Criminal is the first of its kind. A show about people who’ve done wrong, been wronged, or gotten ca
Dan Stevenson has lived in Oakland's Eastlake neighborhood for 40 years. He says crime has been an i
In June 2014, authorities released information about a massive child pornography ring being conducte
Raymond Chandler is often called the greatest American crime novelist, famous for murder mysteries l
In 1999, most of America's tech hysteria centered around Y2K. But at that same time, a teenager in C
In 1977, a mild-mannered aeronautical engineer sideswiped a parked car in Compton, CA. When he stopp
Working as a reporter for a TV station in New Hampshire, Kevin Flynn was covering the capture and ar
What does it mean when a woman commits a crime and attributes her actions to PMS? We revisit the fir
In March 1964, a 35-year-old African-American woman named Johnnie Mae Chappell was walking along the
Crime victims are often put under the same scrutiny as the accused. Not only for their version of ev
On April 13, 2014, former KKK member Frazier Glenn Cross pulled into a Jewish Community Center and a
Every year for the past few years, tens of thousand of flytraps have gone missing – from the wild, f
There are plenty of things we don't share with our mothers. Dark, sad things. Unless of course, you
With the advent of the Inkjet printer, counterfeiting money became as simple as a trip to Staples. B
For nearly a century we've been trying to read someone's truthfulness by the way they act. Be it thr
In 2001, Kathleen Peterson was found dead in a pool of her own blood. Her husband Michael Peterson w