cover of episode #434: How Unlocking Kindness Will Grow Your Business with James Rhee Teacher, Investor, CEO, National Bestselling Author, & Founder Of red helicopter

#434: How Unlocking Kindness Will Grow Your Business with James Rhee Teacher, Investor, CEO, National Bestselling Author, & Founder Of red helicopter

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Creating Confidence with Heather Monahan

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Hala Taha
Heather Monahan
James Rhee
James Rhee: 本书的核心是探讨如何在商业中融入善良和脆弱性,并以此获得成功。作者以自身经历为例,讲述了如何在一家濒临倒闭的公司中,通过改变公司文化,奖励员工的积极行为,最终取得成功。他认为,真正的领导力并非强硬和压迫,而是投资员工的自主性,给予他们支持和鼓励,帮助他们成为最好的自己。他强调,这种领导方式不仅能提升员工的积极性和创造力,也能带来更好的商业成果。他分享了在Ashley Stewart公司的工作经历,以及如何与员工建立深厚的友谊,并最终带领公司走向成功。他认为,在商业中,真诚和同理心比强硬和竞争更重要。 James Rhee 还分享了他童年时分享午餐的经历,以及这个故事的启示。他认为,童年的纯真和慷慨是宝贵的品质,成年后应该努力保持这种品质。他认为,这种品质能够使人更加有效率、更有洞察力、更快乐、更有魅力、更有想象力。他讲述了他如何从一个普通的学生成长为成功的企业家,以及他在这个过程中遇到的挑战和困惑。他认为,金钱是生活中的一部分,但不能成为唯一的追求。他强调,要保持童年的纯真和慷慨,并将其应用于生活和工作中。 Heather Monahan: 作为主持人,Heather Monahan 积极引导访谈,并就 James Rhee 的观点进行深入探讨。她对 James Rhee 的领导理念表示赞赏,并就其在商业中的应用提出了许多问题。她还分享了自己在商业中的一些经验,并与 James Rhee 的观点进行比较和分析。她对 James Rhee 的故事表示钦佩,并认为他的经验对其他领导者具有重要的借鉴意义。她还强调了在商业中建立良好的人际关系和团队合作的重要性。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

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In This Episode You Will Learn About: 

  • Give your business lasting power with integrity, kindness & courage

  • How to access the moments in your life that will inspire you & others to reach new heights

  • Why vulnerability in leadership is true CONFIDENCE

  • Why creating a company culture that nurtures others benefits everyone in the long run


Twitter) & Instagram): @iamjamesrhee

- LinkedIn): @jamesrhee


Show Notes: 

It’s time to throw that old intimidating style of leadership in the trash! What if instead we focused on the power of goodwill and kindness in a company? For James Rhee, it was these intangible qualities that took a twice-bankrupt company to overwhelming success! James has been a high school teacher, investor, CEO, founder, and now bestselling author of red helicopter and he is sharing his incredible journey of vulnerability, kindness, and radical leadership! Sometimes the simplest lessons are the most important. Are you ready to find your “red helicopter” moment? One moment can change everything for you just like it did for James. So let’s get inspired. Together we can transform our lives and business! 

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