cover of episode letting go of attachment & embracing uncertainty

letting go of attachment & embracing uncertainty

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Claim Your Power

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Kim Peretz
通过《Claim Your Power》播客,帮助人们探索内在自我,提升自信和精神健康。
Kim Peretz: 本播客探讨新时代灵性、创业和具身领导力。在人生的旅程中,我们会经历高潮和低谷,重要的是接纳所有情绪,无论是快乐还是悲伤。积极的心态固然重要,但我们也需要学习如何应对生活中的低谷,并从中成长。活在当下是掌控人生的关键,它能帮助我们应对不确定性。通过瑜伽、冥想或其他方式,找到能让自己平静并回归当下的方法。成长总是伴随着不适,因为我们从未经历过这些新的体验和观察。然而,当我们学会拥抱这种成长,并以开放的心态迎接它时,我们就能找到自己的力量。我们无法控制生活中发生的事情,但我们可以控制自己的回应。有意识地观察自己的感受和情绪,允许自己去感受,并让情绪自然流动,这是一种重要的体验。不要压制或过度执着于情绪,而要找到内心的平静。我们不必总是快乐、充满活力,爱可以以多种形式存在,包括悲伤和哭泣。当我们能够超越自我,意识到自己的感受时,我们就能夺回自己的力量。虽然我们相信自己是现实的共同创造者,但生活中也有一些事情是我们无法控制的。重要的是接纳这些不确定性,并相信一切都会朝着最好的方向发展。拒绝只是另一种形式的引导,它能帮助我们找到更适合自己的道路。重要的是要明白,情绪和想法并非我们本身,它们只是我们正在经历的事情。当我们意识到生活中的一切都是暂时的体验时,就能更好地拥抱未知。活在当下,因为你的力量在于当下,而不是过去或未来。担忧未来只会消耗你的能量,而活在当下才能让你真正掌控自己的生活。拥抱未知,因为生活中有很多事情我们并不知道,我们只能依靠希望和信念。即使面对困难和挑战,也要保持平静,相信宇宙的安排是完美的。接纳不确定性,享受成为的过程,因为当一切都不确定时,任何事情都有可能发生。宇宙总是会提供最适合我们自身成长的东西,只要我们敞开心扉,就能看到奇迹和祝福。相信宇宙的时机总是完美的,即使我们不知道结果,也要相信一切都会朝着最好的方向发展。

Deep Dive

The host introduces the first episode of season two, expressing excitement and gratitude, and sets the theme for the episode: embracing uncertainty and welcoming the unknown with open arms.

Shownotes Transcript


I don't know.

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Hello, hello, beautiful souls, and welcome to the Claim Your Power podcast, the ultimate show for all things New Age spirituality, entrepreneurship, and embodied leadership. I'm your host, Kim Peretz. I'm an author, entrepreneur, and yoga enthusiast. If you're ready to step up, tap into your gifts, and unleash your potential, you are at the right place. It's time to claim your power. Welcome to the Claim Your Power podcast.

What's up beautiful souls and welcome back to the Claim Your Power podcast. First episode of season two. I am so so beyond thrilled and grateful to be here back in the podcast talking to all of you guys and in this new season I'm just so excited. I have so many new episode ideas, new conversation, guest speakers, new visions in mind and

And today is actually Christmas Day as I'm filming this, but this episode is going to launch when season two comes out, which is in 2022. Yes, 2022, which means a brand new year, which also means new goals, new visions, and

and so many new amazing projects and things. And in order to pay tribute to this new year, in today's episode, we're going to be talking all about embracing uncertainty and welcoming the unknown with open arms. All right, so I'd like to preface this episode by saying that

Life is just a big fat roller coaster. You're either up or you're down or you're in the middle and you're always experiencing these highs and lows and neutralities. But regardless where you are, you're always moving through that spectrum. And I believe we're here on earth to really navigate through that and learn how to deal with these experiences. And I've noticed that a big part of the spiritual community would say preaches, preaches

positivity above all else. So you must always prioritize positive emotions. You must always prioritize a positive mindset because positive thoughts lead to positive realities. And while I do agree with the power of our thoughts and the power of our words and specifically the power of perspective and how we respond to certain circumstances in our lives, I

I do believe part of the human experience is learning how to just experience both the highs but also the lows of life. So we're here to really just navigate through it all, whether it's the happy moments of falling in love or being successful and making strong relationships with people and feeling so grateful and happy versus, you

The sadder emotions and feelings and heartbreaks and loss, those are valid too. And in a way, we really can't learn to be grateful and appreciate the highs and the happy moments of our lives if we don't appreciate and are present and marinate in the lows. And so I think part of the idea of embracing the uncertainty of life

And embracing the unknown is being present in whatever circumstance you are. Whether today you woke up feeling amazing, grateful, powerful, embodied. That is amazing and I'm so, so happy for you and I just love that you are feeling like that. But also maybe you woke up like me, which I have certain days like these, and not feeling super fulfilled, not feeling super great, not feeling super high energy.

And guess what? That's valid too. And I think a big thing is like, oh, you have to work out. You have to meditate every day, walk every day to be in this high frequency. When in fact, I believe you are always at your highest frequency. Whether you're experiencing the highs and lows of life, you are still alive.

a light being. You are still embodying love in a way because you have compassion for yourself and you're moving through the different ways of life. So I want you to know that if you ever felt invalidated for your feelings, whether you experienced low feelings or emotions or low experiences in your life, if you ever felt invalidated for that,

I want you to know that whatever you're experiencing is valid. Whatever you're going through right now is part of your human experience. And whether it's a blessing or it's a lesson and it's going to strengthen you no matter what. And so part of being able to go through the flow of life and being grateful and appreciating the life you were given and all the opportunities and experience you're going through is

is being able to, you know, be the observer of your emotions and of your experiences. And knowing that whatever you're going through, whether it's amazing, beautiful things in life, or it's not as amazing, and it feels daunting or sad or frustrating, all these experiences help shape and define who you are as a human being. And

A lot of the time, the ways we learn how to embody uncertainty and embrace uncertainty is genuinely just most utterly learning how to be in the present moment. And the present moment and being in the present moment can look different for anyone. So for me, being in the present moment, if I feel like I'm too much in a pattern, in this fight or flight mode, what

What really helps me is going to yoga class and grounding and repurposing my mind and my thoughts. But maybe for you, that doesn't resonate. Maybe for you, going on a 5K run, which for me seems incredibly intimidating and not very enjoyable. But maybe for you, that is something that really helps clear your head and brings you back to the present moment. Maybe going on a hike. Maybe just, you know...

Listening to music or doing some skincare and self-care. Maybe that's something that brings you back to the present moment. But what I'm where I'm going through with this is finding those experiences that constantly help gratify you and empower you and bring you back to the present moment. That is the key to embracing uncertainty because nobody ever said that life is easy. In fact, life and growth grow.

are hard because growth is uncomfortable because we've never been there. We've never been in this place and this new experiences, the new observations. And that's why growth is uncomfortable. But when you learn how to embrace that growth and you learn to greet it with open arms, that is where your power lies. It's greeting yourself.

unknown experiences and circumstances with love and patience and compassion because you can't control what happens in your life but you can always always control your response maybe the way someone treats you maybe someone a friend treated you badly that is a mere projection of them and how they feel about themselves

But the way you respond to those situations, the way you let those situations make you feel, and the way you just go about handling those circumstances, that is an awareness of you. And so being more conscious of your observations of yourself and your feelings and your emotions and marinating in them and giving them that power to feel. Because in this world, I've noticed...

We are very reluctant to feel and we're taught that from a very young age to suppress our emotions. And I've had to go through a lot of journeys with myself to really un-teach myself and uncondition myself from that and learn that emotions are a sign of strength, not fragility, and that emotions are important and being able to feel our emotions and giving tribute and due to our emotions is an incredibly important

gratifying experience. And so if you're someone that is struggling with feeling or you are feeling but you're suppressing and instead of marinating and letting the emotions flow through you and so they're going through you, you're feeling them and then they're flowing out and you're moving past the experience. If you're someone that's A, either suppressing those emotions or B, holding onto them so tight without being able to let go,

I challenge you to find peace in the present moment and in the embodying of how you're truly feeling. Because sometimes we have this big idea in our head of how we're supposed to feel. We're always supposed to be happy. We're always supposed to be energetic. We're always supposed to be supportive and compassionate and caring. And a big part of being spiritual, I think, is

We have to deal with our egos. And so our ego sometimes comes in and is like, oh, you didn't meditate today. Oh, we didn't go on your walk today. You must not be your highest self. You must not be in your highest frequency. And that is just you and your head tripping you out because the truth is you are always at your highest frequency. You are always embodying love because love and high frequency and compassion comes in all different forms, right?

It doesn't have to always be happy and dancey and singing and laughing. Sometimes love comes in the form of feeling and sitting and crying and being compassionate for yourself. And so when you find those moments, when you're able to transcend and be conscious of how you're feeling or how certain emotions or experiences make you feel, you directly claim back your power and you allow hope

All things from the outside, from the external world to only gratify you and make you feel stronger, that is how you become the most powerful, highest being that you can be. And that is also how you learn to embrace the uncertainty because part of life... For a long time, I thought that, you know, I mastered manifesting. I am finally the creator of my life. Anything that comes to me...

I am in charge of, I am directly able to respond to it in the highest way. But you know what? Sometimes that bubble tends to burst. And as much as I believe that we are the co-creators of our reality, I also believe that there's a higher power out there and certain things in our lives are out of our control. Like maybe you were trying to manifest something for a very long time. For instance, I really wanted to get into a certain college.

I am actually applied to that college and I put in all my energy and commitment and work into that into that application for that college. And guess what? I ended up not getting in. And at first I was sad. And at first I really let it affect my worth for a day. I was starting to really think, wow, am I not worthy enough? Am I not good enough? I'm not smart enough to get into this school, blah, blah, blah, all the ego talk.

And then I snapped out of it. I had a moment where I was like, you know what?

This is part of life. This is part of the uncertainty. And I'm not always going to get what I want or what I think I want. Because as much as I put in my energy into manifesting, getting into that school, it genuinely just wasn't meant to be. Because I am a firm believer that everything that happens in my life is for my greatest, highest, divine good. Whether I see it now or whether I realize it in five years, I always know that everything is working out for me, for my highest good.

And so getting that rejection letter from that college was actually so gratifying for me because at the end of the day, rejection is just a form of redirection. And that is part of the uncertainty of life. You know, I thought for the longest time that I was going to get in. I was like, I'm the creator. I am manifesting this. This is me. I have it. It's mine. And you know what? It just wasn't in my path. It just wasn't part of my journey. And I fully, fully accept it.

And, you know, I got rejected like two weeks ago. So maybe like three days ago, I was not very much accepting it. And I had to marinate in those emotions. I was feeling sad. I felt worthless for a few days. And so being able to sit in those emotions and realizing that I'm not my emotions, I am not my thoughts.

I am simply everything, but I am also nothing. And I know that may not have made sense. And still, you know, saying that out loud doesn't really make sense to me. But if you somehow that resonated with you, that you are everything, but you are also nothing, then you will quickly understand that all your emotions and feelings and thoughts aren't you. They're just something you're experiencing.

And that is how you embrace the unknown. When you realize that everything that comes your way is just an experience and it's temporary. And you know what? Now that I'm thinking about this whole conversation for some reason, it's reminding me of the song The Circle of Life from Lion King, if you've ever seen the movie Lion King.

It's a very much Disney classic, so I'm pretty sure you've seen it. But if you haven't seen it, I would play it for you, but I don't want to get copyrighted. But you should definitely Google The Circle of Life, the song. But basically, the song translates to talking about the natural course of nature and the universe and how it symbolizes sacred divineness and all that. And for some reason, talking about the uncertainty of life reminded me of that song. Because no matter where you are in life,

No matter how uncertain, what part of life you are on, whether you're at your highest or your lowest or you're just neutral in this mundane course, that's part of the circle of life. You're going in a circle and you're learning new experiences and you're just experiencing and navigating and being. Life is simply about being and that is what I've learned and it took me almost 17 years to learn that, but I've learned that life is

It's just about being, being in the present moment because your power lies in the present moment. It does not lie in the past and it does not lie in the future. And that's why embracing the uncertainty becomes fun because when you're so worried about the future and so worried about what's going to happen or what happened, you're giving away your power to something that doesn't exist. You can't solve a problem that does not exist.

You can't give energy to something that does not exist. And that's why embracing the uncertainty is so fun. Because if you're worried about what's going to happen, what's going to come out of something, then you are constantly creating that reality. You are constantly giving energy to that circumstance or to that result. When instead, you could be present in the moment, embodying the unknown.

Because part of life is just being the unknown, you know? There are so many things we don't know about life. We don't know whether or not the universe truly exists, you know? At the end of the day...

I believe the universe exists. I believe there's a higher power. Many people in this world believe that. But at the end of the day, we don't truly know we exist and we just rely on hope and faith that it does. And so that is part of the way we're embracing uncertainty all the time. Or another way you're embracing uncertainty could be

You just waiting, you took a test and you're just living your life and you don't know what you got on that test, whether it's, you know, a school test, the LSATs, a real estate exam. I don't know so many tests in this world, but you don't know the results.

And while many people might stress over the results, I know that a lot of people in my life, when they take a test, they're kind of just chilling. And after that, they go and get some food and they live their life until they get the results back. And so that is another way people embrace uncertainty all the time. And there are countless, endless ways that you are unconsciously doing it all the time.

But sometimes when we have hard and difficult circumstances in our lives, that is when it gets hard to embrace uncertainty. And I've, specifically with me, I've experienced that recently with colleges I've been applying to schools.

and not knowing whether or not I got into a specific institution. It's daunting, but I'm very grateful for this experience because it's teaching me patience and teaching me compassion for myself, and it's teaching me to embrace the unknown. And what is more beautiful than the unknown?

I love surprises. I love when the universe surprises me with blessings, with miracles, with new opportunities. And if you look at life in a way that anything is possible for you, there are endless opportunities and you're just a magnet for those opportunities. Embracing the unknown and uncertainty and just difficult parts of life becomes overwhelming.

so, so much more easy and you just become, it's become like this flow state for you that you're just present. You're just vibing. You're not worrying about what's going to happen in 10 years, in three years, in one month, in a week. You're just in the moment. If you're out getting food with your besties, you're out getting food with your besties.

If you're watching a movie, you are sitting there watching a movie, enjoying that movie. If you're studying, walking on the beach, you're being present in that moment because that is the only thing that's known really in life. We might think that we know a lot of things in life. We might think we know what job we'll pursue, what college we'll go to, who we'll marry, etc.

how many kids we want to have, all these things. But at the end of the day, all those things are genuinely unknown. We might think we know them now, but we change our mind all the time and nature changes its course all the time. And the only thing we know, the only thing we truly know is the present moment. And so I challenge you to embrace the present moment and to find peace in the unknown.

and to find love and compassion for yourself despite not knowing everything that's going to turn out in your life. I want to empower you to enjoy the beauty of becoming. The other day, I was on Pinterest looking up different quotes because I do that like all the time, but I saw this quote that said, when nothing is certain, anything is possible. And I just love that quote because it's really what I'm trying to get through this episode is the idea that we

We don't know anything that's going to happen, but we always want to. We always want to be certain about how things will turn out in our lives. Like maybe sometimes we have this certain idea of how things are supposed to turn out.

or a school you really wanted to go to. But at the end of the day, the universe always, always provides us with the thing that is going to serve us in our highest good. We might think we know what's serving us, but there's always a higher power out there that is doing the behind-the-scenes work.

And if we just open our arms and allow the universe to provide for us, I guarantee you will see miracles and blessings come into your life because the universe's timing is always perfect. We might think we know what we want, but at the end of the day,

There is a higher power there supporting us through it all and there's always something bigger planned for you. So if you're struggling right now and you're awaiting a response, a new opportunity and you don't know the results of it, I challenge you and I want to empower you to let it go and give that power back to the universe and give that energy back to the universe and say, you know what?

Whatever is meant to happen for me, will happen in divine timing. And I trust that. And for right now, I'm going to embrace the uncertainty of it. And I'm going to embrace all the infinite possibilities that could happen. I'm not going to stick to one option, one idea, one perception. I'm going to have and keep my heart open. I'm going to listen to my intuition. And I'm going to live my life.

in the moment, in the present, regardless of all the external circumstances. And my beautiful friends, that is where your power lies. That is how you claim your power admits all the uncertainties that are thrown at you in life. That is where your power and your sovereignty lies.

Beautiful souls, thank you so much for joining me in today's episode. As always, feel free to DM me on Instagram if you have any topic suggestions for future episodes or if you would like to apply to be a guest on the show. I hope you feel inspired to claim your power today. Bye.

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