A weekly talk show taking a pragmatic look at the art and business of Software Development and the w
How one clever developer has launched his own Appstore on iOS, our thoughts on how this was pulled o
Llama 3 and Phi-3-mini are up and running on phones, Raspberry Pis, and we give them a go. Plus Goog
We delve into the top 3 open-source revenue streams, expose the pitfalls, and discuss what could be
Why does Meta give away Llma for free? What's in it for them? Plus, our thoughts on the data s
Microsoft wins the foot-in-mouth award this week, and Google gets the Rust religion - but Mike is sk
Mike makes the case for just going vanilla, a look at Google Carbon, and then we address the expensi
The antitrust gloves are off as Apple’s legal brawl with Uncle Sam kicks into high gear. We dig thro
NVIDIA locks CUDA down further, and we ponder what it might take to break their stranglehold on the
Apple is pissed, and we'll dig into why. Plus, there are some big hints at Apple's AI plans;
Why we're awe-struck by Google, and NVIDIA's CEO says no one needs to learn how to code anym
We embrace the dad bod lifestyle and find out if Apple's Vision Pro demo sold Mike, and Chris is
Why we think Nvidia has become one of the most valuable companies in the world, Sam's new "
Chris tries out Spatial Computing using a $3,200 trick, and Mike has a Rails treat you won't wan
If you're going to come at the king, you better not miss; now it's Apple's turn to make
We knew they'd be petulant, but even our expectations were higher than this. We dig into how App
They are building AI into toilets now; CES was a clown show. But we put our business hats on and fin
A prominent developer has brought the anti-trust heat against Apple to the public, kicking off a cha
Mike shares his adventures and process of coming from mobile app projects to working with Unreal Eng
We reflect on how our work has changed over the last year and get some sage advice from buff Uncle J
The clever way one developer hacked an online game, why we're not buying the latest round of cy