Christy Wright Podcast Channel

Hey, I’m Christy Wright, and this is my podcast channel. I’m a best-selling author, keynote speaker


Total: 309

Let’s be honest, as business owners, sales can freak us out. We hate feeling like we’re being sold t

Spiritual warfare is real. It can feel like an anxiety that you can’t explain, attacks on your life

Ever thought, “Who are you to do this?” That’s the voice of imposter syndrome. And if you don’t know

How do you trust God when you don’t understand what is going on? In this episode, Christy shares fiv

Here’s the thing: Lies hold you back, they keep you stuck, and they make you lose money in your busi

Life is full of problems—so many problems that it can feel overwhelming and exhausting at times. In

How do you come up with a business idea that’s actually going to work? In this episode, Christy shar

When God gives us a promise, vision or direction, it’s really easy to assume that we know exactly wh

How do you start a business? What do you do? How does this work? The answer: You need a plan. In thi

Do you process your thoughts and feelings in a way that invites God in and moves you forward? In thi

If your audience doesn’t understand you, they can’t do business with you. In this episode, Christy t

We often tell God we want to obey Him, but when He asks us to do something, we hesitate and resist b

Do you know your customer—like, really know them? Do you know them so well they feel like you’re bes

Many of us have a distorted idea of who God is, which affects our relationship with Him. In this epi

Here’s the thing: regardless of how you feel about ChatGPT, you should know how it works. In this ep

You know those stressful moments where you feel painted in a corner, and it seems like there’s no wa

Are you having a hard time getting your audience to care about your business? Then you might be miss

In this episode, Christy teaches you how to discern God’s leading. How can you be sure that what you

How do you set the right price for you, your business, your audience, your offering, your season and

As humans, we depend on things like a job, relationships and money to take care of us. That’s not a