Coffee and a Mike

I want people to find my podcast objective so that they can critically think to make an informed dec


Total: 1029

Marko Babac and his wife are founders of Independence Ark Natural Farming, a farm-to-table distribut

Clay Martin #869


Retired Special Forces soldier and author Clay Martin comes on the podcast to discuss his theory of

Larry C. Johnson #868


Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. On

Matt Bracken #867


Navy Seal Author and Historian Matt Bracken comes back on the podcast to discuss the assassination a

Elizabeth Nickson #866


Elizabeth Nickson is a Canadian writer, author, journalist who began reporting for Time, became Euro

Jacob Dreizin is a blogger and owner of “The Dreizin Report.” On the podcast he talks the attempted

Donald Jeffries #864


Donald Jeffries is a best selling author, writer, talk show host, and critic of politics. On the pod

Mel Mattison #863


Mel Mattison is a writer, investor, founder, fintech executive and author of his first novel Quoz, 

LTC Steven Murray #862


LTC Steven Murray is a former Information Warfare Officer and Cyber Defense Battalion Commander. On

Christopher Zeeman aka The “Z Man” is an independent consultant, blogger, and podcast host of the “

Matthew Tomlet #860


Matthew Tomlet is a U.S. born citizen that grew up in Panama. He comes on to discuss what he is seei

Oscar Blue Ramirez is a war correspondent, bilingual independent media, covering border news.  He di

Jim Fuller #858


Jim Fuller of Fuller Phoenix is an Internationally recognized expert with the Kalashnikov rifle and

Andrea Widburg is an attorney, Managing Editor for American Thinker, and owner of the website Bookwo

Martin Armstrong #856


Martin Armstrong is an internationally recognized economist, former hedge fund manager, the founder

Martin Durkin #855


Tv producer, director, and filmmaker Martin Durkin discusses his recent documentaries “Climate the M

Bill Holter #854


Bill Holter is a writer, a precious metals expert and broker. On the podcast he talks the crash of t

Maddie Rowley #853


Maddie Rowley is an independent journalist and contributor for both the “The Free Press” and “City J

Bethany McLean #852


Bethany McLean, previously was editor at large with Fortune Magazine and is currently a writer for V

Auden Cabello #851


Auden Cabello is an independent journalist covering the border crisis. On the podcast we discuss the