What we talk about when we talk about art. Exceptional makers and thinkers across art, literature, f
When Mike Winkelmann, now widely known as the digital artist Beeple, sold an artwork at Christie’s f
A conversation about the influence of the Bauhaus today, and its evolution from a seminal early-twen
To close a tumultuous year, we’re revisiting one of its high points: a conversation that celebrates
A conversation about art criticism that is deeply engaged with the lives of the artists. Olivia Lain
Is seeing believing? In an era of surveillance and “deepfakes” and camera phones, images are more po
An intimate conversation between old friends who’ve leaned on each other creatively since they were
The artist KAWS’s output has been both wide-ranging and radically democratic, from toys to fashion t
A conversation about the power of editors and curators, and all that happens behind the scenes. Doon
A moving, complicated, and at times ecstatic conversation between two groundbreaking women. The arti
Two icons of the comics world—and old friends—tell their cartoonist origin stories, from the psyched
A conversation between two dynamic artists and good friends, P. Staff and Julie Tolentino, whose wor
A conversation with the acclaimed poet and New Yorker writer Cynthia Zarin that transports us to two
Artists Diana Thater, a leading pioneer of video and installation and major figure in the L.A. art c
A timely conversation with the art critic Kyle Chayka, author of The Longing for Less: Living with M
Photographer Tyler Mitchell and critic/curator Antwaun Sargent on the radical power shift from gatek
A special episode dedicated to the late artist Noah Davis, with some of the the people who knew him
A rare conversation between artists who have stayed together for over three decades. The Swedish art
In uncertain and even scary times, host Lucas Zwirner revisits the first episode of Dialogues, in wh
In this episode, the artists Doug Wheeler and Vija Celmins revisit their years in Venice Beach, Cali
Dialogues is a podcast from David Zwirner Gallery and has included guests like Doug Wheeler, Vija Ce