cover of episode Carter’s Holiday Pick: Truthless

Carter’s Holiday Pick: Truthless

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Conspiracy Theories

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#financial industry scandals#workplace gossip#unusual employment#motivational stories#social media phenomena#imposter syndrome#album creation stories#world war ii#workplace anxiety#workplace boundaries People
@Kid Mero :我通过夸大我的技能和经验,成功地从雷曼兄弟公司的邮件室晋升到IT部门。起初,我在邮件室工作,对电脑一窍不通,却谎称自己有丰富的经验,从而获得IT部门的工作。在IT部门,我继续编造谎言,并依靠同事的帮助来完成工作,最终在两年时间里没有被发现。我的成功得益于与上司Jose和Martin的良好关系,以及我善于利用人们的懒惰心理。911事件后,公司搬迁,我被调回邮件室,并获得加薪,最终避免了被发现的风险。 @Brian Phillips :Kid Mero的故事揭示了华尔街的浮夸和混乱,以及个体在高压环境下为生存和晋升所做的选择。他的经历也反映了金融行业内部的某些问题,以及在高压环境下,人们可能会做出一些不诚实的行为。同时,这个故事也引发了人们对诚实和职业道德的思考。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did The Kid Mero lie about his computer skills to get a job at Lehman Brothers?

Mero wanted a promotion and saw an opening in the IT department, even though he knew nothing about computers. He lied to secure the position, hoping to avoid the more physically demanding work in the mailroom.

How did The Kid Mero manage to keep his IT job for two years despite knowing nothing about computers?

Mero avoided doing actual IT work by focusing on paperwork and using his marijuana use as an excuse not to handle technical tasks. He also traded favors with coworkers, offering them weed in exchange for covering for his lack of skills.

What event ultimately saved The Kid Mero from potential exposure at Lehman Brothers?

The 9/11 terrorist attacks, which forced Lehman Brothers to relocate its headquarters, allowing Mero to move back to the mailroom without anyone discovering his lack of IT expertise.

Why did The Kid Mero eventually quit his job at Lehman Brothers?

Mero quit because the commute to the new location in Jersey City was inconvenient and he didn't want to socialize with his high-earning colleagues after work, preferring to spend time with his friends in the Bronx.

What was the financial environment like at Lehman Brothers before the 2008 financial crash?

The environment at Lehman Brothers was characterized by excessive spending, entitlement, and a culture of magical thinking. Employees flaunted expensive items and engaged in reckless behavior, contributing to the eventual collapse.

How did The Kid Mero view his time at Lehman Brothers in relation to the broader financial crisis?

Mero wasn't surprised by the financial crash, having witnessed the waste and unrealistic expectations within the company. He felt that the industry's focus on excess and lies contributed to its downfall.

What is the significance of the Icarus story in relation to The Kid Mero's experience at Lehman Brothers?

The Icarus story, as interpreted by Brian Phillips, suggests that regular people like Mero get caught up in larger events beyond their control. Mero's experience mirrors Icarus's, where he navigated a complex environment and made choices that allowed him to escape unscathed.

The episode begins with a story about Daedalus and Icarus, setting the stage for the main narrative about The Kid Mero's journey into the world of high finance.
  • Daedalus and Icarus's mythological story of ambition and downfall.
  • Introduction to The Kid Mero's background and his entry into Lehman Brothers.

Shownotes Transcript

This is the first week of our four-week holiday break. Today we’re featuring one of Carter’s favorite shows: Truthless.

In this episode of Truthless, host Brian Phillips talks to The Kid Mero about the time he landed a job in the mail room at one of New York’s biggest investment banks, as a teenager. After deciding he was ready for a promotion, Mero talked his way into a new job in the IT department. The only problem? He knew nothing about computers.

Truthless is out now on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

New episodes of Conspiracy Theories will resume December 25th.

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