Our guest on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast is Mark Arnold. Mark and his wife Clare live in Bournemouth, South England and are parents to Phoebe and James, who is autistic, has epilepsy and is mostly non verbal. Mark is the director of the Urban Saints Additional Needs Ministry, hosts the Additional Needs Blogfather blog, and started an advocacy group called Dad’s File Circle. We’ll hear his story on this Special Fathers Network Dad to Dad Podcast.LINKS- Urban Saints: https://www.urbansaints.org/additionalneeds)Additional Needs Alliance: http://additionalneedsalliance.org).ukand https://www.facebook.com/groups/additionalneedsalliance)/ The Additional Needs Blogfather: https://theadditionalneedsblogfather.com)The Dads' Fire Circle (Founded July 2020): https://thedadsfirecircle.com) and https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedadsfirecircle/)YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8sK7U6d0r_7uVmyg0yN5sQ)