Data Archives - Software Engineering Daily

Databases and data engineering episodes of Software Engineering Daily


Total: 99

Big data analytics is the process of collecting data, processing and cleaning it, then analyzing it

DevOps has shortened the development life cycle for countless applications and is embraced by compa

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that combines strong technical skills with industry know

Big Data has exploded the past decade as cloud computing and more efficient hardware made scaling e

There are over 4 billion people using email. Many people using email for business communicate quick

Continuous integration is a coding practice where engineers deliver incremental and frequent code c

ELT is a process for copying data from a source system into a target system. It stands for “Extract

Uber is one of many examples we’ve discussed on this show that has changed the world with big data

The quantity and quality of a company’s data can mean the difference between a major success or maj

The company StreamSets is enabling DataOps practices in today’s enterprises. StreamSets is a data e

Delivering Saas products involves a lot more than just building the product. Saas management involv

Amundsen was started at Lyft and is the leading open-source data catalog with the fastest-growing c

Data exploration uses visual exploration to understand what is in a dataset and the characteristics

Cloud data warehouses are databases hosted in cloud environments. They provide typical benefits of

Apache Superset is an open-source, fast, lightweight and modern data exploration and visualization

Columnar databases store and retrieve columns of data rather than rows of data. Each block of data

Apache Hudi is an open-source data management framework used to simplify incremental data processin

An Application Programming Interface, API for short, is the connector between 2 applications. For e

The traveling salesman problem is a classic challenge of finding the shortest and most efficient ro