This show goes behind the scenes for the tools, techniques, and difficulties associated with the dis
Summary There are extensive and valuable data sets that are available outside the bounds of your org
Summary Data engineering is a large and growing subject, with new technologies, specializations, and
Summary Building a data platform is a journey, not a destination. Beyond the work of assembling a se
Summary Building and maintaining reliable data assets is the prime directive for data engineers. Whi
Summary The perennial challenge of data engineers is ensuring that information is integrated reliabl
Summary The ecosystem for data tools has been going through rapid and constant evolution over the pa
Summary The proliferation of sensors and GPS devices has dramatically increased the number of applic
Summary The most complicated part of data engineering is the effort involved in making the raw data
Summary Data analysis is a valuable exercise that is often out of reach of non-technical users as a
Summary Metadata is the lifeblood of your data platform, providing information about what is happeni
Summary Unstructured data takes many forms in an organization. From a data engineering perspective t
Summary Building a well rounded and effective data team is an iterative process, and the first hire
Summary The best way to make sure that you don’t leak sensitive data is to never have it in th
Summary Cloud services have made highly scalable and performant data platforms economical and manage
Summary The latest generation of data warehouse platforms have brought unprecedented operational sim
Summary A large fraction of data engineering work involves moving data from one storage location to
Summary The interfaces and design cues that a tool offers can have a massive impact on who is able t
Summary Machine learning has become a meaningful target for data applications, bringing with it an i
Summary Industrial applications are one of the primary adopters of Internet of Things (IoT) technolo
Summary Designing a data platform is a complex and iterative undertaking which requires accounting f