape of a 4. Wow. And what they're missing is America was founded on the 4th. So in America, in America alone...

People born on the 4th will flourish because it matches the country's energy itself. That's the part they're missing. Four is not the number of wealth. But in America, you do better with that energy because it matches that energy. One of my guys, I manage Fresh and Fit. One of my guys, Fresh, Walter's name, he was born in 1992. Year of the monkey. He lives in Miami, which is a monkey city. He flourished. He literally flourished in that city.

But people who are Tigers, enemy signs, they don't do so well. Let's talk about some of the most banned people in America. Would you agree that Alex Jones is one of them? Yep. Tiger. Would you agree that Nick Flentes is one of them? Tiger. Would you agree that Sneeko and Andrew Tate are some of the most banned people? All Tigers. Every single one of them is a Tiger. Let's even talk about Dan Bazarian's dad.

He was born in a tiger year. He was in jail in 1992. The year of the monkey. So people who are tigers will have issues in America, but people who are monkeys will flourish in America. This is how the energy works. And I don't think anyone can deny those are the guys who are most banned. Some deserved, some not so much. But regardless of what I feel or you feel, those are the facts. And I'm pointing out why that happens because of the energy.

When you look at certain aspects with the number four, as we're talking about with P. Debbie and stuff like that, it's the number of law and order. Notice right after his birthday hit last year, all this stuff started.

Police raided his house. He gets arrested. He's also in a four-year cycle. See, in numerology, once your birthday hits, you go through a new cycle. Every single birthday, you go through a new cycle. And P. Diddy happens to be in a four-year cycle that deals with law and order. So let's talk about what P. Diddy actually messed up in. Because P. Diddy was basically the Jeffrey Epstein of rap music.

He had all these rappers under control because if you wanted to be a star, P. Diddy needs some dirt on you. So if you ever go against him, guess what? He has some tapes. That's what 50 Cent been telling you this whole time. He's running a honeypot operation. I don't think it's, you know, stretched to say that P. Diddy's batting both ways at this point. You know, he was more interested in... Could you imagine what Usher went through? I mean...

Bieber, too. Brother, Justin Bieber. This is the question I want to ask Bieber and Usher. Knowing what you know now, knowing that Usher said he would never let his kids around Diddy, would you go through that again for the fame that you have? I already know what my answer is. Hell to the no. But some people make that decision. And P. Diddy had dirt on everybody. Everyone in the industry he had dirt on.

That's why he was allowed to operate for so long. People were scared of him until he fucked with the wrong guy. And that wrong guy is Barack Hussein Obama, who's born on the 4th, became president of the United States and is the shadow president for even longer than that. He had Barack Obama on tape. Big no-no. You mess with Obama, the feds come for you. See?

P Diddy was a billionaire. P Diddy was bullying people. He literally had people killed. He tried to kill a kid, Cuddy. It blow up his car. He tried. He messed with a lot of people, but all those people were below him. They couldn't touch him. They didn't have his connections.

Until they mess with the wrong guy. I wonder why they try to take out Cuddy. I like Cuddy. Well, I mean, I think it has something to do with PD's ex-girl having sex with Cuddy, something like that. You know, it's something along those lines. But at the end of the day, do not mess with Barack Obama. You know, Jesse Jackson, the first black man who ever ran for president of the United States, he basically didn't like Obama. And in 2008, he sided with the Clintons. Hmm.

he basically was caught on a hot mic saying, I'm going to cut that N's nuts off. You guys can figure out what N means. So what did Barack Obama do? Did he retaliate against Jesse Jackson? No, not him directly, but he did get him back. And how did he get him back? Well, Jesse Jackson has a son, Jesse Jackson Jr., who was in the state government. And what happened? He was caught up on charges.

Who do you think made sure those charges stuck? Barack Obama. So basically, guys, you have to understand what happens. You mess with Barack, there's going to be consequences. And P. Diddy learned the same lesson that Jesse Jackson learned all those years ago and that Clinton's learned and all these other people learned.

You mess with Barack Obama, there's going to be issues because he's over here and P. Diddy's over here and P. Diddy was used to bullying all the people down here. But as soon as he messed with someone a little bit above his pay grade, what happened? He's done. And this is a lesson to you billionaires out there. It's about 3,000 billionaires in the world I probably know about.

90 of them. Good percentage. But to all you billionaires out there, there's a difference between Mark Cuban money when Mark Cuban goes up. Oh, I don't think there's Illuminati. They never asked me about anything. And I'm Jewish. Bro, you're worth six to seven billion. That's child's play to the Illuminati. They print the money.

Talk to Musk. Talk to the people with $100 billion rage. Then we talk about Illuminati, not some peasant in the billionaire class. I get it. Call someone a peasant who's a billionaire. But in the billionaire class, you're a peasant. You can't even afford to buy Twitter. You sold your NBA team. So at the end of the day, don't tell us about, oh, I'm a billionaire and no Illuminati came to me.

Bro, you don't have that type of money for them to come to you. You don't have that type of influence for them to come to you. If you did, they would have bought Twitter for you a while ago. You understand what's going on? Yep, 100%. I think there's a society out there for sure. You think Jay-Z's next in line here to fall? I think he's going to be fall at some point, whether he's next in the line. That's just speculation. But, I mean, honestly, Jay-Z seems to have an okay relationship with Obama. Yeah.

Remember, he's the common factor here. And that's another thing. Think about the beauty of our country. The guy as powerful as Barack Obama just can't take someone out. Even he has to go through the legal system. Even though he's getting his attack dogs to attack people, he doesn't take people out. They don't martyr people anymore, guy.

They don't go around killing people anymore. They used to do that during the JFK, Malcolm X days. And then they realized, yo, you kill these people, people start rioting. They're not happy about this shit. So it's better to basically make these people look like they're criminals, better to make these people look low so their supporters are shamed into supporting them instead of turning someone into a martyr.

Because martyrs create more martyrs. This is the thing about Israel. Listen, you can debate all day if Israel has the right to do what they're doing or not. Do you think it's smart to be bombing people who can't really fight back that much? You've literally created 20 million new Muslims or 200 new Muslims worldwide. That's what Israel has done with all these bombings. Whether they win, lose, whatever. They've created so much Muslim sympathy.

They're creating Muslims. I've talked to too many people who became Muslims since Israel bombed Gaza. Wow. Is that what you really wanted? I got to tell you, you know, for people to say the Zionist, the Zionist, that they have an awful lot of free speech to say this and that. You know, Zionist wrote this, Zionist wrote that. And I love the diet. They have a lot of power.

But, I mean, you're free to say a lot of stuff. And people are going to be like, yo, let's be honest here. If you live in America, you're privileged. You are literally privileged to live in this country. There's a difference between American poor and poor. Poor people can't find water. They have leaves to fucking wipe their asses with. That's poor people around the world. Poor in America?

Eating Burger King, have a used car, has a 213 iPhone. You know, it's a difference, guys. America is still the greatest country in the world. But if Kamala Harris becomes president, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to ask the Saudi government for asylum because it is haram to be under a woman in leadership.

So under those circumstances, I'm going to ask asylum from the Saudi government because I'm not going to be governed by a woman. Flat the hell out. Most women who've tried to be in positions of power has failed. They had a UK prime minister who asked like, what, 40 days? This white woman who asked like 40 days. They're talking about feminism and all this other nonsense. 40 days she lasted somewhere around that ballpark.

They're not fit for leadership positions. They're too emotional. Absolutely. I don't care how that sounds. I really don't. One of the worst things that happened in this country, the 19th Amendment was far worse than COVID-19. I'm going to tell people something. I want to be the first in the conservative space to offer the women something. I want to put a deal out there to the American women.

Since we know women hold about 75% of debt in this country. I am willing as a man, and I'm sure a lot of men will be willing to do the same thing. I'm willing as a man to cancel all of women's debt in this country. Every single last penny of it. All you have to do is give up your right to vote. How about that one?

Most people say women won't do it. I think they will. I didn't know they had 75%. 75% of the debt in this country is held by women. Wow. So again, we as men, we cancel your debt. It's going to be hard on us. We're going to have a big burden on our back for at least a decade. It's not going to be fair. I'm willing to take that burden on as other men are to get women out of politics. This is a non-starter anymore.

Let's think about it. Biden took control of America. Let's say he didn't steal the election. Let's say he won legitimately. 67% of single mothers voted for Joe Biden. What happened in Biden's regime? We had the war in Palestine. We had the war in Ukraine. That wouldn't have happened under Trump. So think of all that negative that happened in Ukraine. Millions of people dying. Palestine, Ukraine. Wars that would not have happened if Donald Trump was in power. And who made sure Biden was in power? Trump.

The single mothers. Black women. Camilla's not black. She's Indian. Okay, let's get that straight. Okay? Candace just exposed her grandmother or something? Yeah, Candace having her own problems right now. She's getting close to the truth. Yeah, she's doing something. You know, let's use S. Grant, the United States president. He said that if you want to start a successful revolution...

You have to be willing to give up everything, your life, your money, your family. And you have to accept that that change won't happen in your lifetime. You people who are talking all of this, yo, I'm going to rise up. Are you willing to give that up? No, we live too good in America. So I am basically imploring the American public, vote for Donald Trump.

Unless you enjoy poverty. Unless you enjoy inflation. Unless you enjoy countless wars. You have no choice but to vote for a man who, in a lot of ways, I find despicable. He had three wives. She didn't all of them. I mean, that's just I don't I don't find that appealing in a candidate. But the other side is completely insane.

So you have someone that, okay, you know what? I got some issues with this guy. But this motherfucker's crazy over here. So you have no choice in the matter. Absolutely no choice. Donald Trump must be the President of the United States. And if not, kiss this place goodbye. Simple as that. It is what it is. I like the pieces he put around him. I'll say that. If you don't. He definitely doesn't have the same rhetoric he did in 2016. He's calmed down.

He's probably pretty spooked with the assassinations. I don't think that's why. Really? I think he's cut deals with certain people that he wouldn't have cut deals with in 2016 because that's what needs to be done to win. It is what it is. I think personally I've heard rumors that there's a tape of Camilla Harris and P. Diddy. No. If that comes out, bye-bye.

I've heard rumors that tape exists. I don't think any of his tapes will get leaked. It'll be like Epstein's List. You know, things get leaked when it's beneficial for people in positions of power to leak them. The FBI, at the end of the day, most of the people in the FBI, I would say 70% of the people are very good, hardworking, patriot Americans who love America. The people in charge of the FBI, they take their orders from...

people in the 13 bloodlines. And for people who deny the 13 bloodline Illuminati families exist, again, a Cuban, you're not important to be invited. You're not that important. So, you know, stop it. You know, the 13 is all around us in society. When you go to a court, you have 12 jurors and one judge. One plus 12 is three, 13.

astrology, 12 signs, one sun, 12 plus one, again, 13. The Federal Reserve Banking System, 12 regional banks, and then the main bank in Washington, D.C., 12 plus one again.

So they put this all in society. A team called the 49ers. Four and nine is 13. 76ers. Yeah, and someone's going to say, oh, 1776. Well, how come it's not the 1776? You know, they said 76ers for a reason. They do this all around. McDonald's, Big M, Marathon, Big M. M is the 13th letter. It's there every single time.

And as I exposed last time on your show for the first time in history, Michael Jordan's lucky number. And I pointed out how the first number on his birthday, he's born in 2017, 1963. First number's a two, last number's a three, together 23. Well, he's not the only one who's took advantage of this. There's a guy who's called Sidney Crosby, one of the best hockey players, unless I'm mistaken, one of the best hockey players of this century.

He's born 8-6, 1987. 8-7, 1987 is his birthday. First number eight, last number seven, jersey 87. Again, it's benefiting him. And that's not the only way you can do it. All you got to do is ask Ant-Man, guy who plays for the Minnesota Timberwolves, a guy who's the closest thing to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, that I've ever seen.

He's born in the fifth. He changed his jersey number to number five. He's had his best season in his NBA career. This stuff matters. And I can assure you there's people in positions of power who are using this every day. One more example. What do you think? This is all a mistake? This is not just advertising, folks. Black. B is 2. L is 12. Breaks down to 11. Orange. Breaks down to 33. Black.

11, 33, 44, 4, and 4 is 8. So this combination of colors together make 8. Money. Everything I do has a purpose. Let's talk about Vegas. Vegas was founded in the snake year. The first hotel in Vegas was founded 1941, year of the snake.

Is it safe to say that Steve Wynn revolutionized Vegas? Absolutely. Steve Wynn is born in the Snake year. He made it big in the Snake City. He built the Mirage in 1989. Year of the Snake, and that changed the game in Vegas. Name some others. In Vegas? In Vegas. Mr. Rothstein, the guy who was in the casino movies. He was the big guy in the Vegas scene. And what was he? He was born in the Year of the Snake. You had Howard Hughes, a man who stayed...

at the Desert Inn Hotel. Took top floor for a week, but he didn't gamble. And they're basically saying after a week, yo, you got to get out. We got to give these rooms to high rollers. He bought the casino and he was born in the snake year as well. So the people who were in Vegas who succeeded the most were born in snake years. And let's not forget Floyd Money Mayweather, born in the year of the snake, living in Snake City and...

Was he close to a billionaire status? Yep. Undefeated. So, I mean, you know, was he 50 and 0? If you count him knocking out his girl, he's 51 now. Oh, man. Let's talk about some of your haters, man. You got a few. I mean, listen, I remember I followed a guy who had about 80,000 on Twitter. And as soon as I followed him, his haters start commenting on my Twitter. This guy's a fraud. This guy's this. This guy's that.

I'm like, that's when you know you made it. When you have people who have nothing going in their lives, no families, no money, no nothing, their parents and their families look in their eyes with shame, and all they can think of is tweeting about you or writing about you literally 50 to 100 times a day. I have accounts that are out there who talk about me 50 to 100 times a day. Guys, get a freaking life.

This is sad. This is extremely pathetic. But that's what I noticed. That's what I noticed. Myron. Myron of Fresh and Fit. I'm his manager. And the hate that he puts up with is absolutely insane. You have these two clowns in Canada called Abhi and Preach. And most of their content is about Myron. Literally anything Myron does, they comment on.

Myron's a multimillionaire. He's an immigrant who came to America with his parents and made something of himself. He used to work for the federal government.

This man does nothing but try to help other men out. And then you have clowns like Auburn Preach who have nothing of what he has, and all they do is comment on him. It's not just him. It's a whole wide variety of people. If you go on Twitter, if you go on YouTube, they're literally talking about him. And they're getting paid to do it, but Myron gets demonetized.

So the guy who they're talking about, they get paid to talk about him. But the guy himself doesn't get any money. What type of system is this? It doesn't – it's not fair. But at the end of the day, it tells you that people who have nothing to talk about will talk about people better than them. And they will do it nonstop. Abba and Preach are freaking losers.

and they have no content they can talk about themselves. They have no life experience themselves. So they need to talk about shit about people who are better than they are. And hate usually comes from below. Not all the time, but it usually comes from below. So again, I have a family. I have kids. People want to talk about my family, my kids. They have neither. Guys, go fix your lives. It is what it is. I'm...

fortunate that I live in the best country in the world. That my dad immigrated from the Soviet Union and he had to go through poverty. And I went through poverty when I was young. But because I live in a capitalistic system, I was able to overcome that poverty. And we're both sitting here as millionaires today.

It would not be possible in any other country in the world. And I'll attest to that because I've seen this guy firsthand make half a million dollars off sports betting using numerology. And I've seen that with my own eyes. Yeah, that was quite a dinner. You're the real deal, man. They hit that home run in the eighth inning. Yeah, that was nice. They were down the whole game. Yes, they were. Yes, they were. But, you know, it doesn't matter. It's like horse shoes, bro. It only matters at the end. Yeah. So I'll attest to that because I see the comments of people hating on your bets and predictions. But you're the real deal. Listen, here's what it comes down to.

If you have no hate, you're not going to have any love. If Jesus ever existed, there's one thing he taught us. You have to be hated before you can be loved. And remember, love is usually in the background, silent. The haters are very visible. That's what you people have to understand. And social media is a cesspool, especially Twitter. Twitter is a freaking cesspool at this point. It's got considerably worse since Elon Musk took power.

And again, he wants to talk about free speech and all this other stuff. He doesn't care. It was just because it was personal to him. His daughter is a trans. Brother, I don't care how much money you have. I don't care what you invented. If your daughter's a trans, you failed as a father, which is your number one job as a man. Or at least it should be. I know people in this country a little bit ask backwards, but it just messed up because I remember my dad telling me,

Gary, I ran away from the communists and the Soviet Union, but when they come here, you'll have nowhere to run. And my kids still have to grow up in this country. If Kamala Harris comes to power, that's the end of it. But, I mean, what can we do? What, we need to start an armed rebellion? That's not going to work. I mean, do you understand these people always talk about, yo, we're going to start arming, going against the government. Are you guys insane?

They got drones. Just put a bomb on a drone. You're done. What are you going to do? The only thing you can do is do it politically and do it through peaceful methods. You're not going to beat these people by force. Believe me, you could have beat these people by force. I would have been all about it. You can't do it. You literally can't do it. You have to do it in a peaceful way, you know, and.

I truly believe that once the world starts embracing numerology and astrology for what it is, the prime creator's language, what I call the prime creator is what you call gods. But again, I don't pray to anything. When you pray, you become prey. I keep telling people that if there is a prime creator, which I strongly believe there is, he didn't put us on this planet to pray, okay?

Be a good person. Help the people out. Everyone knows what the difference between right and wrong is. And if the prime creator, which you call God, really did have a child, it wasn't Jesus. It was karma. Because you do anything bad, that bitch is going to fuck you up. That's how it works. Karma is king, not Jesus. Absolutely. Numerology is king.

Not all this other religious nonsense. I mean, it's honestly absurd that we live in the year 2024 and people are still, you know, trying to get you to read a book that's 2,500 years old or 600 years old. And it says it has all the answers within it. You got to be out your fucking mind. You literally got to be out your mind. Like I always tell people I can read people like a book. You've seen it all the time.

can a priest do that can a mom do that can a rabbi do that no they can't because the real knowledge is within the numbers and astrology itself and by the way i don't worship anything it's a tool it's a tool to use to get closer to the prime creator that's all it is that's all it's ever going to be there's but i truly do believe within 2030 by the time me and you were old men by the time we have grandkids

I truly do believe that people will be talking about numerology and astrology and not Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, all this other religious dogma that goes around for humans to evolve. That must happen. I love it, man. Well, we'll end it there. We'll link your app below your socials below and go out there and vote guys. Thanks for coming on again, man. Trump. Go. Peace.