cover of episode 28: The Many Crimes of The Nestle Company

28: The Many Crimes of The Nestle Company

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Dark History

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Bailey Sarian
本期节目探讨了雀巢公司长期以来存在的诸多不当行为,包括其婴儿配方奶粉的营销策略、宠物食品中的有害物质、与工会领袖谋杀案的关联、水资源私有化以及童工问题等。这些行为对消费者、动物和环境造成了严重损害,引发了广泛的社会关注和批评。节目主持人Bailey Sarian详细介绍了这些事件,并对雀巢公司的行为表示强烈谴责。她指出,雀巢公司为了追求利润最大化,不惜牺牲道德和社会责任,其行为令人震惊和愤怒。她呼吁消费者关注这些问题,并采取行动抵制雀巢公司的产品,以迫使该公司承担责任。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with the host discussing her personal experience with Nestle's bottled water, leading to a deeper dive into the controversies surrounding the Nestle company.

Shownotes Transcript

How did Nestle go from feeding babies to poisoning puppies? Well let me tell you it is a bumpy ride.  As Nestle continued to grow, their scandals got bigger and bigger. Today we dive into just a few of the shady, shady things Nestle has done over the years.