cover of episode Talking Dateline: Secrets on the Emerald Coast

Talking Dateline: Secrets on the Emerald Coast

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Dateline NBC

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Andrea Canning
经验丰富的《Dateline NBC》记者和主播,专注于真实犯罪报道。
Keith Morrison
Keith Morrison: 本节目讲述了2011年佛罗里达州发生的一起谋杀案,受害者是年轻母亲玛丽·卡尔森。她失踪前曾与教会牧师及其妻子住在一起,三人之间存在着复杂的关系。调查揭露了他们之间隐藏的秘密和可能的谋杀动机。牧师最终承认杀害了玛丽,并描述了作案过程和埋尸地点。这起案件反映了宗教人士也可能犯下严重罪行,以及人们对宗教领袖的信任容易被滥用。此外,本案也体现了侦探的坚持和母性的直觉在破案中的重要作用。 Andrea Canning: 作为节目的主持人,我与Keith Morrison一起讨论了这起案件的细节,包括受害者玛丽·卡尔森的性格特征,以及牧师夫妇与玛丽之间不寻常的关系。我们还探讨了牧师的布道中出现的一夫多妻制的思想,以及这与案件之间的关联。节目中,我们播放了凶手的部分供词,并回答了观众在社交媒体上提出的问题,例如凶手是否事先计划了谋杀,以及牧师的妻子是否知情等。

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Shownotes Transcript

Keith Morrison and Andrea Canning sit down to talk about Keith’s classic episode, “Secrets on the Emerald Coast,” about the 2011 murder of young mother Marie Carlson in Florida. Marie vanished after allegedly leaving her baby with her pastor, James Flanders, and his wife, Tanya. The investigation into Marie’s disappearance revealed a tangled relationship among the three and a possible motive for murder. Keith shares a clip from the killer’s confession to investigators. Plus, Keith answers viewer and listener questions from social media and talks about his father, who was a minister with The United Church of Canada.

Listen to the full episode of "Secrets on the Emerald Coast" here: