cover of episode 15: Who gave the Philly Police a friggin’ BOMB?!: The 1985 MOVE Bombing

15: Who gave the Philly Police a friggin’ BOMB?!: The 1985 MOVE Bombing

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Dark History

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Bailey Sarian
本集播客详细讲述了1985年费城警察对MOVE组织住所的炸弹袭击事件。MOVE组织是一个结合了黑人解放和环保主义思想的组织,他们自认为是一个宗教团体,并视其领导者John Africa为神圣人物。John Africa提倡和平,但同时认为人们应该反抗系统,即由掌权的白人创造的污染、无家可归、毒瘾、种族主义、犯罪和战争等一切负面事物。MOVE组织与费城警方长期存在冲突,警方多次骚扰和逮捕MOVE成员,并最终在1985年5月13日对MOVE组织住所投掷炸弹,导致11人死亡,61座房屋被毁。此次事件反映了美国警民关系紧张,以及种族歧视和政府暴力等社会问题。事件发生后,警方和政府对事件的处理方式存在争议,许多人认为警方和政府应对事件负有责任,但至今仍未有人为此承担法律责任。本集播客还探讨了美国警察队伍的军事化以及里根政府的军事合作法案等相关背景。

Deep Dive

The MOVE organization was founded by John Africa in the 1970s, combining black liberation and environmentalism. They lived communally,反对技术、政府和公司,并相信和平。

Shownotes Transcript

In 1985, after a chaotic shootout and an hours-long standoff, the Philadelphia Police dropped a bomb on the home of the MOVE organization, a black liberation and environmentalist group. What? Why? How? Today, Bailey is going to get into that, but just know it killed 11 people and destroyed 61 surrounding homes. It took 35 years for the city to even apologize.   Episode sponosrs include: Liquid IV, Public Goods, Wicked Clothes and ShipStation!  Learn more during the podcast about special offers!  For 10% off go to and use promo code DARKHISTORY.