Our guest this this week is Stephen "Doc" Hunsley . Doc is a father of three children, one of whom, Mark, sadly passed away at age five due to complications from Dravet Syndrome and Autism. Doc is the founder of SOAR (Special Opportunities Abilities & Relationships) Special Needs, focusing on Abilities/the positive not Disabilities/the negative. We’ll hear Doc’s life story, including his time in the Air Force, the loss of his brother at five days, the loss of his career as a pediatrician and more on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad podcast.For more information about SOAR Special Needs go to: https://www.soarspecialneeds.org)Email Doc directly at: [email protected])To find out about the Special Fathers Network, go to: https://21stcenturydads.org/about-the-special-fathers-network/)