cover of episode #FengShui Master Clarice Chan: your #house #apartment #WorkSpace What will 2023 bring? #astrology

#FengShui Master Clarice Chan: your #house #apartment #WorkSpace What will 2023 bring? #astrology

logo of podcast DARE TO DREAM with Debbi Dachinger #heal #ascension #spiritual #UFO #soul #extraterrestrial #channel

DARE TO DREAM with Debbi Dachinger #heal #ascension #spiritual #UFO #soul #extraterrestrial #channel

Shownotes Transcript


  1. What to expect in the years 2023 and 2024?

  2. Feng Shui and physical clutter

  3. Tips for people when you’re buying a house?

  4. Tips for when you’re selecting an apartment or condo to rent or buy?

  5. In 2023 what are things we should know for Trade and Industry?

  6. 2023 will be the year of the Yin Water Rabbit – how your Chinese Astrology sign will fare?

Singapore Feng Shui Master Clarice Chan is here today. She’s a well-known practitioner in Feng Shui and the metaphysical fields of Chinese Astrology, Space Cleansing, Numerology, Tarot, Reiki and Pet animal healing & communication.

L.A. Conscious Life Expo, February 10th-13th, 2023 event

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Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for over 15 years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers amazing conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's and extraterrestrials. 

Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger

Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility certified coach who offers group and private sessions - she coaches you to write a highly engaging book, she also offers a popular, fully-done-for-the-author guaranteed international bestselling book launch, plus an anthology book program and she gathers your authors for the book compilation to each write a chapter and from start to successful finish produces your themed anthology book, and last, she teaches you how to be Interviewed on radio and podcast shows for ma$$ive results. 

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The show is sponsored by and Access Consciousness.