Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost. Welcome to another Friday, everybody. And this week, we have brought back Miss Ashley Jones. Ashley, why don't you go ahead and just give the lowdown of what we're talking about today? Yeah. So I definitely think that there's a lot of fear in the Christian community around...
the darkness. Right. Or just the devil. The enemy. Yeah. Right. We're scared of him. Like Christian community, it's like we just want to turn the other cheek. We don't even want to acknowledge him. And that's like a real thing that I think a lot of us are guilty of. And so we're excited because we do feel that this episode might be a bit convicting and step on some people's toes, maybe cause offense, but it really shouldn't. There's nothing about this that should be offensive because there's no spirit of offense. I mean, the Bible says not to have a spirit of
That's so true. There's not any. Right. It's totally not to offend. It's really more to get us comfortable with the fact of being naive to the subject doesn't protect you from it.
And also, you know, not speaking about it or not acknowledging it or not whatever is not the same as protection. And it also actually, I would say, puts you in a bit of a vulnerable state. You're showing the enemy that you're so scared you don't even want to acknowledge it. And you don't know how to fight back. Right. So we're excited to talk about it. And it's actually pretty cool because the thing is, is like the topics that...
you know, are always going to be spoken about on this episode is not anything that we haven't like personally also felt. Yeah. You know, so the cool thing about, you know, just being in this community is that nobody's calling each other out and being like, hey, you really suck in this area, but I've never struggled with it. Like the fact
Like the fact is, is we are all just as human as the next person. And so when we talk about these things, it comes from personal experience because both Ashley and I are sitting here have, we have been guilty of these feelings ourselves. It comes from experience. And it also comes from just like, you know, just what we see in this community. Like we see other people also kind of like acting and operating within fear of
of the enemy and not wanting to just confront him. And the reason that I, this conversation even sparked up for me and Ashley privately, because we talked about this off camera and then we were like, wait, we might actually have to bring this to the podcast. That's a whole episode. So good. But I was like, I actually,
And you guys could hear it probably in other past episodes where I'm like, hey, guys, I hate to bring up the enemy again. Hey, I know. I know we're talking about him again. Almost as if like I shouldn't have been or we shouldn't have been. And I think we just have that sense of like we don't want to give him a spotlight. But there are two different types of spotlights we could give him. We could give him a spotlight up on stage with a microphone.
or we can be like the Popo with our, we put our lights on and our flashlights and he's just standing there and he goes, like that's the type of spotlight we're giving him. We are catching him and we are exposing him for who he is. We're not giving him a space of anything. But there is really like, there's just no gain in us not acknowledging who he is, what his motive is, you know, why he operates the way that he does. Like there is nothing wrong with confronting that. And I think that, you know, again, like just even,
we just operate too much and just not wanting to acknowledge who he is and we think that that's safety and it's not i agree and i also want to read a verse about this because i think that what we misunderstand or confuse a lot is that talking about it is giving it power okay when it's actually exposing it and taking power we're taking power from him right because when we turn the other cheek and we do not acknowledge him that is giving him power
That is giving him a sense of power. And so the minute that we confront him and we say, hey, we see you standing there in the corner, Satan, you can leave now in the name of Jesus and never come back. You've just, you've taken all power that he had of that corner. That's true. Like, what do you mean you're just going to be walking around? This is just an analogy. This is just a visual, right? Because Jesus did this a lot too for us to understand things. But like, you're telling me that you're in your home and you see a robber just like in the corner of your home. And you're like, you know what? You're like, he's kind of in the shadows. I can't even like...
like you know i don't even like see him he's not even like really there right living room turn on the lights and say you are not welcome here thief in the night get out i know i'm like she's speaking bible it says he comes as a thief in the night in the night because he's a coward also by the way he's got to do it in the dark i'm gonna die he's got to do it in the dark because there is he doesn't have
have he's also the reason that satan is who he is is because he also operates so much out of fear himself totally and ego but for fear bro yeah like we literally scare him let's read let's read about that let's read about that okay so i'm gonna read real quick from john chapter one in verse five and it says the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it so you think about like
Jesus is referred to in the Bible a lot as the light of the world, right? We think about candles. We think about the lamp into our feet and the light into our path, right? And so when you shine light on something, the darkness cannot overcome it, right? Correct. The Holy Spirit. 100%. The darkness cannot overcome it. And so when you just leave the dark to be dark, it stays where it is. Come on.
You put a light on it and you're bringing, you're exposing. I mean, the only thing that can expose Satan is Jesus himself. Is Jesus, right? So when we say the light, we aren't the light. We are not. We're not trying to find the thing within us to... 100%. I gotta just...
get this like confidence and I can't be afraid and I got to find it. No, you'll never find it. You won't have the light. You will never find it in you. So the flashlight that you bring is Jesus. 100%. Yeah. Holy Spirit. That's good. So good. So and just another example, I think of, you know, how a lot of us do operate with, you know, the enemy in general is this is an example. I'm not calling this person out. I'm not saying that they're, you know, wrong. But
But maybe I am. But they commented on one of my TikToks yesterday where we were having a difficult time recording last week's episode. And there were just all these obstacles. And we both had confirmation in this one moment that it was definitely the enemy because one of our cameras turned off right after a really just iconic moment of calling him out on who he is.
camera shuts off right so i i shared that online and this person had commented and said listen like keep doing what you're doing it's good that you're exposing him but also he's no laughing matter like our enemy is no laughing matter this is good and i said i looked at your response was really good i said wait but why yeah i was like i'm genuinely confused why
Because if we're not going to laugh at him, okay? This is fire. I'm being real. Yeah. If we're going to say, but he's no laughing matter, where is that coming from? Because the only places that it would come from, in my opinion, of like why we wouldn't want to laugh at him is fear or respect. So are we not laughing at him because we're supposed to respect him? Right.
Right. That can't be it. Okay, so are we not laughing at him because he's evil and we need to be scared of him? Are we not laughing at him because we're afraid that if we laugh at him, he will come and destroy us, burn down our home, kill us and our family? Are we intimidated by him? Because to me,
I don't think there's anything... I want to disrespect the enemy because he's disrespected my family. He's disrespected my God. He's disrespected my father. He's disrespected my family. Like all of us, bro, we're family. Like here on earth, we are all children of God, right? So if he's going to mess with my family...
have any ounce of respect for him and I also have no ounce of fear of him because yeah I know that we also naturally have a higher ranking than him like because of Jesus because of the Holy Spirit right so we're operating almost in a way where we feel like this is an even battle we're
We're in, we're like, we're up against him and we go, oh, but he's real big too. Like too many of us look at the enemy like he, it's like fair game for both of us. Yeah. And that could not be further from the truth, man. Like I think that if we can understand what Romans 8, 11 talks about, it's,
and i want to read it yeah so romans 8 11 says if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells inside of you he who raised jesus christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you this literally means that i forget how big we have the same power if you are a christian try to wrap your mind around that by the way oh you can't you can never will but the same thing it's the same thing if you are a christian and we really need to talk about if you are not
a Christian, then what does that mean for you? And we'll get to that next. But if you are a Christian, and I don't mean you go to church, I don't mean you read your Bible every now and then, I don't mean the daily verse, and I don't mean praying when you need something. I'm taking a sip of my coffee.
Because the Bible says that even the demons believe in God. And not only do they believe in God, but they fear God. And a lot of Christians only believe in God and don't even fear him. So are we not even better than the demons? Whoa. Right? So if we are a Christian filled with the Holy Spirit, meaning follower of Jesus, not believer in God, then we have the same power living inside of us that rose him from the dead. Yeah. Rose Christ from the dead.
the grave, which is like the biggest miracle in the history of ever. And that means that that literally lives inside of us, which is so hard to believe. But the more that you believe it and the more you acknowledge it, the more power that you like truly allow yourself to receive. Like the thing is, is like we're holding ourselves back from this power that already lives inside of us. We already have access to it. You already have it. And you are limiting. There is no like. You're limiting God's power. Yeah. By saying I am not authoritative enough.
I am not strong enough. I am not worthy or valuable enough to exercise that kind of authority. But it's not anything because of you. You could have never done anything to earn that authority, first of all, or to deserve that authority. Half of that is true. We don't. We don't. But you were still gifted it. Yeah. Like, you still have it. As a kid, it's your inheritance. Right. And that's why Satan hates you. Right. Right? Right. And so...
I just think that if we could even grasp like slightly what is inside of us because of he who lives in us, there would be no fear. Yeah. So, okay. I just, I felt this on my heart too is because I do recognize that there could be a lot of people listening who honestly have never tried to pick up the Bible. And we hear people talking about like the enemy and Satan and the bad guy that comes like a thief in the night to take you and your family. Like, but what?
Who the heck is Satan? Like, should we just start from the beginning and talk about who this guy is, where he came from, why does he want to destroy us? Like, why does he come into our lives and try to distract us, ruin our relationships, ruin our lives, truly try to kill us? Like, I mean, I've said that. Like, he literally...
if you want to get down deep to it what is his goal his goal isn't just to torture us like that's not where he wants to stop he wants to stop where we are either spiritually or actually physically dead bro he wants all of us dead and I'm saying that out loud because it needs to be said and I don't say that to cast any sense of fear on anybody and I think that's
it's immediately where people will go is to hear that be like why is she being like don't why is she saying that like chill out and it's like no no the Bible says and we'll read it we'll read it okay so we're in John 10 in verse 10 and it says the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy I came so that they may have life and have an
And so I think that it's important to know that this isn't just some cute little funny thing that we say because we think that's probably his intentions. I mean, that's Bible. It's Bible. And Jesus said it. It came out of Jesus's mouth. Right. So if there's anything we're going to trust, it's what Jesus said. And so we can't operate in a sense of like, he ain't trying to take everything from you because the, the, the, the,
fact of the matter is that and honestly we could really just get into this like if we start from the beginning but it's not personal like that's no it's not at all it's not personal to us it's personal to God yeah because Satan was rejected by God and we are all accepted and chosen by God so let's talk about that yeah so in the beginning
Satan was with God. He was in heaven. He was an angel and he was actually an incredibly musically talented angel, which I think is so relevant to today. And you see how much Satan is in the music industry and Hollywood in general.
He kind of like, I think a lot of us are probably a little bit more well-versed with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden. Of course. How he told Eve, you can become like God. He told her that and tempted her with that because that was his original agenda in heaven. He wanted that. He wanted to be like God. He became envious and greedy. He wanted what God was. Correct. He wanted to be his own God. He wanted to be God. Right. And because of his pride and jealousy, he got kicked out. God said, you're not welcome here. Right. Like...
if you're not okay with what I've given you, which also by the way, like, I mean, he had a great role in heaven. Like he was doing the thing. He was chosen by God. He was respected by God, like loved by God. Let's not even like, I mean, he was loved and he had everything, but he still wanted to just do his own thing. So God said, okay, well,
If you want that, I'm gonna kick you out because that's not what heaven's about. And with him, he took other angels. Yep. You know, these fallen angels that you hear about in the Bible. So, yeah, I mean, so from the beginning, like it was never about us. His attack on us is to hurt God. Is an attack on God. He wants to hurt his kids, right? Which will hurt him. But also it says in the Bible that in the end days, especially that Satan will deceive and lead astray even the elect, which means death.
God's kids. Yeah. And you see it being done like even today, you know? 100%. Even more today. Even more. Yeah. And you, I mean, like it's awful, but I'll be scrolling on TikTok and I'll see people who are live on, you know, TikTok and they're like, I'm an ex-pastor and now I don't, you know, it's like,
Those are moments where people who were followers, and of course, we know that there's a lot of church hurt and there are a lot of... Bro, but see, that's even like Satan. Satan, why would Christianity be off limits? He's going to be in it as much as he can. He's going to destroy it. He's going to ruin people's relationships with Jesus through religion and awful people who manipulate. That's all...
operation of Satan. I mean, why would he mess with somebody he's already got? Why would he mess with a non-believer? They don't threaten him. It's us. It's only when you start being chased by God as a non-believer that he starts to enter your life. Before that...
he's already got you. He's like, you're already on my side. What's he fighting for? Yeah. You know? Right. That's so good. Well, and I think too, like, and this has been something that I have personally been just experiencing is I do feel like the closer I get to God, the more I feel like Satan's messing with my life. Oh, a hundred percent. You know? And so I think that the spiritual warfare is, I mean, we just have to be prepared.
how to defend ourselves in that. So I think the next thing that we should talk about is like, well, how do we do that? So then, okay, great. We know that there's this evil guy that just wants to destroy all of us. We're not supposed to be afraid, but I'm afraid because I don't know how to defend myself. So how do we do that? Yeah, I think it's important to...
you know, if you're going to defend yourself, number one, identify when you need to defend. Sure. Right. So like, what does Satan do? It says he comes to steal, kill and destroy. What does that look like? You know, you need to really take inventory of your relationships. Sure. What relationships are coming to steal from you? Yeah. What relationships are stealing from you? Yeah. What relationships are coming to destroy you, destroy your dreams, destroy your self-esteem, destroy, like, identify
where that's coming from. So then you can defend yourself. And other areas are just like spiritual warfare. Just like doing, you know, you're doing things for the kingdom. You're walking with Jesus and you feel so much opposition, oppression. Like you're going through like, I mean, so much of this is spiritual warfare. And don't get us wrong because we're both, I think, very aware that not everything is spiritual, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Not everything is Satan. And I think that we do have to toggle a fine line because you can get- There's the other side of the spectrum where we also don't want to take our responsibility. Oh, go off. Oh my gosh. For our own actions and our own decisions. And we just say, oh, Satan's after me again.
It's like you have to take responsibility for your sin and not pawn it all off on Satan because that's not how grace works. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And also he can tempt us, but like we also, I mean, we make decisions. But first Corinthians 10, 13, let's read it. First,
First Corinthians 10, 13 says that no temptation has overtaken you. That is not common to man. This means that you're not going through nothing that everybody else ain't going through. It's just true. Right. Any other human being. Right. I'm sorry. So you're not alone. Yeah. It says God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability. But with temptation, he will always also provide a way of escape that you may be able to endure it.
So he's allowing you to have a decision. You don't never have no choice. Right. So we got to stop pawning off our sin on the devil like we didn't have a choice. Yeah. But then again, like I said, not everything is spiritual warfare and we're aware of that. So we got to be careful with that. Why don't we speak on that? Because I feel like we also love to throw around the word spiritual warfare. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, if you think of warfare, like what do you think about? I think about like battle. I do too. I think about like two sides going hand, you know? Yeah. So I think that we are so unaware of how much goes on in the spiritual realm. And by the way, it always happens in the spiritual realm before it happens in the physical realm. Okay. So if we are thinking of battle and war, warfare, you are always going to have a spiritual effect to the things that are happening to you in the
real in reality in the physical realm right so you got to understand and this is why the bible says that you can't serve two masters yeah because you can't be fighting on both teams right you know you got to pick a side and be about it wow and so when you've picked a side the war has begun right that's when really you start to get that spiritual warfare i mean you said yourself like when i got saved i started experiencing this like right after that i picked side jesus and now i'm like a
facing every freaking temptation and inner thought and like awful, like it feels like you're being tugged, you know? - Yeah, and so I think that that's a great way to put it is the pull and the tug of like, and Paul says it in the New Testament so beautifully. He's like, why do I do the things that I don't wanna do? And why do I not do the things that I wanna do? That's spiritual warfare. - And the fact that somebody was having those same feelings that we are experiencing now thousands of years ago,
in first corinthians 10 13 you will not endure anything that is not already common to man everyone else has already felt this our ancestors like everyone before us this is not new news and i think that that's something that we need to remember like i don't know we don't take parts of the bible seriously because we're like oh it's an old book but like bro oh man we don't change it's the most accurate historical document we've ever been that we are now yeah just because we have cars and
and we're not riding in buggies anymore doesn't mean that we still donkeys or donkeys or now that we have iPhones right everything's so different it's like the spiritual warfare I think would I could even say is is probably more intense because it's so accessible to us yeah and it's we have way more temptations man like honestly the click of our fingers like just right there even with technology I feel like it's made things
easier for satan yeah tbh i mean it's made things easier for the kingdom too because here we are you know speaking to thousands of people but it does make his life easier too in ways yeah so um but yeah there's nothing different that we're not feeling now that people haven't felt before and that's why it's important to read the bible and take it seriously because it's true like i mean spiritual warfare and everything that we struggle with now is is nothing new
Yeah. No, it's not. And it won't ever be. So I think it's important to identify, right? Where that's coming from, what it even is, and then how to defend it. So let's go to Ephesians 6. That's where we're going to pick up. Okay. Okay. So in Ephesians 6, starting in verse 10, I'm going to read through 20. It says, finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you meet
may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers against the authorities against the cosmic powers over the present darkness and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Verse 2.
Having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace in all circumstances, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. Praying at all times in the spirit with all prayer and supplication to that end, keep alert and with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. And also for me, that words may be given to me and opening my mouth boldly,
to proclaim the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains that I may declare it boldly as I ought to speak. That's so good. Why do you think they had to use the word boldly twice? Why are we using the word boldly? If I count right here, it's one, two, three, four, five.
get up be firm stand boldly stand firm stand therefore because we have the authority because we can bro that's so good get up like don't like do this half like we have every right to be bold and stand up to the enemy and not be afraid I
I think that this is the whole key though. In verse 10, it says, finally, I'm going to read it again. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Be strong in the Lord. Yes. In the strength of his might. Not yourself. Not yourself.
If you go into 10 through 20 and think that you can put on the spiritual armor of God, or you can withstand the schemes of the devil, or you can have the same spiritual ranking and authority of all four or five of those darknesses in the evil heavenly places, it ain't going to happen. It's not going to happen. You got to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might, or none of these things will be put on. How do you receive that?
So let's kind of break this down. So let's go in first to stand there for having fastened on the belt of truth. What is truth?
I mean, I think that when we say in this generation, what's the truth? Because in this generation, I think that there's a lot of my truth. You know, there's a lot of, well, this is my truth. Truth is not subjective. Yeah. There is only one truth. Yeah. Right. And so if I'm thinking, well, what's the truth? I'm picking this up. Yeah. I'm picking up the word of God. Yeah. I'm talking to my father. Yeah. God, what's the truth? Right. Yeah.
So you have the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness. What's righteous? So when I think about this in regards to putting on spiritual armor and withstanding the devil, I think, okay, if I don't want to be tempted with alcohol, I'm not going to a bar. That's righteous. Yeah.
That's withstanding the devil. Yeah. If I don't want to be tempted. You're not giving him any power. With sexual immorality, I'm not going to. You're not going to put yourself in a position to be tempted. I'm not going to. You're not going to give him the space to tempt you, period. That's righteousness. Yeah. Repentance. And that's not a dirty word. Yeah. That's the gospel. Right. And so with that repentance, with that walk of righteousness, you are protected from so much. Yeah. You know, so that's the second one.
shoes for your feet having put on the readiness given by the gospel gospel of peace okay when i'm thinking about let me go and talk about jesus i mean let me just ask you this question when do you feel the most invincible when i'm in the presence of god when i'm with jesus you feel literally untouchable oh my gosh yeah because of the gospel of peace right
Yeah. You're like, what am I worried about? Literally. What am I worried about? But I don't feel that way if I've been living my days alone. I actually, I don't feel any of that. If I've gone like three to five days without spending any time with the Lord, those feelings, that
that feeling of like fear and like I'm smaller and I'm and I'm go like start to creep up on you. Like the most I feel so invincible, like bro, after we left passion and being around that and being in the Holy Spirit and being around people who also love Jesus too, like I felt on top of the world, like not a care in the world, protected by my father. Because you were. Yeah. You were in the presence. Right. You know? Yeah. So then in all circumstances, take up the shield of
faith right I think we saw this the other night and again if you haven't listened to the first episode you're gonna have to go back and listen to that to understand this but Allie and I went on a little excursion with Jesus yep and man did the thing that protect us I mean was it faith it was faith when we lost faith we felt attacked yeah like straight up oh we were doubting and that felt immediate doubt horrible and if you think of it almost as like a little pocket in your heart if you're not filling it with faith
Like the enemy is going to try to fill it with the counterfeit. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Which is discouragement. Faith. The opposite of faith is doubt. Wait, that's a song. Where am I getting that? Is it? Is it a song? The opposite of faith is doubt. That's why we got it all figured out. Girl, what is that? Hilary Duff? Nah. What is that? Worse. I don't know what it's from. Oh. Anyway. It's Cheetah Girls. That's where we're at. It's giving. It's giving. It's giving Disney. I don't know why. Emily Owen. Yeah. Yeah.
I was convinced that Emily Owen and Carrie Underwood would relate it for the longest time. They look the same. No, I was convinced. I was like, they're cousins. I'm like, I'm pretty sure she's- She's her little sister. Yeah. Yeah. They're not though. They don't even know each other probably. No, they don't. Okay, let's be real. Actually, no, that's not true. Carrie Underwood has good taste in TV. I already know. She's watching it on Montana. Yeah, she was. But they definitely had a picture together on a red carpet or something. Oh, well, then you have a reason to think that. I just- I was fully convinced at the age of 13 that they were related. I said, oh my gosh, that makes so much sense.
So yeah, I mean like we were going through. The opposite of faith is literal. What did we say? Doubt. It's doubt. And that's the thing is like Satan just wants to be God, right? We know this. This is his goal. That's why he was kicked out of heaven. He just want to be God. Okay. So everything he does, he ain't got no originality. Okay. So anything that he makes,
is going to be whatever God has already made, but opposite of that evil version, right? So again, like you've got all these little pockets in your heart that need to be filled by the Holy Spirit and they all categorize into different things like faith and all, you know, all of that. And so the opposite of faith would be
doubt like his counterfeit to all like so if you are feeling discouraged or if you're feeling these negative feelings like what pocket are you not filling with the holy spirit where is your faith then that's good and also too i think the latter part of this little verse right here says take up the shield of faith which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one tell me that's not what it felt like those like little it's like a shot of like
doubt and it hurts like a flaming dart literally yeah but man the second you take on that faith we got bigger the shield of faith yep it's like none of that even mattered oh yeah when you pick up faith yeah and i don't know why we think of that as something that can't be put on why do we think that faith can't actually help us like in moments right what it's the only thing why does it sound like
Okay, yeah, let me just have faith. Like, bro, no, it is that. It's trust. It's that. It's trust. I mean, just have trust in your father. Just have faith. The Bible literally says that faith is the evidence of things not yet seen. You gotta trust, right? You gotta trust. It's making me think of the book of Job, for real. Oh, wow. And you were the one who told me about it. You were like, you need to read the book of Job. We're gonna talk about Job on this episode. Because I think...
did you say this in the beginning of the episode? You said there's nothing that, or was it a part of our prayer? We were praying. We were praying. You had said there's nothing, there's no trials or anything that wasn't first like run by God, approved by God first, right? So when we go through hardships and we go through trials and we go through things that feel like, why am I even going through this pain? Like, why would God allow this? I mean, he has allowed it, but we have to have faith that there is a reason that he's allowed it. And sometimes that's really hard to accept. Like, especially when it comes to like,
big big pain you know it's like god why did you let this happen you know the bible says why i mean it says count it all joy my brothers when you meet trials of various kinds for they produce steadfastness they are to test your faith yeah that's what the bible says and grow us yeah you know yeah and so the next one says to put on the helmet of salvation okay i was saying this before i
I just love what the Bible is doing right now where they are literally. I mean, they're suiting you up. Suiting you up, bro. It is armor. It's too good. I love it. It's too good. They said, oh yeah, and the helmet too. Because when you think of salvation, you think of security. Yeah. Like, I'm his kid. Yeah. Armored up, babe. I am not afraid of you. I am his kid. Yeah. And you can't take that away from me. Anything that will be shot at me will bounce off of my armor. Hmm.
Like, dude, that's so cool. And then I think people leave out this one often. Most of the time, actually, they don't count this as a part of the armor, but I think it's the most important part of the armor. And it says praying at all times in the spirit. Allie and I watched this video last night. That's why I'm smiling. Allie and I watched this video last night. I have to tell you guys. It's so stupid. Ashley was.
she was like listen i gotta show you a video it's really the production is really bad yeah and it is it's just because it's old it's literally from the 80s oh man it's like from like jesus revolution time yeah but it's really good for the 80s buddy i was running around this house like you guys i was lit up so the video was about i'll tell it briefly yeah the video was about it was a skit it's on youtube you can find it what's it called revival in the land okay look up revival in
land and if you see something that looks like a really really poorly product of of hell a real poor product of hell click it and watch it yeah anyway it's a skit about what happens in hell when the saints pray and there's a demon talking to satan and he's like and they got a little tv down oh yeah for sure and they're like watching what's happening in the world in the whole world yep and
Now, I don't know how theologically correct that is. Whatever, y'all. But I do believe that they really do be down there doing this. They're scheming. Scheming. And they're like, man, like, drug addiction is going to take more people than the whole Vietnam War this year. And, like, they're, like, talking about statistics. Drunk driving has increased more this year than the next. Like, they're, like, calling out. Going back and forth. Like, people killing, like. Yeah. Awful. And all of a sudden.
these like shots of fire come down into hell. Like shots of lightning. They're dodging them. They're like, Satan's like, what is going on? And they're like, what is happening? Yeah. And the little dwarf. And he goes, the little demon goes, yeah, the little, the little demon goes, master, the saints are praying. And it's so good because it's like, bro, we do not realize. We don't know. I'm gonna scream this. I'm gonna scream it. We do not realize how,
crucial it is to pray wow bro yeah pray for everything everything pray a million times a day that's the thing is there are no limits like god like if you need to pray every minute of the day pray you have to
About nothing. About nothing. Like he's your father. Sit with him. Yeah. You know? Yeah. He's my best friend. Right. What is there to not tell him? Pray about nothing, but also the biggest thing that both you and Ashley Hetherington have taught me is also to pray specifically. Man, so specifically. I have never in my life prayed specifically to the Lord. And I just want to say, like, I'm sure there's even some people listening that are like, what does that even mean? What do you mean specific prayers? Like, God, please make my jeans blue today. Like, what do you mean? You know? And it's like, no, I mean like,
Don't be afraid to pray specifics. And I feel like the reason why up until now, I really haven't been praying anything specific because I feel like I'm like, oh, well, God, whatever your will is, let it be. And it's like, that's great, Allie. And that is, that's faith. But also,
tell me what scripture this is because you know the desires of your heart are also God's you know so it's like if you have a specific prayer bro if you've got something where you're like I really want this one thing I really need this one thing God can you please give me this gift like can you if this is your will okay because you're still allowing him to have the power you're like hey if this is your will if this is
something that you would allow me to have god i would love this one thing that's the key when the scripture talks about the verse you're talking about it's talking about praying to god and getting the desires of your heart yeah the key is that your desires have to match his yes you have to be praying in accordance to his will totally that's scripture right so i just i can't agree more that like the praying specific thing will change your life it'll change your life and your whole life not only
- It can only change your life where I feel like it actually builds your trust even more with God, but it gives him more glory. - 100%. - What do you mean does that, Allie, what does that mean? What do you mean it gives him more glory? It means that if you prayed for a husband
You're likely going to have one. You're going to have one. And that's like really cool. Thanks, God. But if you pray for specific things in your husband and you pray for specific qualities, hey, it could be physical too. If that's God's will, again. If it's his will. If it's what he agrees is good for you and your journey and what you need. If you were to pray specific things about your husband and then you actually received that like completely, like you're...
imagine how much glory God gets. No one else could have done that, but God. Yeah. No one else. And so that was the other lesson that we truly learned. We went on our little, our little hunt with Jesus is we were making specific prayers over these note cards. And it was like, we just trusted him in those specific prayers. And imagine how much more it blessed those people with those specifics. Instead of just writing John 3, 16, God loves you. You're going to do great today. Like that's still a blessing to somebody. And that does still give glory to God. But like,
It takes no faith to do that. It takes not a lot of faith. It doesn't take a lot of faith to do that. And it also doesn't take a lot of faith to be like, hey, God, I'd love a husband. Thanks. Bye. You know, bro, be specific because he's a specific God. He's not a generic God. He's not a general God. He's not a, okay, well, I'll give you this. Like he'll give you whatever you, whatever you want as specific as you want. So praying specifically, pray specific prayers, pray all the time, pray just about anything, but,
pray specifically for a something too. Yeah. And when he doesn't deliver...
It's for your good. Have peace about that too, though. That's the thing. That's not punishment. That's not rejection either. When you are praying to have his will be done, and you should always pray that. And we just prayed that before we started this episode. We did. We were like, Father, please allow this podcast to go smoothly with no media issues, no anything. But also, if we got to go through it again, we will. But if your will is for that to not happen, then help us just to have fruit. Just give us the strength in it then. You know? Yeah. So that's a beautiful...
way to pray. That's such a good posture to have. Because he actually won't give you everything that you want. He will give you everything that he wants. Yeah. Right? Yeah. So that's just so good. And that's what ends this part of the spiritual armor of God is prayer. And it says to keep alert. Mm-hmm.
And so I think that what we were talking about is so good. And this can lead us into like, so what do we do? Like, like, what do we do? But you were you were talking about, it's okay to identify where the spiritual warfare is coming from. It's okay to identify that Satan is working because it says to keep
alert yeah and persevere but you gotta know where he is yeah to persevere through spiritual warfare you know what i mean and so we were talking about and i want to go to scripture in this too we were talking about as as children of god as as god's kids we literally can say the name of jesus and exercise more authority than there is in the entire universe right it's insane so let's read that
All right, so we're gonna be in Luke. It's chapter 10, starting in verse 17. And it said, "The 72 returned with joy saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.' And he said, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.'" Take hold of this. It says in verse 19, "Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions over all of the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you." - I think you need to read that again. Just that last part.
It says, behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you. That's a promise. And what do we know about God's promises? They're true. He always keeps them. Right. We literally have authority over all of Satan and his little minions and his schemes and
through jesus that's it y'all we have nothing to be afraid of sure yeah we know what his plan is sure yeah maybe he's coming here to ruin our lives or take lives or whatever but like we've got nothing to be afraid of we have authority the only way he could be successful is if you just don't believe that how about the only way that satan can succeed is if you do not believe the gospel
If you do not believe in Jesus, if you don't believe in his power, if you don't believe that he can live inside of us, if you do not believe that Jesus rose from the dead, if he's not who he said he was, not who he proved to be, the Old Testament foreshadowing up until Jesus's birth. If we're not going to, if you don't believe that, you will never overcome the enemy. It's good.
And I think too, that like overcoming the enemy. And I want to preface this because we, and the theme, it's really been interesting. The theme of everything we talk about is it always goes back to humility. Like every single thing, right? Humble. Yeah. Oh man. Be humble. Right. And so I want to read the next verse. I don't want to leave this out. It says, nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
So like, it's not about us. Yes, we have the authority. Yes, we are able to tread on the serpents and scorpions. But why do we? But it's...
only Christ in us because of God right like what we were talking about Romans 8 11 it's because of he who's in us not because of he who is us yeah like y'all I'm telling you that if we can humble ourselves the Bible says that he gives grace to the humble but he rejects the proud so if we think that we can operate in deliverance and be prideful that's absolutely not yeah he
He's not giving grace to that, you know? So I think that it's so important to know that as a Christian, you don't have to be fearful. You don't have to surrender to him. He surrenders to you because of he who is in you, right? And I think that we forget that. And I think that it's important to just remind people
If you are being tormented by him, if you are being picked apart by him, if you have thoughts, if you have temptations, if you have, I mean, if you've watched the last video, this will resonate because you know my story.
sleep paralysis, if you are having crippling anxiety and depression and panic and suicidal ideation, if you're having all these things, know that you have authority because of He who lives in you. You do not have to lie down and just accept that that's your reality. Ephesians 6 says from 10 to 20, five different times to stand up. Mm-hmm.
Get up. And also, you don't have to stand up on your own. You know who's going to pick you up? Right. Jesus picks you up. Stand up with him. Right. So I think that the next thing I want to note is that Christians, and we've been talking specifically to Christians up until this point, all believers. Yep. I want to talk to the person who is maybe lukewarm. Okay. Because the Bible says that he will spit the lukewarm out of his mouth.
And I know that's a really harsh thing to say. It's like a harsh way to put it too. It is. Yeah. But it's truth. Yeah. And it's the word of God. And it's in the Bible. And I think that it's important to go there and to say that
If you are lukewarm, I don't want to say it's okay, but you're not doomed for all of eternity. You're not doomed, bro. You can turn. Yeah. You can come to him, you know? And fully surrender. And fully surrender. And when you do that, the gift that you receive, the gift of the Holy Spirit. It's incredible. Everything we just said applies to you. Yep.
But if you are a non-believer listening, or if you do not have the Holy Spirit living inside of you, if you've been lukewarm and you haven't surrendered your life to Jesus, I want to read to you about what the Bible says in regards to your authority with him. Okay, so we're in Acts 19, and we're going to start in verse 11. And I'm going to read this little portion to you. It's about the sons of Sceva.
It says, and God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul so that even the handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched his skin were carried away to the sick and their diseases left them and evil spirits came out of them. Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims.
seven sons of a jewish jewish high priest named skiva were doing this but the evil spirit answered them i just mean like can we take a second i mean these people are and i just to clear this up a little bit it says that they undertook to invoke the name of the lord and they said i adjure you basically they're like trying to rebuke a demon right they're rebuking a demon right and
It says, the evil spirit answered them. Jesus, I know. And Paul, I recognize. Oh, this is so good. But who are you? We're going to talk about what we just said the other day, too, because we spoke about this scripture. What did we say? I said, okay, read one more time. Read that one more time.
It says, Jesus I know and Paul I recognize, but who are you? Right. I had said this like scenario came to my mind where if you were trying to get into a restaurant or like a super exclusive, you know, club, it's probably not the best analogy when we're talking about Jesus.
You're on the list. Okay. You got to be on the list. But like, let's say you go up to a club and you're like, Hey, I know Steve jobs. And they're like, okay, listen, I recognize that guy because I know that's his bestie. But like, and I do know who Steve is, but who are you? Yeah. Yeah.
Who are you in relation to him? Do you have a relationship with Steve? Do you even know him? Like, that's like trying to convince Satan. You can't just say, Jesus, Jesus Christ. He goes, yeah, I know him. But, uh, yeah.
Do you? Because I don't recognize you. Satan knows exactly who we are, not because you're simply Ashley and I'm simply Allie, but because we have a relationship with Jesus. Oh, he knows exactly who we are because he knows we have a relationship with his name.
the guy that he can't stand right yeah so it's it's the same thing you can't just go up and be like oh yeah i know this person they're gonna look you straight in the face and be like no you don't get in the back of the line they're not gonna take you seriously it's like they're not gonna take you seriously they're not going to right and it's the same thing of like my husband um last year i remember like he why did i use steve jobs bliss random random accurate okay okay
My husband last year, it was like my first year as a wife and he was a head coach and I would like walk into games and be like, I'm coach Jones's wife. And they'd be like, Oh, come in. Yeah. Like I don't have to pay. Right. Because I could exercise his authority in that arena. Because you were his wife.
You know, because we are one. You are one. It's literally like a marriage. The bride and the bridegroom, meaning Christ in the church. It's the same. We're exercising the same authority as I did walking into that basketball gym. I'm Coach Jones' wife. And they're like, come here. It's the same thing. Yeah. So I want to continue reading. It says, Jesus I know and Paul I recognize, but who are you?
And then the man in whom was the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded. I just want to notice here that it says it overpowered them.
You having a lack of the Holy Spirit. Can be overpowered. So somebody with, you know, a non-believer or a lukewarm Christian, you have no chance. You can be overcome. Against a demon. Yes. You have no chance against the enemy. Yeah. And you can exercise the name of Jesus as much as you want to. And you hold no power because you hold no faith. You don't have a relationship with him. You hold no power because you hold no faith. Yes. Yes.
And that shows you right there to further clarify the verse that we read before of like, don't get prideful about you being able to do all of these things because we see what happens when human human tries to do these things without him, him removed. We are overpowered. Right. You know, so I think that it's so important to note this, that like if
If you want to get set free of oppression, of just this constant chain of the enemy. Because I like that you even said the other day, too, there's a difference between possession and oppression. Yeah, there is. And there's a biblical difference. The Bible separates oppression and possession. I personally believe that Christians cannot be possessed. No, because if the Holy Spirit lives in us, there's no demons being in us. In you.
But I do believe that Christians, even born again, Holy Spirit filled Jesus followers can be demonically oppressed because what brings separation from God is sin. And when we have sin, in which we will always have sin, Romans 3.23 says, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We do. Right? So when we have sin,
sin and we are separated in that way, Jesus bridges the gap for us in that way, but we invite demonic influence in every time we sin. Through sin. We are not
if we don't exercise authority through him. Right. You know? Yeah. So I just think it's important to note that if you've been going through this, if you've been experiencing this, if you feel like that constant tug and that war, you're not alone. And the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10, 13, you are not alone. Yeah. But you have to know him. Mm-hmm.
You can't be in this middle ground. And I love that also like the reality of having faith is having a relationship with whoever that is. It could be Jesus, but it also could be like your best friends. It could be your spouse. You cannot be in an intimate relationship. It's also intimacy too. Like you can't be in an intimate relationship, like truly like knowing somebody so deeply and not have faith in them, you know? So it's also- Or in the relationship. In a relationship with them. So it's all,
the same thing having faith in the Lord is having an intimate relationship with him and if you are not giving him every part of your life if you are not inviting him in to every part of your life and allowing him to truly like just be in every pocket of your days and being
with him. Yeah. You do not have full faith in him. And that is a piece of your armor that you need. That is the most important part of your armor that you need against the enemy. And think about it this way, too. Like, I love that you're talking about this, because if we think about the armor as like a hazmat suit, like, let's just imagine that. Yeah. We have a hazmat suit on to protect us from what's in the atmosphere, which is spiritual warfare. Yeah. And we say, well, I'm going to take my helmet off. And you're in the midst of poison. You know, I'm just
I'm just like sick of it. It's kind of like, it's getting like on my neck and like, I don't know. I just, I need some air. I'm like, it's overwhelming. So what happens if you take one piece of that hazmat suit off? None of it is effective. You're not protected. None of it is effective. You're not, yeah, you're not protected anymore. You have to have every single piece of armor on every day, which is not exhausting. Do you want to know why? Yeah. Because God gives us the strength.
Like, it's not exhausting, actually. It's thrilling. It's exciting. You receive joy. That's the other thing is that I feel like people could hear that and they'd be like, bro, what? I gotta do this every day? But it's not, I mean, it's work, right?
but it's also achievable. Like God would not ask this of us or say, hey, this is the key to joy. This is the key to peace. This is the key to just no worry. Like he would not ask that of us if he didn't think each and every one of us were capable of doing it. You can do it. Because of him.
because of him because it comes along with him and we were talking about this right before we started filming when actually we started filming and had to start again we started the whole episode over we said completely we're starting over i told you i said we have to have joy and it's not something that we get from things it's something that we just have it and i love that i love that you said it's not something we can get from things because how many times do we do that in life
man how many times have i done that yeah i've done it i probably did it last week bought myself a pair of shoes and i said oh my gosh these shoes are bringing me joy yeah that's not you don't get joy from things they're bringing you happiness which is fleeting right
Joy is eternal. Haven't we all experienced fleeting happiness? Yeah. The shoes are not as exciting after about four days. Yeah. Yeah. Like nothing will give you joy. Nothing can take your joy. You know? Yeah. Nothing can take your joy once you have it. That is a fruit of the spirit. Like, can we just say love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those are all fruit of the spirit.
And I say fruit in a singular, not a plural, because when you accept the Holy Spirit, you get it all in one package. It's a bundle of fruit. You get it. The fruit. And so I just think that we got to stop seeking validation. We got to stop seeking worthiness or authority or whatever in like anything else, but also like how far along we feel in our faith or the authority that we think we
we have because of how long we've been saved. No. Or because of how good or not good we think we could pray. Yep. Or because of comparison that maybe I see Allie and I'm like, man, like she can really go to war in prayer. And like, I don't know if I could do that. Like,
That doesn't dictate or sway the amount of Holy Spirit that I have in me versus her. We all have the same amount of Holy Spirit. We do. We do. We have the same anointing, the same inheritance, but different callings. But different callings. You know? Right. Comparison is the thief of joy. Yep.
You know? And so I just think that, man, if you know him, get up. If you know him, like stand up. Stand up. Stop looking at him at this little, little pipsqueak of a thing and being like, you are intimidated by him. I like to think of him as a mosquito and I'm just like,
yeah that's who he is you can't be like i am intimidated by you or i think that it'll protect me more if i don't acknowledge you or i think that if i stay naive to this subject that i'm protected from it it's all lies from him that right there operating in that is operating in a spirit of fear which only came from the devil which is honestly honoring the enemy from the devil so if you're gonna do that at least reject the spirit of fear and then maybe you'll come out of that yeah
It's all giving spirit of fear. And I love to... I feel like you just taught me this too in the last couple of days. So if you are praying against the enemy, right? Oh, this is good. Yeah. Yeah. And you're like...
Hey, Satan, in the name of Jesus, get out. Yeah. What did you teach me? Let's look at that up. There's two things. I want to talk about that. And then I also want to talk about how did Jesus handle when he was talking to Satan? What did he say? So let's look at that. Okay. In Mark 9 in verse 25, it says, and Jesus saw that the crowd came running together and he rebuked the unclean spirit saying to it, you mute and deaf spirit, I command you come out of him and never enter him again. Don't come back.
I've never done that. I've never done that. I've said, I've rebuked. I've said spirit of fear, the spirit of paranoia, the spirit of whatever. Get out of my home in the name of Jesus. You have to identify these spirits. You see Jesus do it. I mean, many times in the Bible, he personally addresses you mute and deaf spirit. I command you come out and never enter him again. Are you feeling anxiety?
Spirit of anxiety, leave. We're gonna say spirit of anxiety. Spirit of fear, leave. Not just like, ooh, evil thing, go away. Satan, not today. Specific. Get specific. Get specific. That's like the theme of this whole episode. 100%. Specific prayer, but also specific authority.
I think it's important to say, why do you have to say that? Why do you have to say, don't ever come back to me? I mean, it's in the Bible. I don't think we should read it. Yeah. So I think that this is important to note. I want to take us to Matthew 12, starting in verse 43. We were talking about how Jesus...
He exercised the verbiage of never return. Never come back. And you have to say it. I mean, we have to take like Jesus is our example. We're supposed to live like him, walk like him, talk like him, right? He said, don't come back. We say, don't come back. If there's a way, if we were literally showed
in scripture, how to rebuke a demon. And we think we should do it any other way. We're wrong, right? So when he said never return, there's a reason he said that. So again, Matthew 12, verse 43, starting, it says, "When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but it finds none.
Then it says, I will return to my house from which I came. And when it comes, it will find the house empty, swept and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself. And they enter and dwell there. And the last state of the person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.
So if you need to break that down, what is the house? The house is the host, the temple, your body, the person like this evil spirit. He said, okay, yeah, I'll leave, but I'm going to come back to my house and oppress you seven times harder and eviler than before. It says that he said, I'm gonna bring my pals. This state of your body will be far worse than the last state when you had the demon to begin with. When it says that it is swept clean. Hmm.
What does that even mean? That means that the Holy Spirit came in and swept house. The Holy Spirit was like, you got to go. Eviction notice to everybody that's in this house except me. Right. The house was kept clean. Right. But you've now left it empty with an open door. Right. And so you got to shut the door saying and never return. The door shut and the door is locked. You cannot come back. Yeah. And he said that because of this. Right. It is the truth that if you do not and it's a little bit meticulous, it's
specific, right? The Bible says that our tongue holds the power of life and death. And Jesus was really intentional with the words that he said. And he backed it up in this word for us to understand why he said what he said. And so I think that that's so important. And then on that note, let's look at how, what did Jesus say when he was talking to Satan himself?
not a demon, not a possessed or oppressed person to Satan. Yeah. What did he say? So in Matthew four, starting in verse one, it says, then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. This was his 40 years, 40 years or 40 days in the 40, 40 years was, uh, Egypt. Yes. 40 days in, in the, in the desert, right? Wilderness in the wilderness, right? Desert was Egypt.
Let's just read that one more time because you just, what we just talked about, God was like, watch this. Okay. Then Jesus was led up, and I'll say it this way, by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Mm-hmm. The Holy Spirit put him there to be tempted. Yeah. Temptation is, God loves it. God said, you will be tempted. Mm-hmm.
We see that in the book of Job, right? That God allows Satan to go and mess up Job's life. He allowed it. Everything that ever happens to us was first allowed by God. Right. Right. It was either to test our faith, to produce perseverance and steadfastness, or to teach us how to come against the enemy. Right. We can never come against him if he's not around. You know what I mean? Right.
So it says, then Jesus was led up by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting 40 days and 40 nights, he was hungry. The devil knows what our weaknesses are. And the tempter, which is the devil, came and said to him, if you are the son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread. But he answered, it is written. That's the first thing he said. It is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you are the son of God, throw yourself down.
For it is written, Satan responds to Jesus with scripture. Right. For it is written. Because like you said, even Satan knows the Bible. Satan knows the Bible better than any Christian that lives on the earth. He was there when it was written. Right. Satan says, for it is written, he will command his angels concerning you and on their hands, they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him, again, it is written, you shall not put the Lord your God to the test.
Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him, all these I will give to you if you will fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him, be gone, Satan, for it is written, you shall not worship. You shall worship the Lord your God and only him you shall serve. Then the devil left him and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.
I just think about like how goofy the enemy looks like. I mean, you really thought. Speaking directly to Jesus. He really thought. Trying to tempt Jesus Christ. Okay, first and foremost. But the second thing that goes through my mind is like Jesus didn't even have to like
hear that listen to it put up with it at all I mean he was God he didn't have to do anything that he did how about that like everything that he did on planet earth he didn't have to go through that that was God's grace for us for it to be written so we would know thank you
because people could say why did jesus even hum why did he even if jesus has more power than satan why did he even allow any of this to happen why did he even humor satan at all why did he even bother to sit there and let satan try to tempt god when he has more power than jesus but i think the truth of it is that the reason why jesus
this, right? Had to put up with this moment, you know, go through all the suffering, go through the temptations, go through the, you know, the fasting, go through the physical and spiritual pain that he did on earth is so that we would have it written in this thing called the Bible and we would have a literal Bible
blueprint guide of how we could go about our everyday lives because everything that we face today is everything that Jesus already faced so every temptation every struggle everything that you go through in life has already been done right just like the verse that you said we're like every listen you're a human today but there are plenty of humans that live before you including Jesus Christ himself it's all common and they've already faced all that so when we go through
life and we're like, how do we do this? What do you mean, God? You just threw me in this thing called life and I'm just figuring it out. What do I do? He said, I did not just throw you into life just to throw you there. I gave you the blueprint of how to get through life. Do not lay down. Do not fall into the woe is me, the victim mentality of like, I don't even know what I'm doing here on earth. What's my purpose? What am I doing, bro? It's right here. It's called the Bible. And Jesus went through it. He didn't
have to he didn't have to humor that stupid conversation with Satan the reason he did it was so that we would have it in black and white in a book I think this also brings a word to my mind from God and it's that Satan fights us for victory and we fight from victory we already got it we already have it already did it is our inheritance
Which is why he hates us because his inheritance is no more. He's never tasted it. Like he can't taste victory. He's only ever going to try. He's fighting for it. We're fighting from it. We already are fighting from it. Man. That's good. That's a word. So you see three times here that he says it is written. It is written. It is written. So when Satan comes into your mind, what are you going to do? Quote scripture. Yeah. That's why I said earlier, I'm like... And he may even try to quote scripture back at you, but you let him know what...
You see it in Genesis 3. You see it in Genesis 3 where he's like, Eve... But it's always a half-truth. That's what I'm saying. And a half-truth is a full lie. He says, Eve, you can eat of the fruit. You're not going to surely die. God didn't say that you would die. You would just become like him. But he did say, you will surely die. Right. But he manipulated. He manipulated God's word. You see him doing it here and he will do it with us. Yes. Hey...
We're gonna have to go there. You can be in that unequally yoked relationship. God has grace for that. He'll forgive you. - And you know what? Yeah, he'll forgive you and also like they'll eventually get to your level. Maybe they'll change. - You can teach them. - You can teach them. You can change them. - You can bring them to God. - You can change them.
so not only do we have the desire not only do we have the desire sometimes to be like god but satan wants us to satan wants to convince us that we can be him for other people you can change that man man it ain't gonna happen no one no one is able to change anyone except the holy spirit and also they have to want it yeah like you cannot change a person unless they want to be changed why did we find jesus
because we wanted we wanted to be changed we literally no one convinced me we were desperate that i needed jesus right and people could have told me that they could have been like ali listen your lifestyle the way that you're sad the way that you feel rejected the way that you are leaning on other relationships friendships whatever you need jesus i would have said yeah you're probably right but i don't want him yet it was only he who held the power
only he could have made you a different person you can't change anyone only jesus can but satan surely will come and tell you yes you can though just stick around and wait yeah yeah it's been 10 years but like give it four more give it one more year yeah that's how he keeps you there yeah that's fire that's real
That's real. Man, the lie of the enemy is, let me get you just in enough. Just enough. Enough. Just enough. And then he keeps going and going and going. I've been in it. I've literally believed those same lies in relationships. All right, he'll get better. Let me give him like another year. Yeah. It's like, that's just not the truth. Yeah. And even if it is the truth, it's not your responsibility to get him there. No. And honestly, you're in God's way. Yeah. Yeah.
That's just what it is. Yeah. So you see him quoting scripture to Satan and you see Satan then quote scripture to him and manipulate it to tempt him. Right. And so I just think that we can take such good example from the words of Jesus and take such good example from all the scripture we read. I mean, you guys, in this episode, we have just spoken Bible to you. We're not talking opinions. Yeah. We're not talking experience even. Yeah. Which we could. Wait, say what you said last night. About what?
Bible first experience, testimony backs it up, not testimony, Bible back it up. Yeah. Like opinion, whatever. I just heard the Lord say to me yesterday, I don't even know if I'm going to word this correctly, but I heard him say to me, when you are seeking truth, you cannot be getting so much of man's opinion with a couple verses to back it up.
You need to be getting so much of Bible with a couple things from man to back it up. If you're going to listen to people. How about that? Like, that's why our testimonies exist. Like, it's not our story, us testimony, and then Bible backing it up. It's Bible and then our testimonies and our experiences are what back up. And let's just be like Frank here. The Bible can stand on its own and it does not need our word.
right? But it says in the Bible that you will overcome the enemy by the word of your testimony. And so if we're not heavily on scripture, I mean, seriously, all, and I can speak for Allie here. I know I can. Like if you ever come to her podcast or her videos or my videos or anything, and you see that we are going off the rails of scripture or that's not our firm foundation, then exit out and unfollow at that point. It's like this can stand on its own. It doesn't need me. But what a gift that God wanted to use
me to elaborate on the truth that's in this book by the word of my testimony. Yeah. You know what I mean? So I just think that we've given so much scripture here today that would show you the Bible doesn't veer away from talking about darkness. Jesus didn't veer away from talking about darkness and exposing them. It says take no part. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but expose it. Right. So it is a very separate thing to be like,
well, I'm just gonna like dabble a little bit in here. I'm just gonna be dating around a little bit in here. I'm just gonna open a cracked door right here. That is taking part in the unfruitful works of darkness. But to say, I will have no part in it. Satan, there's not one exchange that I could make with you that is going to sound good enough for me to compromise my relationship. There's no deal. There is no, no...
Exchange. Compromise. There's no exchange that you could make with me that's going to be good enough for me to sway from where I am with Jesus. Yeah. There's not one. Because they're also just like, that doesn't exist in his world. He's going to make it look like that. That's like the case, but that's just not it. Luke 1. Just like we said, he is not going to stop. There is no like, okay, I'll just make like this cute little agreement. No. There is none of that. No. When you live in a life of constant...
exchange with the devil, that's lukewarm. And that's a dangerous place to be because that will separate you from him for eternity. And I think that we just really want to encourage you guys to
don't give him credit because let's give credit where credit's due and there's never credit due to the devil, but let's not be so afraid of him. Let's not be so afraid of going there and educating on what the Bible says about him and about the authority that we hold because of Jesus who lives in us and about the way that we should operate in authority. I mean, it literally says in the Bible that casting out demons will follow his children.
You will know a child of God because they ain't afraid of the devil. Right. That's true. I mean, your roommate, you know? Yeah. What's her name again? Donna. No. Alexa? Alexa. You saw that Alexa was radiating child of God the minute she started going in there and going to war in your home. That's so true. And it was crazy.
clear as day true that she was not afraid of the enemy because she knew exactly who she was yeah bro that's what i mean like all of us should walk like that we are not afraid of the enemy you can't be no that ain't a fruit of the spirit for god does not give us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind and that's a promise okay i love that i say we end out the the episode yeah i think we've lectured enough that was really lectured y'all but it's a
the truth and honestly it's convicting we we said that it would be we felt that God was gonna take us there and he did and so I just think that and the thing that we all need to remember too is that this is all out of love like the way that God warns us about you know just handling the enemy who he is like the Bible is love mm
he gave us this because that is how much he loves us yeah he wants us to be prepared he wants us to have the armor you know and so this isn't a sense of like i don't know it's it shouldn't feel like lecture it should feel like love like that's how much he truly cares about us he didn't
just throw us in this to be like yeah good luck you know he's given us the answers it's just a matter of us actually utilizing it and being equipped and using it you know and I would also and just I mean if you know Allie or you know me at all like we often both of us say like
We are not perfect. No. We are not like outside of the things we talk about or above the things that we bring up. Bro, sometimes I just look at myself like I'm just a translator. Like, no, that's all we are. We're a vessel. That's all we are. Like, I'm just out here telling the word of what God has said. And so like, if you're feeling that is what I'm saying. If you're feeling that Allie and I are like, oh, they're just preaching about like, you know, they're holier than thou or whatever. Test the spirit. Test the spirit.
That's telling you that because the Bible says not to have a spirit of offense. Yes. Especially if I'm reading the word of God, if Allie's reading the word of God, if we're straight up speaking scripture and you're like, and you're offended, test that spirit. Yeah. Where's that coming from? Yeah. Yeah.
I think that's really good. That is good. I guess we should have told everybody to break their notepads out. I'm sure they already had. They're probably like, oh, I need a notepad because this was good. Like, I almost wish that I had one during this. But thank you, Ashley, for being here. Thank you for just, bro, just whipping out all. I couldn't have done that on my own. You said scripture here. Scripture right here. You said book of Matthew here.
it was so good the holy spirit man he will bring things to your mind he'll give you gifts of the spirit wisdom and knowledge yes ask for it and ask for it bro that's the coolest thing about ashley's i'll say gosh i wish she goes have you asked for it literally that's like all it's
it's really about like have you asked though he'll give it to you he will i mean i just feel like it's also that that comparison that like is a thief of that you know and i love that you even mentioned like people who could look at us and think that same thing it's like hey we are no different than anyone else we just asked for it you know we just asked yeah so anyway uh thank you guys for being here thank you for tuning in for another episode of christ with coffee on ice and um
Again, Ashley, where can everybody find you on social media? Yeah, so you can find me on TikTok and Instagram at your spiritual big sis. That is my TikTok username. My Instagram username is a little more complicated, but you'll find me, your spiritual big sis. Your spiritual big sis. I love it. Well, we love you guys.
and we will see you in the next episode. Thank you for tuning in on another Friday. And hey, like we always say, can we just show somebody why Jesus is so cool today? Can we do that? Can we walk a little bit more like Jesus? Can we show more compassion? Can we show more love? Can we give more? Let's just be a bit more as much as we can, right? We'll never be Jesus, but we can always strive to be as much like Jesus as we can every day. But yeah, show somebody why Jesus is so cool. I love y'all. I'm so proud of you guys and we will see you next time. All right, bye y'all. Bye.
And that is a wrap of season two of Christ with Coffee on Ice, you guys. I'm so grateful for the way that the Lord has moved in this season. I hope that you enjoyed it so much. Obviously, you might have. I mean, I would assume you liked it if you made it this far. Now that we are at the end of the season and we will be taking a little bit of a break.
we will resume with season three of Christ with coffee on ice on April 12th. So just a few weeks. And, um, we are so grateful for just the support and the love, and we cannot wait to see what the Lord does in season three. Um,
We'll see you guys so soon. Thank you for your support and love. If you have yet written a review for Christ with Coffee on Ice in the meantime, in these next few weeks, please do it. Share it with the people that you love and just help spread the word of who Jesus is. And even if you need to use this podcast as that vehicle, I just pray that you share it with more people and we get more and more people to find Christ. So I love you guys. Thank you for being here and we will see you so soon.
If you guys can't wait until next Friday for another episode, you are in luck. Subscribe to our Patreon where you will have early access to future episodes and occasional surprise bonus episodes. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok for more content. And if this episode spoke to you, please write us a five-star review since it helps the podcast so much. We'll see you guys next time.