Welcome to DataFramed, a weekly podcast exploring how artificial intelligence and data are changing
This week Hugo speaks with Dr. Brandeis Marshall, about people of color and under-represented groups
In episode 50, our Season 1, 2018 finale of DataFramed, the DataCamp podcast, Hugo speaks with Cathy
Hugo speaks with Wes McKinney, creator of the pandas project for data analysis tools in Python and a
In this episode of DataFramed, the DataCamp podcast, Hugo speaks with Angela Bassa about managing da
Hugo speaks with Peter Bull about the importance of human-centered design in data science. Peter is
In this episode of DataFramed, a DataCamp podcast, Hugo speaks with Arnaub Chatterjee. Arnaub is a S
In this episode of DataFramed, Hugo speaks with Cassie Kozyrkov, Chief Decision Scientist at Google
In this episode of DataFramed, Hugo speaks with Brian Granger, co-founder and co-lead of Project Jup
Hugo speaks with Andrew Gelman about statistics, data science, polling, and election forecasting. An
Hugo speaks with Vicki Boykis about what full-stack end-to-end data science actually is, how it work
Hugo speaks with Allen Downey about uncertainty in data science. Allen is a professor of Computer Sc
Hugo speaks with Renee Teate about the many paths to becoming a data scientist. Renee is a Data Scie
Hugo speaks with Eric Colson, Chief Algorithms Officer at Stitch Fix, an online personal styling ser
Meet Tanya Cashorali, a founding partner of TCB Analytics, a Boston-based data consultancy. Tanya st
Hugo speaks with JD Long, VP of risk management for Renaissance reinsurance, about applications of d
Hugo speaks with Christie Bahlai, Assistant Professor at Kent State University, about data science,
Hugo speaks with Yves Hilpisch about how data science is disrupting finance. Yves’ name is synonymou
Hugo speaks with Amber Thomas about data journalism, interactive visualization and data storytelling
What are the biggest challenges in Pharmaceuticals that data science can help to solve? How are data
Hugo speaks with Derek Johnson, an epidemiologist with Doctors without Borders. Derek leverages stat