CNA's weekly news podcast takes a deep dive into issues that people talk about at dining tables and
X, formerly Twitter, recently announced its official policy to allow consensual production and distr
Food security is a critical issue for Singapore because it imports more than 90 per cent of its prod
The closure of Thambi magazine store after 80 years was met with shock and sadness. But is it unreal
The Ministry of Health is looking to curb the "excessive issuance" of medical certificates (MCs), es
Newly appointed Prime Minister Lawrence Wong announced his Cabinet line-up ahead of his inauguratio
The recent accident in Tampines which killed two people has raised questions about Singapore's drivi
In our second part on the issue of falling fertility rates in Singapore, Minister Indranee Rajah giv
Singapore’s total fertility rate has fallen to a historic low of 0.97. Citizens aren’t having enough
Come Dec 1, all companies in Singapore must have a process in place when their staff ask for formal
In this first episode of a brand-new CNA podcast called Deep Dive, hosts Steven Chia and Crispina Ro
Your favourite news podcast Heart of the Matter returns for a new season with a brand new look and s
Australia is the latest country to propose legislation around the right for workers to disconnect af
Feedback on littering offences has increased, and rat-related problems are on the rise. Coffee shop
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons in Singapore schools came under public scrutiny re
Some of the first batch of residents who moved into Singapore's newest HDB town have complained of l
It was recently announced that casual racism allegations will be investigated as disciplinary breach
There’s been a worrying rise in the number of young people arrested for drug abuse, with the younges
From significant top-ups to SkillsFuture credits to ITE students getting incentives to upskill, Budg
The number of retrenchments went up in 2023 and workers are facing the brunt of a more volatile busi
Out of 81 countries, 15-year-olds in Singapore topped the Pisa table in reading, math and science. B