The hosts of NPR's All Things Considered help you make sense of a major news story and what it means
This morning in Savannah, Georgia, the first volunteer was injected in a phase-three vaccine trial a
More than 25 million Americans have been receiving expanded federal unemployment benefits — $600 a w
Monument Avenue is a large, tree-lined street in Richmond, Virginia that used to have several confed
Up to 70% of vote this November could be cast by mail. But not all states will allow it. And a recen
Dr. Anthony Fauci tells NPR he's glad the President is promoting masks, and hopes more frequent Whit
In Portland, Oregon, federal agents have been using violent force against protesters. Some protester
The United States had 71,000 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. Back in June, Dr. Anthony Fauci said
Until now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected important information about
A lot of Americans are having trouble getting a coronavirus test. If they do get one, they may have
Admiral Brett Giroir of the White House coronavirus task force tells NPR that the United States is s
Governors in Southern states like Louisiana are starting to come around to mask mandates, but not al
Every weekday afternoon, Kelly McEvers and the hosts of NPR's All Things Considered — Ailsa Chang, A
The President traveled to Florida today. It's one of three states that just set records for new dail
With so many new coronavirus cases, testing labs are falling behind and people are waiting days for
The U.S. Supreme Court has made it more difficult for women to get access to birth control. The opi
The Australian state of Victoria, which includes Melbourne, just started a new six-week lockdown. T
For the first time in the states history, Arizona has activated "crisis of care standards," a set of
It can feel a bit like headline deja vu: New cases on the rise; bars and restaurants closing back do
Employers added 4.8 million jobs last month but the U.S. is still down 15 million jobs since Februar
As Arizona hits new records of coronavirus cases and deaths, the state announced they will pause the