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Decision Day in America

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节目主持人:本届总统大选是美国历史上一个非同寻常的时刻,今年发生的事件令人震惊,包括特朗普面临重罪指控和暗杀未遂,以及哈里斯在拜登总统辞职后短暂接任总统候选人。 选举结果将对美国未来产生深远影响。 唐纳德·特朗普:特朗普对卡玛拉·哈里斯及其支持者进行了人身攻击,并对选举的公正性提出了质疑。 他认为哈里斯智商低,并用粗俗的语言攻击了她和她的支持者,例如南希·佩洛西。 卡玛拉·哈里斯:哈里斯呼吁结束由恐惧和分裂驱动的政治时代,并强调了这次选举的重要性。 她没有在竞选最后阶段点名批评特朗普,而是选择了一种不同的基调,并利用了费城历史地标的象征意义来强调竞选的意义。 亚历克斯·汤普森:哈里斯竞选团队对胜选持谨慎乐观态度,预计胜选将较为微弱,认为民主党将守住“蓝色防线”。 安妮·林斯基:特朗普团队的信心有所下降,但哈里斯团队认为特朗普的言论反而帮了哈里斯的忙。 布拉德·托德:民主党在提前投票和缺席投票中的表现远低于预期,需要在选举日获得大规模支持才能获胜。 他认为特朗普在最后几天的集会上缺乏意识形态,这可能损害了他的竞选。 巴卡里·塞勒斯:民主党在提前投票中达到了目标,但仍然需要选举日的投票率来确保胜利。 他分析了佐治亚州的选情,认为共和党在农村地区的选票已经用尽,而民主党在一些城市地区仍有很大的增长空间。 维韦克·拉马斯瓦米:他认为特朗普可以通过争取更多男性选民、部分黑人和西班牙裔选民以及Z世代选民来赢得大选。 他认为年轻人投票给特朗普的主要原因是避免卷入外国冲突、发展经济和降低住房成本。 伊莎贝尔·罗萨莱斯:佐治亚州的共和党领导的州务卿办公室正在努力应对虚假信息宣传活动。 佐治亚州的新法律旨在加快计票速度,预计在晚上8点之前就能统计出70%到75%的选票。 德雷克·范·达姆:密歇根州和威斯康星州等战场州将面临降雨天气,这可能会影响投票率。 亚当·金辛格:今天的选举关乎保守主义的未来。 如果特朗普输了,共和党有机会反思自身。 杰夫·邓肯:共和党需要重新定位,专注于政策,并以更具包容性的姿态发展壮大。 无论特朗普输赢,共和党都需要抓住机会纠正错误。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is Kamala Harris relying on celebrities like Oprah for support in the final hours of the campaign?

Harris is leveraging star power to energize her base and create a sense of momentum in the closing moments of the race.

How does Vivek Ramaswamy view the potential impact of Donald Trump's campaign on younger voters?

Ramaswamy believes Trump's focus on avoiding foreign conflicts and reducing housing costs will resonate with Gen Z voters, potentially forming a new Republican coalition.

What concerns do Democrats in Georgia have about voter turnout in the 2024 election?

Democrats worry about the absence of a statewide black elected candidate like Raphael Warnock or Stacey Abrams on the ballot, which could affect rural black voter turnout.

Why does Brad Todd believe the Democrat performance in early voting has been subpar?

Todd notes that Democrats, who shifted to early voting 20 years ago, have not met their desired levels of early voter turnout this year, necessitating a strong Election Day performance.

How does Bakari Sellers assess the enthusiasm gap between Republicans and Democrats in Georgia?

Sellers points out that while Republicans have exhausted their votes in rural counties, there is still significant potential for Democratic turnout in urban areas like Atlanta and Savannah.

What does Vivek Ramaswamy think about the possibility of a rigged election?

Ramaswamy hopes for a free and fair election, emphasizing the importance of well-monitored polling locations and timely voting processes.

Why does Adam Kinzinger believe the Republican Party needs to change?

Kinzinger argues that the GOP has lost its conservative principles, focusing instead on division and populism, which he sees as detrimental to the party's future.

How does Jeff Duncan view the role of the president in setting the national tone?

Duncan believes the president should set a moral and ethical North Star for the country, a role he feels Donald Trump has failed to fulfill.

Kamala Harris relies on celebrity endorsements to boost her campaign, while Donald Trump uses aggressive rhetoric at his final rally.
  • Kamala Harris uses Oprah and Lady Gaga to symbolize her underdog status.
  • Donald Trump's final rally includes derogatory comments about his opponents.

Shownotes Transcript

Polls are open across the East Coast and the very first votes have already been cast. By this time tomorrow, we could know who will be the next president ... or not. Kamala Harris is counting on Oprah and other celebrities to push her over the finish line in the final hours. Also, Donald Trump's onetime primary opponent-turned outspoken supporter Vivek Ramaswamy joins the show live. 

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