Debunking Economics - the podcast

Economist Steve Keen talks to Phil Dobbie about the failings of the neoclassical economics and how i


Total: 437

The EU is debating whether funding to protect economies from the ravages of the Corona virus should

Italy is getting swamped in corona virus cases, whilst China claims the only new infections now come

How did we get here?


How did we allow the spread of the Caronavirus happen? Why were governments and health services so u

One of the questions we might be left with after the virus has left us, will be have we become too r

Do we need a Corona bond?


Central banks have cut interest rates, some governments have introduced stimulus measures. But still

We know what makes up the measure of gross domestic product – it is increases in private or governme

The manufacturing numbers from China at the weekend showed how hard the sector was hit by the lockdo

The US government is now running a debt exceeding $23 trillion. When Donald Trump cam rot office it

The multiplier is a basic concept of economics. If you come across some money and spend it, the pers

Central banks started life as clearing houses and have evolved into instruments to, supposedly, prot

Artificial intelligence is everywhere it seems, except perhaps in parliament and in quite a few news

Today Phil Dobbie talks to Prof Steve Keen about Milton Friedman’s concept of nominal value ,and how

Davos does diddly-squat


The world leaders met at Davos and discussed climate change. Greta Thunberg told them they weren’t d

US equities, in fact shares around the world, seem to be running away with themselves right now. Is

Who’d have thought it – Steve Keen and Phil Dobbie turn out to be a couple of royalists. As Harry an

2019 was quite a year. We had the ongoing Brexit saga, the US China trade war, Europe close to reces

It’s taken us a few years to tackle the obvious topic for the Debunking Economics podcast, what are

It’s one of the basic constructs of classical economics – the concept of the opportunity cost. Steve

In this edition of the Debunking Economics Podcast Phil Dobbie and Steve Keen discuss business cycle

Economists predict GDP growth by looking at business investment, government and consumer spending, p