Rusty: 我患有脊髓性肌萎缩症(SMA),这是一种进行性神经系统疾病,导致我终身使用轮椅。我在孟买生活,这里基础设施对轮椅使用者并不友好,我经常遭遇各种不便和危险,例如被误认为只是出来兜风,以及在交通工具上遇到的困难。但是,我选择以积极乐观的态度面对生活,用幽默和乐观的心态来应对挑战。我计划创建一个名为"Wheelie Vision"的YouTube频道,分享我的生活经历和喜剧作品,让更多人以积极的方式看待残疾人。我还计划创办一个名为""的旅行公司,专门为残疾人提供印度旅游服务。我的父亲既是我的最佳僚机,也是我的最大阻碍,他总是会在关键时刻出现,破坏我的约会,但我和我的父母关系密切,他们是我的主要照顾者,也是我的挚友。 Conan O'Brien: Rusty的故事让我印象深刻,他积极乐观的态度和幽默感令人钦佩。他克服了疾病和生活中的种种困难,并积极地为残疾人争取更好的生活条件。他的YouTube频道和旅行公司计划都非常有意义,我相信他会取得成功。他的父亲虽然有时会造成一些尴尬,但也可以看出他对Rusty的爱和关心。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does Rusty have a positive outlook despite his condition?

Rusty prefers to joke about his situation and live life with a smile rather than dwell on the negative aspects of his progressive neurological disorder.

What challenges does Rusty face living in Mumbai as a wheelchair user?

Mumbai's infrastructure is not designed for wheelchair accessibility, leading to difficulties with transportation and daily activities. Locals often misunderstand his condition, thinking he's a new competitor in the rickshaw business.

What is Rusty's vision for his YouTube channel, Wheelie Vision?

Wheelie Vision aims to be a platform by and for the disabled, focusing on real content like wheelchair reviews and comedy skits that highlight the everyday experiences of disabled individuals.

How does Rusty's father unintentionally interfere in his social life?

Rusty's father often interrupts his conversations with women, believing he's helping by listing Rusty's assets and capabilities, which can be embarrassing and counterproductive.

What does Rusty enjoy about video games?

Video games have been a significant part of Rusty's life, providing entertainment and a sense of normalcy. He grew up playing various consoles and enjoys the creativity and escapism they offer.

What is Rusty's startup idea, is a travel startup aimed at providing accessible travel experiences for people with disabilities, allowing them to visit India with ease and comfort.

Rusty discusses his life in Mumbai with spinal muscular atrophy, his experiences, and his positive outlook on life.
  • Rusty has been in a wheelchair for 35 years due to a bike accident at age nine.
  • He has a progressive neurological condition called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
  • Rusty has a humorous and positive attitude towards his condition, preferring to joke about it rather than dwell on the negative.

Shownotes Transcript

Conan chats with Rusty from Mumbai about living in the city with spinal muscular atrophy, ideas for his YouTube channel, and why his dad is both the best and worst wingman.


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