Dutch company Wolters Kulwer left many customers in the dark after its accounting software was hacked. A listener concerned about excessive charges from his cable company asks if there is any difference between modem rentals and WiFi rentals and seeks ways to lower his bill. A listener who edits MP3 files wonders if a standard hard drive is better than a solid state drive for M3 audio file processing. A listener who purchased a Chromebook for financial transactions asks if he should move his credit card accounts to his Chromebook. We recommend the use of two-factor authentication with physical security "keys" that plug into the computer, such as Yubico's YubiKey or the Google Titan security key. A caller asks for Erik's opinion about using password managers for security. Also he asks if Webroot anti-virus software should be used on an iPad. A listener wonders if she should add a Chrome extension onto her browser to complete a printing task at a website. Also she seeks a way to stop her Gmail account from opening when she opens her YouTube account. A caller looking to cut his cable bill tries to see if home cellular service is available in his area. Finally, the last caller looks for a compatible modem to use with GoNetspeed fiber optic internet service.