cover of episode Fallout from the Karen Read trial. The Ponzi and poison case. And for Domestic Violence Awareness Month: how to help.

Fallout from the Karen Read trial. The Ponzi and poison case. And for Domestic Violence Awareness Month: how to help.

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Dateline NBC

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Andrea Canning
经验丰富的《Dateline NBC》记者和主播,专注于真实犯罪报道。
Chloe Mills
Jay Yang
Julie Mayer
Kierston Glavin
Andrea Canning: 本期节目讨论了Karen Read审判的影响,西弗吉尼亚州一名药剂师的庞氏骗局和可能的投毒案,以及如何帮助遭受家庭暴力的人。节目中还介绍了马萨诸塞州一起失踪案的最新进展,以及对主要调查员的审查。 Kierston Glavin: 本案的主要调查员Michael Porter也参与了Karen Read案的调查,并因其在该案中的行为受到审查。这引发了人们对Ona Walsh案调查的质疑。调查人员在搜查中发现了刀具、血迹和清洁用品,并找到了监控录像显示受害者丈夫购买清洁用品。在垃圾处理厂找到了一个垃圾袋,里面装着受害者的物品。 Jay Yang: 西弗吉尼亚州一名药剂师因欺诈罪认罪后,又被指控犯有谋杀罪。检方认为,她用胰岛素杀害了她的丈夫,以掩盖她的庞氏骗局。辩方则认为,她的丈夫死于自然原因,并且他知道她的欺诈行为。 Chloe Mills:Menendez兄弟的案件因新的证据而再次成为头条新闻,这些证据可能导致他们的判决被重新审查。新的证据包括一封信和一份宣誓书,这些证据支持兄弟俩关于他们被父亲性侵犯的说法。一位律师声称代表120名新的性侵犯指控者,指控肖恩·康姆斯等人。 Julie Mayer: One Love基金会旨在教育年轻人识别健康和不健康的恋爱关系中的行为模式。区分健康和不健康关系的关键在于是否存在不断升级的不健康行为模式。在不健康的恋爱关系中,寻求朋友、家人或专业人士的帮助非常重要,并制定安全计划。

Deep Dive

The disappearance and murder investigation of Honor Read, including the involvement of lead investigator Michael Porter and the connection to another high-profile case.
  • Honor Read's disappearance and the subsequent murder charge against her husband, Brian Walsh.
  • The role of lead investigator Michael Porter and his connection to another high-profile case.
  • Questions raised about the integrity of the investigation due to Porter's past conduct.

Shownotes Transcript

Listen to this week's episode of the Dateline: True Crime Weekly podcast with Andrea Canning. On the show, the lead investigator on the Karen Read case comes under scrutiny for his work in another murder investigation. And new details in the case of the West Virginia pharmacist already serving time for fraud who now faces murder charges. Plus, it's Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We talk to an expert about how to help friends in an abusive relationship. To get new episodes every Thursday, follow here:

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