Digging In with Missouri Farm Bureau

Podcast by Digging In with Missouri Farm Bureau


Total: 301

Legislative Update


Eric, Spencer, and BJ unpack all the things happening in D.C. and Jefferson City and then go down a

In this session of our Virtual Legislative Briefing Series, we welcome special guests Governor Mike

Questions about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)? MOFB is teaming up with the Small Business Ad

Missouri Farm Bureau’s 2021 Legislative Briefing will be a series of virtual sessions throughout the

AFBF Resolutions Update


This week Eric was joined by Spencer and BJ to discuss the outcome of the American Farm Bureau Feder

Eric sat down with Clarissa Cauthorn, President of Audrian County Farm Bureau and former Missouri YF

Eric and BJ discuss the upcoming Missouri legislative session, Missouri Farm Bureau's priorities to

Eric Bohl sat down with newly elected Missouri Farm Bureau President Garrett Hawkins to discuss his

Dan Cassidy sat down with President Blake Hurst during his last week on the job to talk about his fa

MOFB podcast producer Elizabeth Wyss spoke with Doug Sikes of Acclaim Press about the upcoming secon

Post Election Victory Lap


MOFB-endorsed candidates and issues batted 1.000 in yesterday's election! Thank you for all of the g

In the final episode of our legislator series, Spencer spoke to Congressman Billy Long about his jou

2020 Ballot Overview


YES on 3 update, plus a rundown of the rest of the ballot. Go to mofb.org/farm-pac/ for a full list

Spencer spoke with Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer about rural policy, his journey to the legislature

In the thrilling sequel to our first #Yeson3 podcast, Spencer, Eric, and BJ discuss the dark money f

In this episode of our legislator series, Spencer spoke with Senator Josh Hawley about his journey t

Spencer called Congressman Sam Graves to discuss agricultural policy, flooding protection, and the b

Spencer sat down with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler to discuss rural broadband, healthcare, and the O

In our second legislator feature, Spencer sat down with Senator Roy Blunt to discuss the effects of

In the first episode of our legislator series, Spencer and BJ sat down with Jason Smith on his farm