The book 'Adventure' was inspired by spontaneous games and poetry created during daily interactions with a 7-year-old niece. The idea was to engage her in the artistic process and create something tangible for an art festival, encouraging her to move away from digital devices and engage in real-life creative activities.
In traditional art education, there is often a power struggle over what is considered 'good' art, focusing on realism and correctness. In contrast, the collaboration between an adult and a child in 'Adventure' was a mutual learning process with minimal intervention, preserving the child's raw and imaginative expressions.
'Adventure' was created using a mix of scanned original drawings and handwritten texts from a sketchbook, printed on a special fibrous paper to enhance the tactile experience. The book was designed to be small and easy for children to handle, resembling traditional small-format books.
Imagination is central to Naomi's art projects, allowing for the exploration of abstract concepts and the blending of reality with fantasy. This approach encourages both children and adults to see the world from different perspectives and to create without boundaries, enhancing creativity and personal expression.
Naomi integrates art into everyday life by engaging in activities like story-telling games, DIY performances during festivals, and using everyday objects for creative projects. These activities are designed to be accessible and engaging, fostering creativity and a hands-on approach to art without the need for expensive materials.
Naomi faces challenges in selling her art books due to their high cost and niche appeal. She addresses this by not relying on book sales for her primary income, instead focusing on other artistic endeavors like ceramics. She participates in art book fairs more for the creative deadline and interaction with the audience rather than for sales.
Naomi views art as a means to create beauty in everyday life, emphasizing that art should be accessible and integrated into daily activities. She believes in the power of art to transform ordinary experiences into something extraordinary, using imagination to explore and express the nuances of human relationships and the environment.
Naomi transitioned from a business background to art by self-teaching and experimenting with different artistic mediums. She applied to art schools abroad, including the Royal College of Art, where she was accepted and later received a full scholarship. This bold move was driven by her passion for art and a desire to explore creative expression.
欢迎来到新一期的CoChildren FM,我是Fiona。上个月在杭州天目里逛abC艺术书展,逛了4层楼,遇到了挺多可可爱爱的东西,但最终用人民币为一件作品投票了,是一个小姨和她外甥女的共创诗画集。
🔴 本文图文精华稿会发布在同名公众号【CoChildren】上(🚧施工中) 🧩 本期Guest Speaker:闹米
🧩 收听导引
00:02:16 Intro:在天目里逛abC艺术书展认识的摊主闹米
00:03:35 Section 01 | 儿童观:从和7岁侄女的共创诗画集《大冒险》展开聊聊和小朋友一起进行艺术共创这件事儿
00:28:33 Section 02 | 艺术观:艺术就是在生活中创造一种美 艺术最大的魔法就是“什么都可以”的想象力,让我们的生活延展到身体无法抵达的地方。
00:59:33 Section 03 | 跨界之旅:跨界之前是白开水一般的无趣人生,跨界之后才真正感受到真正活着的感觉
1:07:49 为跨界做了什么努力?
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🧩 节目制作
全流程制作 / Fiona
视觉设计 / Malcolm
主题曲《和你在一起》/ Monkey
音效 / Free Music @Apple Garage Band