cover of episode My plastic surgery journey + the honest truth (botox, fillers, rhinoplasty & more)

My plastic surgery journey + the honest truth (botox, fillers, rhinoplasty & more)

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Date Yourself Instead

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alyssa: 我分享了我的整形手术经历,包括填充剂、肉毒杆菌和隆鼻手术。我做了面部填充和肉毒杆菌注射,包括额头、下巴和咬肌。我还做了眉部提升和头皮肉毒杆菌注射,以及唇部提升肉毒杆菌注射。我还做了嘴唇填充,已经持续7年了。我非常注重自然效果,通常只注射半支注射剂。这些手术通常只需要20分钟就能完成。我信任我的医生,并根据自己的意愿进行调整。这些手术并非永久性的,这让我感到安心。我没有做过面部填充,只对嘴唇进行填充,因为我听说面部填充会有移位、结块等问题。我通过注射咬肌肉毒杆菌来瘦脸,这改善了我因TMJ(颞下颌关节紊乱)引起的疼痛和面部肿胀。我强烈建议大家在做任何手术前咨询医生并做好研究。隆鼻手术是我做过最大的手术,我做了很多研究,最终选择了一位土耳其的医生。手术过程很紧张,因为我是独自一人前往土耳其进行手术的。术后恢复过程也很辛苦,但最终结果让我非常满意。我对整形手术的看法是:如果你能因此感到更自信和快乐,那就去做吧。当然,这需要你做好充分的研究,并选择你信任的医生。整形手术可能会让人上瘾,所以一定要谨慎。

Deep Dive

Alyssa discusses the reasons behind her decision to undergo plastic surgery, addressing common questions and her personal journey.
  • Alyssa shares her experience with plastic surgery due to frequent inquiries about her changed appearance.
  • She emphasizes the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in one's own skin.
  • Alyssa acknowledges the conflicting perspectives on plastic surgery, highlighting the societal pressure to embrace natural beauty while also validating the desire for self-improvement.

Shownotes Transcript

I've had so many questions about the cosmetic work I've had done, and this episode is dedicated to full transparency about all of the procedures I've tried, have done, and still currently do.

JOIN MY MASTERCLASS DARE TO DETACH) Doors open again soon, can't wait to see you there x

If you loved this episode or have any more questions, always feel free to dm me @lyss @dateyourselfinstead.