Check out our new Merch store) and buy your very own Cup o' Go coffee mug or sticker!
Likely decline: Add new testing/cmp package)
Retracted: Add .ʕ◔ϖ◔ʔ as an alternate spelling of .go in file names)
Ongoing discussion: Add new package cmp, with Ordered, Min, Max)
Blog post: Template rendering in Go: a software optimization tale)
Automatic test runner: Gokiburi)
And the older project, GoConvey)
Blog post: The Bubbletea (TUI) State Machine pattern)
New projject: Bunnify, a library for publishing and consuming events for AMQP)
Interview with Adelina Simion
Buy the book: Test-Driven Development in Go)
Meetups: Women Who Go (London)) and London Gophers)
Speaking at GopherCon UK), August 16-18