cover of episode 《大凯故事实案录》金慧君杀夫案


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大凯故事会:悬疑 | 奇闻怪谈 | 鬼故事 | 恐怖故事

主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员: 本案讲述了发生在1988年上海一起骇人听闻的凶杀案。受害者何鸿发,708研究所职工,为人老实憨厚。凶手是他的妻子金慧君以及她的外甥王阿根。金慧君与何鸿发结婚多年,育有一子,但婚内出轨,与多名男性有染。何鸿发曾因金慧君的婚外情与其发生争吵,但并未采取过激措施。金慧君对何鸿发的不满日益加剧,并与外甥王阿根密谋杀害何鸿发。王阿根曾因抢劫盗窃入狱,出狱后染上赌博恶习。金慧君利用王阿根对自己的爱慕之情,怂恿其杀害何鸿发。两人经过多次密谋策划,最终在1988年6月23日晚,由王阿根持刀杀害何鸿发,金慧君协助作案。之后,两人将何鸿发的尸体肢解成30多块,并分多次抛尸。金慧君的母亲胡小妹事后知情,并协助金慧君和王阿根处理部分犯罪现场。最终,金慧君、王阿根被判处死刑,胡小妹因包庇罪被判处有期徒刑三年,缓刑三年。此案反映了婚外情引发的严重后果,以及人性的丑恶和罪恶。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key details of the assault on Wang Lili?

Wang Lili, a 19-year-old girl, was assaulted after her night shift near a cemetery in Zhoushan, Zhejiang. She was dragged into the cemetery, stripped, and brutally beaten with a heavy object. She was raped by two men, one of whom pretended to help her but was actually an accomplice. The assault lasted nearly four hours, leaving her severely injured.

What evidence did the police find at the crime scene?

The police found a large bloodstain between tombstones, a broken brick, and a shoe print with blood and hair. They also discovered two cigarette butts, one of the brand 'Baisha' and the other 'Hongshuangxi,' indicating the suspects had a low standard of living. Additionally, a motorcycle was spotted on surveillance footage near the crime scene.

Who were the primary suspects in the Wang Lili case?

The primary suspects were Liu Qianwei and Liu Zishen, both from Anhui. They matched the description provided by Wang Lili, including their physical appearance, smoking habits, and the fact that they fled Zhoushan the day after the crime. DNA evidence later confirmed their involvement.

What was the motive behind Jin Huijun's murder of her husband, He Hongfa?

Jin Huijun murdered her husband, He Hongfa, because she was having an affair with Wang A'gen, her husband's nephew. She wanted to eliminate He Hongfa to continue her relationship with Wang A'gen. The murder was premeditated, and they dismembered He Hongfa's body to conceal the crime.

How did Jin Huijun and Wang A'gen attempt to cover up the murder?

Jin Huijun and Wang A'gen dismembered He Hongfa's body, boiled the parts, and stored them in a refrigerator. They then disposed of the body parts in various garbage bins across Shanghai. They also painted over bloodstains on the walls and burned evidence like bedding to hide the crime.

What was the outcome of the trial for Jin Huijun and Wang A'gen?

Both Jin Huijun and Wang A'gen were found guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death, with their political rights permanently revoked. The trial was held at the Shanghai Intermediate People's Court, and the verdict was delivered on September 9, 1988.

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Shownotes Transcript
