cover of episode CM 239: Rina Bliss on Why IQ is a Myth

CM 239: Rina Bliss on Why IQ is a Myth

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Curious Minds at Work

Rina Bliss
Rina Bliss: 我认为,我们应该用更能体现个人差异的测试方法取代标准化智力测试和能力倾向测试,避免将社会地位和生活水平误认为智力水平。 人们通常认为智力是与生俱来的、固定不变的,并与基因和家族遗传有关。但实际上,智力是一个持续终生的过程,而非固定的数量,人们终生都在学习和成长,从环境中学习。 古希腊人认为智力是固定的,并具有遗传性,并以此划分社会等级。达尔文强化了先前关于不同种族智力差异的观点,高尔顿是优生学的鼻祖,也是遗传学领域的奠基人之一。二战后,优生学与种族主义联系在一起,导致研究者去种族化优生学研究。 智力测试与国家治理、地缘政治和遗传学结合,对社会产生深远影响。智力测试存在文化和种族偏见,并且其应用方式会加剧结构性制度性种族歧视。 弗林效应表明,智力并非完全由先天因素决定,环境因素起着重要作用。不同地区的人的智商分数差异与生活水平密切相关,教育和资源的获取对智商分数有显著影响。 智力测试并不能完全反映一个人的思维能力、学习能力、决策能力和解决问题能力,而且分数会受到多种因素的影响。近年来,人们试图通过基因检测来预测智力,但这种方法存在局限性。 表观基因组对环境因素非常敏感,并会影响基因的表达,进而影响智力。表观遗传老化是指由于压力等因素导致的过早衰老,研究表明,种族歧视和性别歧视等社会因素会导致表观遗传老化。 培养智力的关键方法之一是培养成长型思维模式,强调大脑的可塑性,认为智力是可以不断发展和提高的。另一个关键方法是建立人际联系,合作学习和互动式学习可以提高学习效率,促进智力发展。 我希望用更能体现个人差异的测试方法取代标准化智力测试,并重新定义智力,将其视为一个持续终生的过程,认识到每个人都有发展潜能。学习神经可塑性和表观遗传学的基本知识,可以帮助人们批判性地看待智力测试和基因检测等,摒弃基于等级比较和分数的智力观,认识到每个人都是不断成长和变化的。 Gail Allen

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the historical and cultural perspectives on intelligence, tracing it back to ancient Greece and highlighting the shift in thinking influenced by Darwin and Galton. It challenges the traditional view of intelligence as a fixed, genetically determined trait.
  • Ancient Greeks viewed intelligence as fixed and quasi-genetic.
  • Darwin's work reinforced existing racial biases in the concept of intelligence.
  • Galton's contributions to eugenics and intelligence testing.
  • Eugenics' association with the Holocaust and its subsequent de-racialization.

Shownotes Transcript

There’s never been a better time to question how we measure intelligence. With ChatGPT and other forms of artificial intelligence pushing the boundaries of what it means to be smart, there’s an opportunity – even an urgency – to reconsider everything we know.

That’s why I wanted to talk to Rina Bliss, author of the book, Rethinking Intelligence: A Radical New Understanding of Our Human Potential. A sociologist and genetics expert, Rina brings a fresh perspective to the discussion that expands what’s been, for far too long, a reductive numbers game.

In this interview, Rina offers a new model for assessing aptitude, one that extends beyond test results and mistaken assumptions about genetics. Instead, she explains how intelligence is far from fixed and how it’s deeply influenced by the degree of stress, connection, and play in our lives.  

Her book is filled with insights on how to rethink what it means to be smart, along with steps we can take to protect and deepen our intelligence.

Episode Links

AI Can’t Teach Children to Learn. What’s Missing?

Conceptualizing Race in the Genomic Age

DNA Tests for Intelligence Ignore the Real Reasons Why Kids Succeed or Fail

The Secret Life of Groceries by Benjamin Lorr

The Team

Learn more about host, Gayle Allen, and producer, Rob Mancabelli, here.

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