cover of episode BWBRSA: Online Scams

BWBRSA: Online Scams

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Crime Junkie

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ashley Flowers
警方不会主动打电话预警违法行为,收到类似电话应提高警惕,核实信息真伪。 诈骗者会伪装成警务人员,诱导受害者支付不存在的保释金,或通过其他方式骗取钱财。 网络交友平台上的“糖爹”骗局,会诱导受害者购买礼品卡,需提高警惕,避免上当受骗。 虚假支票骗局常见于求职过程中,应仔细检查支票真伪,谨慎处理,避免上当受骗。 冒充Audiochuck公司进行诈骗的案例屡见不鲜,求职者需谨慎识别真伪,保护个人信息安全。 诈骗者会伪装成我的身份邀请社交媒体红人参加虚假的Facebook直播活动,以获取个人信息,需提高警惕,避免上当受骗。 求职过程中,应仔细甄别招聘信息真伪,避免上当受骗。 收到可疑邮件或电话,应及时核实信息真伪,避免个人信息泄露。 网络交友需谨慎,避免轻信他人,保护个人财产安全。 在进行任何线上交易时,应提高警惕,仔细核实对方身份及交易信息,避免上当受骗。 遇到可疑情况,应及时报警,寻求警方帮助。

Deep Dive

A Crime Junkie listener and her husband receive a voicemail from their local sheriff's office about a warrant for the husband's arrest due to missed jury duty. Despite verifying the sheriff's office number, the couple falls victim to a sophisticated scam involving Bitcoin and Venmo payments for bail. The scammers impersonate police officers and bail bondsmen, creating a sense of urgency and legitimacy.
  • Police will never call to warn about an arrest warrant.
  • Bail is always paid in person, never via Venmo or Bitcoin.
  • It's crucial to verify information from official sources and trust your instincts if something feels off.

Shownotes Transcript

Scammers have an infinite number of ways to steal your money and information. In this episode, we explore and expose several scams that have impacted our listeners.

  • Be sure to check out our new webpage **Am I Getting Scammed? **) for a full list of tips to reference if something or someone ever feels off to you.
  • To watch the full Ask Amy episode and hear Sofia’s phone call with the scammer, please visit this link).


To jump to one of the specific scams highlighted in this episode, you can reference the following timecodes:

  • 00:00 - A fake police officer tries to scam a couple into paying a fake bail sum for a non-existent arrest warrant.
  • 13:05 - An online “sugar daddy” scams a woman into sending hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards.
  • 21:50 – A man nearly unknowingly deposits a fraudulent check while under the assumption that he has been offered a new job.
  • 34:00 – A news anchor thought she was seizing a great opportunity when she was asked to join a Facebook Live event with Ashley Flowers herself… until the person reaching out to her on behalf of “audiochuck” began asking her for strange requests.
  • 45:50 - audiochuck is usually hiring – but we have a specific way we go about things! Learn about what raises red vs. green flags when it comes to our hiring process.



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Crime Junkie is hosted by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat. 


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