cover of episode #473: CLAIM Your Space and CHANGE the Game with Heather and Melanie Borden!

#473: CLAIM Your Space and CHANGE the Game with Heather and Melanie Borden!

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Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Heather Monahan
Melanie Borden
Heather Monahan: 在LinkedIn上积极主动地建立个人品牌,可以帮助你拓展人脉,获得更多职业机会和收入来源。要敢于表达自己,展现真实的自我,并持续创作高质量的内容。不要害怕负面评价,将其视为一种积极的信号。要善于利用AI等工具提高内容创作效率,并积极与其他创作者互动学习。 Melanie Borden: LinkedIn平台的算法一直在变化,内容发布的时间和形式需要根据平台算法和自身情况进行调整。在社交媒体上发布内容需要有计划和策略,而不是随意发布。要关注表现良好的内容,并参考同行业其他人的成功经验。不要害怕网络上的负面评价,将其视为一种积极的信号。LinkedIn上的最终目标是获得可见性,这可以通过多种方式实现,包括但不限于发布内容。要善于利用AI等工具提高内容创作效率,并积极与其他创作者互动学习。 Melanie Borden: 在LinkedIn上创作内容可以从记录日常生活开始,并从其他人的内容中获得灵感。可以利用会议录音等素材创作内容。在LinkedIn上重新介绍自己,并明确自己的服务内容。不必追求原创性,可以从其他人的成功案例中获得灵感,并将其应用于自身实践。关注其他创作者的成功案例,并从中学习和借鉴。利用AI技术可以提高内容创作效率,节省时间和成本。AI技术易于上手,可以像对待助理或实习生一样使用。AI技术可以帮助人们更有效地创建视频内容和电子书。AI技术可以显著提高电子书的创作效率。电子书是将社交媒体受众转化为自身客户的重要工具。拥有独立的受众群体比依赖社交媒体平台更重要。将LinkedIn Newsletter的受众转化到自己的网站上,建立独立的邮件列表。在LinkedIn上提升个人形象,可以获得更多职业机会。许多女性希望在职业生涯中转型,例如寻求晋升、创业等。

Deep Dive

Building a personal brand on LinkedIn can open doors to new opportunities. By sharing your expertise and engaging with others, you can expand your network and attract potential clients, partners, or employers.
  • Less than 5% of LinkedIn users actively create content.
  • Building a personal brand is crucial for career advancement.
  • Engaging with others' content is a valuable networking strategy.

Shownotes Transcript

In This Episode You Will Learn About: 

  • How to use the tools at your fingertips to SKYROCKET your success

  • Why the time is NOW to take control of your narrative and CHANGE the game

  • How the only thing between you and success is the ACTION you haven’t taken yet

  • Learn why CLOSED MOUTHS don’t get fed


LinkedIn) & YouTube): @​​MelanieBorden 

Show Notes: 

What’s holding you back from getting exactly what you want? That’s the question I walked away with after talking to Melanie Borden, CEO of the Borden Group. If you’re not asking for it, you’re missing out—CLOSED MOUTHS don’t get fed. Whether it’s LinkedIn, business, or life, being INTENTIONAL is the key. Melanie’s use of AI blew my mind, showing just how much more we can do with the right tools. The truth? You have EVERYTHING you need to ELEVATE, but you’ve got to step up and GRAB IT. That’s exactly why we created the Elevate Your Influence Bootcamp)—to help you SHOW UP, be BOLD, and be UNAPOLOGETICALLY yourself. It’s time to stop waiting for opportunities and start creating them. Join us and take your career to the next level!

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