cover of episode The Disappearance of Reina Morales Rojas (Massachusetts)

The Disappearance of Reina Morales Rojas (Massachusetts)

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本集讲述了雷娜·莫拉莱斯·罗哈斯于2022年11月26日在马萨诸塞州失踪的案件。雷娜最后一次被人看到是在东波士顿,之后在萨默维尔下车。尽管她很快就被报失踪,但公众直到近两个月后才得知此事。如果没有像露西·皮内达这样的倡导者介入,雷娜的家人怀疑她的故事是否会见诸报端。现在,四个月过去了,雷娜仍然没有回家,信息也很匮乏。她的孩子和在萨尔瓦多的姐姐每天都期盼着她的任何消息,同时也在为这个案件争取关注,这个案件的关注度来得太晚了。 露西·帕内塔:作为Latinos Unidos en Massachusetts的执行主任,我致力于帮助拉丁美洲社区。当我知道雷娜失踪的消息后,我联系了她的家人和当地官员,试图了解更多信息。但没有人听说过她的名字,她的名字甚至没有被添加到全国失踪和身份不明人员系统数据库中。因此,我号召LUMA社区采取行动,在社交媒体上发布视频,并亲自寻找雷娜。我们还写信给波士顿警方,批评他们对雷娜失踪案的处理不力。 凯莉·洛:本集节目采访了露西·皮内达,深入探讨了雷娜·莫拉莱斯·罗哈斯失踪案,以及该案件中警方回应迟缓和种族歧视的质疑。我们分析了警方在处理此案时与其他失踪女性案件相比的差异,以及由此引发的关于警方处理失踪人口案件中是否存在系统性问题的讨论。 露西·帕内塔:我感到悲伤,因为我是一个女人,一个母亲,我也有孩子。作为一个活动家,作为一个女人,我们有一群女性,赋权女性,我们每天都在教育她们,我们需要信任我们的权威,如果我们有任何紧急情况,我们需要拨打911。如果我们看到这样的案件,我们怎么能信任他们?他们怎么能建立信任?我们像我一样逃离萨尔瓦多的这些妇女,我们逃离不同的拉丁美洲国家,因为我们来自一个危险的国家。我们不相信,我们不信任警察,我们不信任军队,因为妇女失踪了,你永远不知道她们发生了什么。所以现在看起来我感觉像是在20世纪80年代。我觉得我又回到了20世纪80年代的萨尔瓦多,妇女失踪了,没有人关心发生了什么。

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Reina Morales Rojas was last seen in Somerville after being dropped off there. Despite being reported missing soon after, her case did not gain public attention for almost two months, raising concerns about the response to her disappearance.

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On November 26th, 2022, 41-year-old Reyna Morales Rojas got into a car in East Boston, Massachusetts, and sometime later was dropped off in nearby Somerville.

That's the last time anyone had seen or heard from the mother of two.

Though she was reported missing soon after, the public didn't hear anything about Reyna's disappearance for almost two months. And if advocates like Lucy Pineda of Latinos Unidos in Massachusetts hadn't stepped in to help bring attention to her case, Reyna's family wonders if her story would have ever made the news. Now, four months later, Reyna still isn't home, and information is scarce.

Her children and sister in El Salvador, who once spoke to her every single day, await any sign that she is okay, all while fighting for attention on her case that took far too long to receive in the first place. I'm Kylie Lowe, and with Lucy Pineda, this is the case of Reyna Morales Rojas on Dark Down East.

41-year-old Reyna Morales Rojas came to the United States from El Salvador just after Mother's Day in May of 2022, making her home in East Boston. She is a mother of two children, but Reyna had to leave the kids behind with their aunt, Reyna's sister Alicia Morales, to find work and a better life in Massachusetts until she could be together with her children again.

She'd been a police officer back in El Salvador, but in Boston, Reyna worked in food services and catering at Logan International Airport. Being so far away from her family, Reyna stayed in touch with her sister and children almost constantly. November 26, 2022 was no different for Reyna and Alicia.

They had a long conversation earlier in the day, as they usually did. But when Alicia tried to contact her sister the next morning, she didn't hear back. It immediately struck her as odd. Alicia tried everything to get in touch with her sister that day. Texts, WhatsApp, phone calls, but Reina was radio silent.

According to reporting in the Boston Globe by Hannah Kruger and Tiana Woodard, Raina had two cell phones, one she got for her birthday in October and her old phone that she still kept active and on despite having a new one. Raina always wanted to be reachable, so the fact that she wasn't responding to texts or picking up call after call was unusual.

Alicia couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, so she reached out to Raina's boyfriend, as well as her landlord. According to Boston Globe columnist Marcela Garcia, who spoke to WBUR's The Common podcast, Raina's boyfriend hadn't heard from her since the night before, and he couldn't get in touch with her either. When Alicia spoke to Raina's landlord, he told her that Raina never returned home on the night of November 26th.

Being in El Salvador and unable to travel to the United States, there was little Alicia could do to track down her sister herself other than keep trying to reach her. But finally, after almost a full day of no contact, Reyna's boyfriend and landlord went into the Boston Police Department to report Reyna Morales Rojas missing on November 27, 2022.

Although Reyna was reported missing in November of 2022, her disappearance wasn't made public until January 12, 2023. When Boston police did release a missing person alert, Reyna's name was at first spelled incorrectly. In the alert, Reyna is described as a Hispanic female, 5'5", 145 pounds, with black hair and brown eyes.

They included several photos of her, each one showing Raina looking slightly different.

She liked to play with her appearance. She had different makeup, hairstyles, and hair colors in each one. Also in the alert, Boston police disclosed that Raina was last seen getting into a car in the area of Bennington Street in East Boston on the evening of November 26th and was later dropped off on Alston Street in Somerville. That's about an eight and a half mile distance between each last known location. The

The first 48 hours after someone goes missing are the most critical. But 46 days passed before Boston police circulated that missing persons alert. Raina's sister Alicia tried to get police to respond and search for Raina sooner.

They just told her to let them know when she heard from Raina. But that was the entire issue. Alicia hadn't heard from Raina, and she didn't know how else to get police to understand or care that not hearing from her sister for so long, not even a text to check in on her kids, was extremely unusual and concerning. Something was wrong, and no one seemed to give a damn.

As Alicia Morales fought to get any attention and answers from Boston police, Telemundo Boston, a Spanish-language Boston news outlet owned by NBC Universal, picked up the story. That's how Lucy Panetta first heard about Reyna's disappearance. Lucy, who is also from El Salvador like Reyna, is an activist and the executive director of Latinos Unidos en Massachusetts, also known as LUMA.

LUMA contributes to the development of the Latin American community with their mission of protecting the rights, educating, organizing, and empowering the immigrant community in Massachusetts. Two days after Lucy heard the Telemundo news report about Reyna's disappearance, a different news outlet contacted her for comment.

One of the English media, they call me and they ask what is LUMA doing regarding Reyna's case. So I ask them if any organization is already involved.

Lucy reached out to Reyna's family to learn more about her, where she was from, where she lived and worked.

Lucy also contacted the chief of police in the city of Everett, where Luma is based. She contacted state representatives and other local leaders to see if anyone knew anything about Raina's disappearance. But no one had even heard her name. Raina's name hadn't even been added to NAMIS yet, the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System database.

So, Lucy called the Luma community to action. They started posting live videos on social media, alerting their followers about Raina's disappearance, and they took to the streets looking for her themselves.

We went to look for Reyna on those places that we read in the news that she was from East Boston. They picked up her in East Boston and they left in Somerville. So we started looking for her. We organized and we mobilized our members, our volunteers, and the world community and

We start making live videos and we make a press release to demand to our authorities to take actions in the case of Reina Morales Rojas. The state of Massachusetts has a one-page info sheet available online detailing the recommended missing persons protocol.

The first step is to contact local law enforcement and communicate the risks to police so that any urgency is understood. This step includes the parenthetical comment, "Advocacy may be required for police action." Advocacy is what Lucy Panetta does best. She wrote two letters to the Boston Police Department. According to the Boston Globe, her first one, sent on January 17th, received no response from BPD.

She sent the second on January 21st. It reads, in part, " is of grave concern to our community that the authorities have done little to move forward with the investigation of this case until now, and without pressure from organizations such as ours."

Those letters were accompanied by social media posts and a vigil held in Reyna's honor outside the District A7 East Boston Police Station. LUMA members held signs with Reyna's face and waved their words on neon posters. "Police silence is police complicity" and "Latino Lives Matter," they read. Finally, Lucy got the attention of Boston police and detectives agreed to meet.

She planned to attend their scheduled January 25th meeting with attorneys from Lawyers for Civil Rights, working pro bono on Lucy and Luma's behalf. But the attorneys later told the Boston Globe that police nearly canceled the meeting when they showed up. Not wanting to lose the opportunity to learn more about what was happening with Raina's case, Lucy spoke to police without that legal representation.

Lucy challenged Boston police on their response to Raina's disappearance and asked why it took so long to publicize her case. When I talked to the detective from East Boston and I asked, why are you guys release this case 47 days after when you guys supposed to release this information 24 hours after or 48 hours after? So why you did this 47 days after?

The answer was, oh, because Reyna, she don't have no family in here. So it was hard for us to ask for information about her family, what kind of friends or whatever she have in the state.

But in a public statement to the Boston Globe, the Boston Police Department's Chief of Communications, Mary Ellen Burns, alluded that the search started immediately, even if the public wasn't notified for almost two months. The statement reads in part, quote, End quote.

Later, in an email statement to MassLive, Burns said, quote, it could have and should have been done sooner, end quote. None of this sat well with Lucy. Within the same few weeks that Raina's disappearance was publicly announced, the disappearances of other Massachusetts women received ample police attention and press coverage. Anna Walsh from Cohasset, Massachusetts, was reported missing by her coworkers on January 4th, 2023.

The very next day, Cohasset Police announced their search for Anna, with Massachusetts State Police joining the effort days later. The story made national headlines and took over the news cycle. Brittany T. from Brookfield, Massachusetts, was reported missing by her family on January 13, 2023. Within three days, her disappearance was made public, and state police joined the search effort within the same week.

Another Massachusetts woman, Lori Baxter, was last heard from on December 28, 2022. Though her case does not appear to be nearly as widely publicized as Brittany T. or Anna Walsh, the first public announcements of the search for Lori Baxter were made public within two weeks of her last known contact. One clear difference between the cases of these three women and Reyna Morales Rojas, the three women are white.

You know, I feel like this is racist because the way they treat the people when they went to report Reyna. I think they feel like, oh, okay, she's a Latino. She's undocumented. Nobody knows what's going on with her or whatever.

In the same month, four women was missing. Three women was white and one was a Latino. And I said, "Thank you, because you're doing a good job with the three white women." But I want to see the same, the same actions with Reyna. Why are you guys use drums, helicopters, use state troopers, dogs, everything, all the resources to find these three women and you forget about Reyna.

Lucy Panetta and Luma's efforts brought attention not only to Raina's disappearance, but also to the glaring inconsistencies in how missing persons cases are handled within Boston Police and Massachusetts as a whole.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu and Police Commissioner Michael Cox met with Lucy and Reyna's sister Alicia via Zoom in late January. According to reporting by Marcela Garcia in the Boston Globe, Commissioner Cox explained in that meeting that the police were committed and had been committed to finding Reyna since day one. Mayor Wu told the Globe that she was looking closer at the delay between Reyna's disappearance and the public notice.

What should also be included in those efforts is informing the public. But Wu acknowledged that there was no formal procedure for when that should happen.

Quote, we need to evaluate our larger procedures for when a public call goes out, end quote.

On February 26, 2023, the three-month mark since Reyna disappeared, six Boston City Council members penned a letter to Mayor Wu and Commissioner Cox calling out the dismissive treatment in the case of Reyna Morales Rojas. The letter reads, in part, quote, "Unfortunately, the type of response Ms. Morales Rojas' case received reflects a nationwide pattern.

End quote.

Although Reyna is an undocumented immigrant, Boston Police Department Chief of Communications Maryellen Burns told that immigration status is, quote, "not something Boston police officers ask about or are concerned with in any way," end quote. But the fact that Reyna is an immigrant is important context for understanding the larger issues at play in her case.

Lucy explained to me that as it is, immigrant women lack trust in police, stemming from experiences in their home countries. Raina's case has done nothing to quell those fears.

You know, I feel sad, sad, because I am a woman. I am a mother. I have child. And as an activist, as a woman, that we have a group of women, empowering women, that we educate them every single day, that we need to trust in our authorities, that we need to call 911 if we have any emergency. How can we trust in them? How can they build trust?

if we see cases like this one.

We flee these women's like myself from El Salvador, we fleeing from different Latin American countries because we're coming from a dangerous country. We don't believe, we don't trust in police, we don't trust in the military because women they missing and you never know what's going on with them. So now it looks like I feel like I am in 1980s. I feel like I am going back

Like I am in El Salvador again from 1980s that women's missing and nobody's care what's going on. On March 8th, 2023, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey proposed a new Missing and Unidentified Persons Coordination Unit to support local law enforcement agencies in their response to missing persons cases.

She called for $300,000 of the 2024 fiscal year budget to fund the unit, saying, quote, End quote.

The proposal is a testament to just how hard Lucy Pineda and Luma have advocated for the case of Reyna Morales Rojas and bringing attention to police response when a person, and when a person of color, goes missing. But the most important fact remains: four months later, Reyna still isn't home.

I talk to them every day with the kids and also I went to El Salvador, I meet with the kids and it's sad, it's, you know, because especially in this moment now every day counts. We're going to have on the 26th four months that Reina was missing and we don't know anything. We don't have nothing new. Everything's still the same.

As of this episode's original release date, it has been four months since Reyna Morales Rojas was last seen in Somerville, Massachusetts. The Boston Police Department said via a statement to MassLive in late February 2023, quote, We have shared information and photos of Ms. Rojas widely with other law enforcement agencies. We have conducted dozens of interviews, utilized other investigative tools, and followed up on all leads that we have received,

or uncovered as of this writing." As the investigation continues, Lucy Panetta continues to advocate for Raina and her family.

It's hard because we've been talking to them every, you know, I always send them message, emails. We have meetings and I'm tired with the same information. Oh, this case is open. We cannot give more information about this case because it's open. And I say, listen, I already know that. I don't want to hear the same story. I already know that the case is open.

It's under investigation. I'm not asking you for names, address, phone numbers. I just want to know what's going on. I will make sure... I will...

know that you guys doing your job when you find Reina and you return Reina to us and we can return Reina to her kit but right now I was still thinking that you guys not doing anything and you not care for this this case

Between phone calls with detectives and the media, and dedicating her time and energy to keeping Reyna Morales Rojas in the public eye, Lucy stays in constant contact with Reyna's family in El Salvador. The conversations with Reyna's children weigh heavy on her heart.

They're still waiting and they're still missing and they're still thinking that they will receive a phone call from their mom. And something that it's made me so, you know, sad because they...

I have that hope that I will find a mom. And Kimberly, that I've been talking, I talk to her every single day. And she say, Lucy, I know. I know you will find my mom. And, you know, it's hard. It's hard for me because I don't know.

Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Reyna Morales Rojas is advised to contact A7 Detectives at 617-343-4324.

If you would prefer to share information anonymously, you can do so by calling the Crime Stoppers tip line at 1-800-494-TIPS or by texting the word TIP to CRIME 27463. All contact and tip line information is included in the show notes of this episode. Raina has two children, a sister, an entire family who wants to bring her home.

Please, if you know anything, don't keep it to yourself. I never knew Raina before. I don't know.

Thank you for listening to Dark Down East.

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I'm Kylie Lowe, and this is Dark Down East.