cover of episode Talking Dateline: The Butterfly

Talking Dateline: The Butterfly

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Dateline NBC

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Andrea Canning
经验丰富的《Dateline NBC》记者和主播,专注于真实犯罪报道。
Josh Mankiewicz
Andrea Canning: 本集讲述了21岁艺术系学生凯特琳·马克汉姆于2011年夏天在俄亥俄州家中失踪的案件,历经十余年才最终破获。案件展现了警方在侦破过程中的优劣之处,既有出色的警务工作,也有令人难以置信的疏忽,例如对嫌犯电脑使用情况的误判以及对关键证人(受害者父亲)的调查不够深入。同时,一位匿名捐助者资助的私人侦探也对案件的侦破起到了关键作用。最终,凶手John Carter被捕,但其量刑结果(三年)引发了广泛争议。受害者家属虽然对结果不尽满意,但他们得到了某种程度的交代,并正在为修改相关法律(Caitlin's Law)而努力,以避免类似案件再次发生。 Josh Mankiewicz: 对案件中警方的表现进行了评价,指出警方在技术侦察和证人调查方面存在不足,并与Andrea Canning讨论了退休后开设私人侦探事务所的可能性。同时,他也对案件中一些细节进行了分析,例如凶手在审讯中的表现以及受害者父亲在案件中的角色。 Paul Newton: 讲述了他在玻璃吹制课上逮捕嫌犯John Carter的经过,生动展现了抓捕过程的戏剧性。 Justin Smith: 就观众对案件中John Carter三年量刑的疑问进行了解答,解释了检方最终选择认罪协议的原因,以及案件中证据不足的困境。同时,他还回应了观众对受害者父亲Dave Markham的疑问,解释了警方对其进行盘问的原因以及其在案件中所扮演的角色。 Dave Markham: 作为受害者父亲,Dave Markham在案件中表现出坚韧和执着,他积极配合警方调查,并为女儿的案件奔走呼吁。

Deep Dive

Andrea Canning and Josh Mankiewicz discuss the Dateline episode "The Butterfly," which covers the disappearance and murder of Katelyn Markham. They talk about the initial police investigation, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses, and the eventual involvement of investigator Paul Newton.
  • Katelyn Markham disappeared in 2011, and her fiancé, John Carter, was eventually arrested for her murder.
  • The initial police investigation had flaws, including a delayed interview with Markham's father and reliance on potentially misleading computer activity.
  • A private investigator, funded by an anonymous benefactor, played a role in the case.
  • The arrest of John Carter took place during a glass-blowing class he was teaching.

Shownotes Transcript

Andrea Canning talks with Josh Mankiewicz about her episode “The Butterfly.” When 21-year-old art student Katelyn Markham suddenly vanished from her Ohio home in the summer of 2011, her friends and family knew something was terribly wrong. It would take more than a decade for her killer to be arrested. Andrea plays Josh an extra clip from her interview with the investigator who cracked the case. And Mankiewicz & Canning, anyone? Josh and Andrea talk about a potential future business endeavor.

Listen to the full episode of "The Butterfly" here: