cover of episode Vol.233 | 这没有爆款电影的一年

Vol.233 | 这没有爆款电影的一年

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张彤:2024年中国电影市场整体低迷,票房和观影人次大幅下降,日均票房和观影人次下跌,预示着市场潜在风险。暑期档票房同比大幅下滑,上座率严重下滑。平均购票年龄上升至33岁,主流观众在变老,新的年轻观众没有及时补充进来。未来电影行业需要持续推出符合年轻人观影需求的电影,培养年轻人的观影习惯。爆款电影撬动的票房体量缩小,依靠共振时代情绪引发话题的策略不再有效。好内容才能获得市场认可,电影行业需要更多思考和进步。 程永泰:2024年电影市场低迷,新建影院投资回报率降低,不值得再开设新影院。影院收入主要来自票房分成和卖品广告,但今年卖品和广告收入均下滑。观众对电影预售接受度降低,口碑反馈速度加快,影院需要根据实时情况调整排片策略。影院开始开发新的业态,如剧本杀、真人演出、奥运会转播等,并重映经典老片以弥补内容缺口。天美影业开始转向电影投资业务,但投资收益存在不确定性。对2025年电影市场持乐观态度,认为进口片增加和国内大片上映将带动市场复苏。 陈宇:社会群体分化加剧,不同群体之间难以形成共识,导致电影难以获得广泛认可。影视公司新项目数量和资金规模都在收缩。未来的电影创作趋势将回归到老老实实讲故事,注重类型片创作。 江志强:电影人需要不断寻找新鲜内容,并创作与观众生活更贴近的故事。《坟城》的创作灵感来源于社会新闻报道,注重社会意义和现实关照。单一市场票房不再是唯一的检验标准,海外版权市场销售也是此类电影的出路。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Chinese film market experience a significant decline in 2024?

The Chinese film market declined in 2024 due to economic downturns, conservative consumer behavior, and the rise of micro-dramas diverting audience attention. Additionally, the industry faced issues like ineffective marketing strategies, the failure of traditional big-budget films, and a lack of quality content. The total box office dropped to 395 billion yuan, a decrease of over 100 billion yuan from the previous year, with a 40% decline in moviegoers.

What were the key factors contributing to the failure of big-budget films in 2024?

Big-budget films failed in 2024 due to the ineffectiveness of traditional marketing strategies, such as relying on short video platforms like Douyin, which lost audience trust. Additionally, films by established directors and featuring big stars underperformed, as they failed to resonate with younger audiences. For example, films like 'The One' and 'Decryption' fell short of their expected 1 billion yuan box office targets.

How did the summer box office performance in 2024 compare to previous years?

The summer box office in 2024 saw a significant decline, with total revenue of 116.43 billion yuan, a 43.6% drop compared to 2023's 206.3 billion yuan. Despite a 10.5% increase in the number of screenings, ticket sales plummeted to 283 million, down from 505 million in 2023, indicating a severe drop in attendance.

What strategies are cinemas adopting to cope with declining revenues?

Cinemas are diversifying their offerings by introducing new activities like script murder games and live performances. Additionally, some cinemas have started broadcasting events like the Olympics, which generated 2.442 million yuan in box office revenue. Classic films are also being re-released to attract audiences, with titles like 'Harry Potter' and 'Your Name' achieving significant box office success.

What is the future outlook for the Chinese film industry according to industry experts?

Industry experts believe the future of the Chinese film industry lies in producing content that resonates with younger audiences and focuses on storytelling rather than relying on big budgets or star power. The industry is expected to shift towards smaller, more niche films that cater to specific audience segments. Additionally, the global film industry, including Hollywood, is facing similar challenges, indicating a need for innovation and fresh content worldwide.

  • 2024年中国电影总票房仅为395亿元,同比下降显著
  • 传统大片模式失效,大导演、大制作、大明星不再是票房保证
  • 短视频营销转化率下降
  • 观众对内容要求提高,观影年龄上升
  • 多数影视上市公司持续亏损

Shownotes Transcript





01:10 失灵的法则

05:04 传统大公司离场

08:47 还有必要继续开大型影院吗

10:52 影院开发新业态

13:54 全世界的电影人在寻找新出路

16:31 今年的票房黑马




