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lust, sex, and dating before marriage

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Christ With Coffee On Ice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Allie Yost
Allie Yost: 本期节目探讨了婚前性行为、色欲以及在基督教信仰中约会关系的界限。她分享了自己过去的经历,承认曾对婚前性行为的严重性认识不足,并强调性行为是上帝为婚姻设立的圣约,而非满足肉体的工具。她指出,世界对性的扭曲观念,例如婚前性行为可以测试性兼容性,是谎言。真正的信仰是相信上帝的安排,并相信上帝会在婚姻中赐予美好的性关系。她引用圣经经文(哥林多前书7:1-2,加拉太书5:19,创世纪2:24)来支持她的观点,指出婚外性行为是不道德的,色欲是罪,而性行为是婚姻中夫妻合为一体的盟约。她分享了自己对约会关系的界限的个人体悟,认为不应该做任何会引发性诱惑的事情,即使是接吻也可能导致进一步的性行为。她鼓励听众设定界限,并指出如果伴侣不尊重这些界限,那他可能不是合适的伴侣。她还强调了倾听内心的直觉,因为那是上帝的指引。她分享了自己过去的痛苦经历,以及婚前性行为带来的心灵创伤和负罪感,并鼓励那些有过类似经历的人寻求上帝的饶恕,因为上帝饶恕所有罪孽,包括婚前性行为。她提醒听众不要轻信世俗的谎言,而要相信上帝的教导,并强调十诫是为了保护上帝的儿女,而非限制他们。她鼓励听众在与上帝的关系中成熟,更好地理解上帝的教导,并期待与未来的丈夫拥有纯洁而美好的关系。最后,她鼓励听众与上帝沟通,寻求他的指引和界限,并强调遵守上帝的教导是为了荣耀上帝,而非出于恐惧或自私。 Allie Yost: 本集节目中,Allie Yost 结合自身经历,深入探讨了婚前性行为、色欲以及基督教信仰中约会关系的界限。她坦诚分享了自己过去在婚前性行为方面的错误认识和经历,并强调性行为是上帝为婚姻设立的圣约,而非满足肉欲的工具。她批判了世俗社会对性的扭曲观念,例如认为婚前性行为可以测试性兼容性,并指出这是一种谎言。她鼓励听众相信上帝的安排,并相信上帝会在婚姻中赐予美好的性关系。Allie Yost 引用了多处圣经经文,例如哥林多前书7:1-2、加拉太书5:19和创世纪2:24,来论证婚外性行为的不道德性,色欲的罪性以及性行为在婚姻中作为盟约的意义。她结合自身经验,分享了在约会中设定界限的重要性,并指出任何可能导致性诱惑的行为都应该避免,即使是接吻也可能导致进一步的性行为。她鼓励听众设定明确的界限,并指出如果伴侣不尊重这些界限,那么这段关系可能并不合适。她还强调了倾听内心的直觉,因为那是上帝的指引。Allie Yost 深入剖析了婚前性行为带来的心灵创伤和负罪感,并鼓励那些有过类似经历的人寻求上帝的饶恕。她强调上帝饶恕所有罪孽,包括婚前性行为,并提醒听众不要轻信世俗的谎言,而要相信上帝的教导。她将十诫比作父母对孩子的保护,指出上帝的教导是为了保护我们,而非限制我们。她鼓励听众在与上帝的关系中不断成熟,更好地理解上帝的教导,并期待与未来的丈夫拥有纯洁而美好的关系。最后,她鼓励听众与上帝沟通,寻求他的指引,并强调遵守上帝的教导是为了荣耀上帝,而非出于恐惧或自私。

Deep Dive

Sex is not merely for physical satisfaction but a covenant, a promise, and a way to deepen intimacy and unity with one's spouse within the confines of marriage. The world often presents a distorted view of sex, but its true meaning lies in the sacred bond between husband and wife.
  • Sex is a covenant, a way to deepen intimacy and unity with one's spouse.
  • Any sex outside marriage, including premarital sex, is considered immoral.
  • It's better to marry than to burn with lust.

Shownotes Transcript

Hey y'all ! Welcome to another Friday with CWCOI and to the start of season FOUR !!! We are so happy to be back and are excited for all the ways the Lord is going to show up in these upcoming episodes. In this week's episode our host, Ally Yost, talks about the importance of sharing Gospel truths, even when they might be convicting or tough to talk about. In scripture it reads that God bought us with a high price and therefore we are called to honor ourselves and our bodies before Him.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own: you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


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