World War III was triggered by the rise of autonomous weapon platforms (AWPs), leading to a six-month conflict known as the AWP war or robo war. The war was rooted in geopolitical tensions, including the long Russian stalemate in Ukraine, the Palestinian genocide, and the failed Turkish annexation of northeastern Syria.
Approximately 1 billion people died during World War III, making it the deadliest conflict in history. This includes 40 million soldiers, 200 million civilians killed by direct violence, and 500 million who perished due to the deer flu and other indirect causes like hunger and lack of medical care.
Civilians, along with soldiers, played a crucial role in ending the war by deploying tactical EMPs (electromagnetic pulse weapons) and the Vishnu shield, which disabled autonomous weapon platforms and halted the conflict. This demonstrated the power of people over state-controlled technology.
The Dino War, or World War 3.5, is a global civil war between nationalist and internationalist factions. It began with the cloning of dinosaurs and the use of biotechnological warfare, including resurrected zombies and crossbred biospawn by nationalists, while internationalists used dinosaur riders and non-electric firearms.
Helmi Koskinen, known as the Mother of Beasts, was a molecular paleontologist who led the successful de-extinction of a triceratops in 2049. Her work, along with her team's, revolutionized cloning and biotechnology, leading to the development of biospawn and the onset of the Dino War.
World War III was a state-driven conflict involving autonomous weapon platforms, while the Dino War is a civil war between nationalist and internationalist factions, characterized by biotechnological warfare, including cloned dinosaurs and resurrected creatures.
The Vishnu shield is a static EMP field that protects areas from electronic devices, while the tactical EMP destroys electronics without harming life. These weapons rendered autonomous weapon platforms obsolete, leading to the end of World War III by disabling the technology that powered the conflict.
Helsingborg declared itself a non-electric space in 2044, becoming a symbol of conscious deindustrialization. It remains a hub for the Neo-Luddite movement, promoting a simpler, technology-free lifestyle and serving as a model for communities seeking to disconnect from modern electrical infrastructure.
Margaret comes back from the future with a podcast episode from the year 2054.
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