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leaving space for Jesus

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Christ With Coffee On Ice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Allie Yost
Allie Yost: 本期播客的核心是阅读和解读路加福音,分享对上帝的信仰和赞美。Allie Yost表达了对圣灵的敬畏和感激之情,认为圣灵能够通过媒体传播,触及到每一位听众。她强调了上帝对每一位听众的爱和渴望与他们建立联系,鼓励听众在聆听播客时能够安静下来,与上帝建立更深层次的连接。她认为上帝超越感觉,胜过一切附加的‘装饰’,并且上帝的话语是完美的,足以满足人们的精神需求。Allie Yost还为听众祈祷,希望他们能够敞开心扉接受上帝的信息,并相信圣灵能够成为翻译者,将圣经信息传递到听众心中。她鼓励听众跟随阅读圣经,即使无法阅读,也能通过聆听吸收信息。Allie Yost在播客中分享了路加福音中关于施洗约翰降生、耶稣降生以及耶稣受试探等章节的故事,并表达了她对这些故事的理解和感悟。她还鼓励听众将学习到的内容分享给他人,并感谢捐赠者对播客的支持。 Allie Yost: 播客中穿插着对上帝的赞美和祈祷,表达了对上帝的敬畏、感激和爱戴。Allie Yost多次提到圣灵的作用,认为圣灵是连接上帝与听众的桥梁,能够将上帝的信息传递到听众的心中。她鼓励听众用经文回应敌人的攻击,并相信上帝的话语是战胜邪恶最有力的武器。Allie Yost还分享了她个人的信仰体验,以及她对上帝的理解和感悟。她强调了信仰的重要性,以及信仰能够带给人们的力量和希望。

Deep Dive

Zechariah, a priest, encounters an angel who reveals that his wife Elizabeth will bear a son named John. John will be filled with the Holy Spirit and prepare the way for the Lord. Zechariah's disbelief leads to temporary silence until John's birth.
  • Zechariah and Elizabeth, despite their old age, are promised a son named John.
  • John will be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth and prepare people for the Lord.
  • Zechariah's doubt results in him being unable to speak until John is born.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost, and I am so grateful to be here with you guys. I hope that you guys are doing so well. I feel so blessed to be here with you.

to be here on another Friday with you guys, to just spend some quality time together with the Lord. So praise God. Thank you, Jesus, for being here, Lord. Thank you for being present. He is with us. He is in your car with you. He is on your walk with you. He is on his lunch break with you. Wherever you are, the Lord is so present. So I just want to take a moment to thank Jesus for using this podcast as an opportunity to just allow the Holy Spirit to move right through

Your ears through your headphones, um over your car speaker The holy spirit is limitless So that's what's just the coolest part about all of this that blows me away over and over again is just how the holy spirit can actually like Transport from where i'm sitting at right now to wherever you are. Like can we take a moment? How crazy is that like what you guys feel when you listen to this podcast is the holy spirit is

That is traveling through media right now to reach you through your iPhone, through your TV. Like that's just the coolest thing ever. That's the coolest thing ever. I love that. I just got that revelation. Um, yeah. Holy spirit. You're amazing. You're incredible. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being present. Um, I love the Holy spirit.

I love the Holy Spirit and I'm grateful that he's here. He's going to be the one speaking to you guys today. And it's a good thing it's him and not me because I don't know y'all personally, but the Lord does. Can I get an amen? He knows each and every one of you personally, whether you believe it or not. He loves you so much and he is so jealous and eager for your time. He is a jealous God, meaning...

He literally is so obsessed with you. He loves you so much that he wants quality time with you. So I just pray that you're in a place where you can give that. I know that this podcast can be fun to kind of play maybe while you're getting things done or doing chores or whatever it is that you're doing. But I pray that just specifically for this episode, you are in a slow place because I really want to hand the floor over to

to Jesus in this episode. Allie doesn't really have anything planned in the sense of like what I think this episode is going to look like. To be honest, this is going to reflect an episode that we've already done before where we are just reading the Bible. And so with that, I pray that that doesn't sound boring to you because like I've said before, there is literally nothing more perfect and better than just the word of God. And it is enough.

The word of God is enough. Jesus is enough. Too many times I feel us all falling into that trap of there needs to be more. Or maybe the Lord, we kind of put him in a pocket or like a small box that he's just a feeling. And so we want to feel all of these things. And that can come with fluff, like the extra stuff, you know? You know, you really want to hear what that pastor has to say, or you really want to hear what Allie has to say. I think this is just a great reminder to

to remember that the Lord is more than a feeling and he's more,

He's actually way better and more perfect than all the fluff that could come with it. So I really want to just pray together right now. I pray that you're in a place to receive it. And I also just want to pray over our ears right now that we are able to receive it through our ears. Let's all just pray together. So we're set up for success in this episode and the Holy Spirit speaks to each and every one of us so personally and individually, um,

And I just pray that it's a different experience for you all. I pray that it's so personal and that the Lord truly speaks directly to your heart in whatever situation you're in. So, Lord Jesus, we just thank you so much for being here, God. Thank you so much for being here, Holy Spirit. Jesus, I just want to give you the space right now to speak to your children, God, that there's not much I can really say. But, God, I just want to give you room to speak to them. Thank you, Jesus.

Jesus, I pray for our ears right now, God. I pray that they are open to receive whatever it is that you want to encourage us in today, comfort us in today, heal us from today. God, I pray against any distractions in Jesus' name that they will fall under the sound of my voice right now. Every distraction will fall in Jesus' name, God. Thank you that your yoke is easy, God. Thank you that your presence is good, God.

Lord, and I just pray, Holy Spirit, that you are the translator between me delivering this and just speaking scripture and it getting to the hearts and the minds of the ones on the other side of this, of your children, God. I just pray that you are the translator to their hearts, that this scripture will live inside of them after this episode, God, and it will stick with them and they will have revelations and they will feel spoken to by you, Lord. I pray that this episode brings hope

everybody closer to you, God, and that they see a side of your face that they haven't seen before, Lord. God, thank you that you are so good. Thank you that you are kind. Thank you that you are gracious. Thank you that you have compassion. You have patience for us. Thank you that the fruit of the Spirit is actually infinite. There is no end of it. You will never stop giving us mercy. You could never stop giving us grace, compassion, and love, Lord. So I just seal this in the blood right now, God. Thank you so much, Jesus. And also, I want to add...

God, let it be easy for us to give grace to ourselves, that if there are some things that are being read to us today that go over our heads or it doesn't fully sit with us, God, let the words that are meant to speak to us personally speak to us. God, whatever you want said to your children today, Lord, let it be said. But also, any pressure, I pray it falls now in Jesus' name.

God, thank you so much for today. Thank you for gathering us together, Lord. And we just praise you, God. We bless you in Jesus name. Amen. Okay. It's going to be so good. Holy Spirit. Okay. Y'all, um, I don't know what we're going to read. So we're just going to open. Oh, we're in the book of Luke.

Okay, slay, Holy Spirit. All right, y'all, I just opened my Bible at random, and it looks like the Lord wants us to read the book of Luke right now. So let's go with it. We kind of just opened up in the middle of Luke, and I just think that, well, it was one page off from the beginning of Luke.

So let's just start in the beginning of Luke. I am reading the version, the New International Version. So NIV is what I'm reading from. So if you have a different version, that's totally okay. But if it sounds a little different, that's just because I'm reading NIV. But yeah, let's just start with Luke 1, y'all. And if you have your Bible, if you're sitting somewhere where you could have your Bible, I really, really would...

I would advise you guys to open yours too. I think it's really helpful to follow along and you can highlight and kind of take notes and pause me, write your little note and then resume. I just think it'd be even more of an opportunity for you to actually absorb and take in the scripture. But if you're not in a place to open your Bible, I totally get it. And that's okay.

Actually, it's really great that it's still going through your ears. So praise the Lord that you get to hear scripture today. Thank you, Jesus. All right. So Luke 1, it starts. This is the introduction. Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word.

With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. In the time of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah. His wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.

Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commands and decrees blamelessly. But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old. Once when Zechariah's division was on duty and he was serving as priest before God, he was chosen by Lot, a

And when the time for the burning of incense came, all the assembled worshipers were praying outside. Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him standing at the right side of the altar of incense. When Zacharias saw him, he was startled and was gripped with fear. He said,

But the angel said to him, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard. Your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John. He will be a joy and a delight to you, and many will rejoice because of his birth, for he will be great in the sight of the Lord. He is never to take wine or other fermented drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he is born.

He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord in the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of righteous, to make ready and people prepared for the Lord. Zechariah asked the angel, how can I be sure of this? I'm an old man and my wife is well along in years.

The angel said to him,

And now you will be silent and not be able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time. Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he stayed so long at the temple. When he came out, he could not speak to them. They realized he had seen a vision in the temple for he kept making signs to them, but remained unable to speak.

So now we are in Luke 11.

1 26 in the sixth month of elizabeth's pregnancy god sent an angel gabriel to nazareth a town in galilee to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named joseph a descendant of david

The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, "'Greetings, you who are highly favored. The Lord is with you.'" Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, "'Do not be afraid, Mary. You have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.'"

The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob's descendants forever. His kingdom will never end. "How will this be?" Mary asked the angel, "Since I am a virgin." The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God. Even Elizabeth, your relative, is going to have a child in her old age,

At the time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea where she entered Zacharias home and greeted Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice, she exclaimed, Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear. But why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me?

As soon as the sound of your greetings reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed the Lord would fulfill his promises to her. And Mary said, "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me. Holy is his name.

his mercy extends to those who fear him from generation to generation he has performed mighty deeds with his arm he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts he has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble he has filled the hunger with good things

but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. Whenever it was time for Elizabeth to have her baby, she gave birth to a son,

Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy, and they shared her joy. On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father, Zechariah.

but his mother spoke up and said no he is to be called john they said to her there is no one among your relatives who has that name then they made signs to his father to find out what he would like to name the child he asked for a writing tablet and to everyone's astonishment he wrote his name is john hey guys how's it going are we loving this pod episode is it our favorite is it absolutely blessing us thank

Thanks, God. You're the best. Listen, guys, this is kind of giving mini commercial moment, but I wanted to tell you guys that there is a way to give to the pod and help support it financially, which is so huge. Even if you can only give 99 cents, literally anything is so appreciated. But I wanted to let you guys know that the option is there so that the pod can keep running and keep going. So to find...

The way to donate, you can go through the link in our bio on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. There's a link there that will lead you to give. I can also verbally tell you the link right now, but I'm going to tell you it's kind of lengthy. It's kind of long. Are you ready? Pens and papers are ready. Okay.

It is slash pod slash show slash CWCOI slash support. I love you guys so much. Thank you for your generosity. Now let's get back into the episode.

Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue was set free and he began to speak praising God. All the neighbors were filled in awe and throughout the hill country of Judea, people were talking about all of these things.

Everyone who heard this wondered about it, asking, what then is the child going to be? For the Lord's hand was with him. This part, I wrote a little side note in my Bible, which I think is worth sharing. I had written, Zachariah could speak again because he came in agreement with what the angel had told him, a.k.a. believing.

Then he was filled with the Holy Spirit. So now Zachariah is singing because he has access to his voice and his mouth again. So this is Zachariah's song. His father, Zachariah, was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, "'Praise to be the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them. He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David.'"

as he said through his holy prophets of long ago, salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us, to show mercy to our ancestors and to remember his holy covenant, the oath he swore to our father Abraham to rescue us from the hand of our enemies and to enable us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him in all of our days.

and you my child will be called a prophet of the most high for you will go on before the lord to prepare the way for him to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins because of the tender mercy of our god

So what's really cool about this part is that, well, one, obviously the obvious part is that Zachariah can speak again, but the crazier part is that Zachariah is actually completely prophesying over who his son John is going to be and what his life is going to serve, which was, well,

to tell people about the Messiah while Jesus is obviously growing up. And until Jesus starts pursuing his ministry when he's 30 years old, John the Baptist's job was to tell everybody about what was to come and to essentially pave the path for Jesus to come. John will be called the prophet of the Most High.

for he will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him. And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. So now we're at Luke 2, which is the birth of Jesus. In those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. And everyone went to their own town to register.

So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem, to the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.

she wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no guest room available for them and there were shepherds living out in the field nearby keeping watch over their flock at night an angel of the lord appeared to them and the glory of the lord shone around them and they were terrified

But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all of the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. This was a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those whom his favor rests. When the angel had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, Let's go to Bethlehem and see the thing that has happened which the Lord has told us about. So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby who was lying in the manger.

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told to them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus.

the name the angel had given him before he was even conceived. When the time came for the purification rites required by the law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord. As it is written in the law of the Lord, every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the law of the Lord, a pair of doves or two young pigeons.

Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simon. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the law required, Simon took him in his arms and praised God, saying,

The child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him.

Then Simon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, this child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.

And a sword will pierce your own soul too. There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel of the tribe of Asher. She was very old. She had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage and then was a widow until she was 84. She never left the temple but worshipped night and day, fasting and praying.

Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. When Joseph and Mary had done everything required by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong. He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God was on him. So now we are in Luke 2, 41.

which is the boy Jesus at the temple. Every year, Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.

When he was 12 years old, they went up to the festival according to custom. After the festival was over, while his parents were returning home, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but they were unaware of it. Thinking that he was in their company, they traveled on for a day. Then they began looking for him among their relatives and friends. When they did not find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days, they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions."

Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, "'Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.' "'Why were you searching for me?' he asked. "'Didn't you know I had been in my father's house?'

By then they did not understand what he was saying to them. Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. In the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod, tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip, tetrarch of Etyria, and Trachonitis,

and Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene. During the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, son of Zechariah, in the wilderness. He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, a voice of one calling in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord.

John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, You broad of vipers, who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?

What should we do then? The crowd asked.

John answered, "Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same. Every tax collector came to be baptized. 'Teacher,' they asked, 'what should we do?' 'Don't collect any more than you are required to,' he told them. Then some soldiers asked him, 'And what should we do?' He replied, 'Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely. Be content with your pay.'

The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah. John answered them all, "I baptize you with water, but one who is more powerful than I will come. The straps of those sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

His widowing fork is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn. But he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. And with many other words, John exhorted the people and proclaimed the good news to them. But when John rebuked Herod the Tetrarch because of his marriage with Herodias, his brother's wife, and all the other evil things he had done, Herod added this to them all. He locked John up

in prison when all the people were being baptized jesus was baptized too and as he was praying heaven was opened and the holy spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove and a voice came from heaven you are my son whom i love

With you, I am pleased. Now, Jesus himself was about 30 years old when he began his ministry. He was the son. So it was thought of Joseph. I wrote off to the side during this part, because if you're reading along with me, these next few verses are going down literally just the entire bloodline of Jesus. And I wrote off to the side, y'all, I don't know. Can people do math? I tried to do math. I said Jesus was the 76th generation after Adam.

We can list this off. Just give me grace though with saying all these names.

I don't really think we should skip it. I know that these parts of the Bible seem really tedious and it kind of seems pointless, but I don't think that's fair because it's the word of God. So it can't be that pointless. And there's got to be a reason to why the Lord wanted us to know the entire lineage of where Jesus has come from. So we start at the top, everybody. This is Luke 3, 24, right?

the son of Heli, the son of Matat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jani, the son of Joseph, the son of Matatias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Esli, the son of Nagai, the son of Math, the son of Matthias, the son of Semene,

the son of josek the son of joda the son of jonan the son of resa the son of zurab

Babel, the son of Shaltel, the son of Neri, the son of Melchi, the son of Adi, the son of Kosem. Oh my gosh, guys, I feel the Lord right now. He's so proud of us. Okay, we're almost there. Let's keep going. The son of Elimadem, the son of Ur, the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matat,

the son of levi the son of simon the son of judah the son of joseph the son of jodam the son of elekhim the son of meleah the son of mena the son of metatheh the son of nathan

the son of David, the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Solomon, the son of Nashon, the son of Amminadab,

Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac. Okay, these names are sounding familiar, right? The son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, the son of Sirag, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Eber,

Eber, Eber, the son of Shelah, the son of Canaan, the son of Arphad. There's an X in that one that threw me off. I'm not sure, but that is the son of Shem, who is the son of Noah, who is the son of Lamech, who is the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared,

the son of Mahalala, Mahalala, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, who is the son of God. Thank you, Jesus. We just got through it together, okay? There's grace for that. But we were intentional and we read through all of it. So thank you, God, and he's proud of us. For those who have stayed through this, he's proud of you. Okay, now we are at Luke 4. Jesus is tested in the wilderness, okay?

So Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was very hungry. The devil said to him, "'If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.'"

Jesus answered, it is written, man shall not live on bread alone. The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor. It has been given to me and I can give it to

anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours. Jesus answered, it is written, worship the Lord your God and serve him only. The devil led him to Jerusalem and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. If you are

the son of God, he said, throw yourself down from here for it is written. He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully. They will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. It is said, do not put the Lord, your God to the test. When the devil had finished all his tempting, he had left him until an opportune time. One of my favorite things about this particular passage of, um,

Jesus being tempted in the wilderness is the way that the enemy tries again and again. And sometimes I feel like in our lives, we think that we just can rebuke the enemy one time and he won't try in a different way.

And I think it's just a reminder that even Jesus had to rebuke the enemy multiple times and say, yeah, no, actually, no, you know. OK, so I know you're trying it at a different angle, but no. And then the last resort of what the enemy tried to do is he actually tried to use scripture and use it to serve what he was trying to do, which was to manipulate Jesus and trick him to serving Jesus.

him right but he tried to use scripture against god i mean the irony in this is that he's doing it against god so it's like jesus is like bro i know this okay these are my words you can't use my words against me i rebuke you but it's just interesting that um the enemy will even try to use scripture against us and so i think it takes wisdom from the lord to just speak that scripture back and be like no you're trying to pervert that you're trying to twist that that's not the truth

you know, and it's honestly, it's so important to pay attention to that the only way that Jesus responded to the enemy was with scripture. It is written. It is written. It is said. That was actually the only thing coming out of Jesus's mouth in response to the enemy. Like he was not even going to entertain the enemy with any outside conversation, anything outside of scripture. He just said,

It is written. So the next time that the enemy tries to come and attack you, tempt you, whatever it is, the most powerful thing we can do, y'all, is not only pray, but also speak scripture to his face.

And remind him and honestly yourself too, because your flesh is going to want to try, like believe him. Your flesh is going to want to fall to his lies and the way that he even tries to pervert scripture. But go back with him and find the truth in scripture and say, no, no, no. It is written that the Lord will fight for me. I need only to be still. Wait a minute. No, no, no. That's what's written. What's written is the Lord will fight for me. I need only to be still. It is written, worship the Lord, our God, and serve him only. Okay.

And honestly, that's how we should be treating the enemy, bro. We're just gonna spit straight fire at you, which is just scripture. Well, you guys, I think that's where we're gonna stop today's reading. I really loved that. I like honestly couldn't stop. That was so good. The book of Luke is so good. Thank you guys for tuning in. Thank you for being willing to just

allow the Lord to speak to you. I pray that he did. And, uh, yeah, I'm really grateful that we just gave Jesus a space to talk to us. I feel like this was really pure and wholesome and I just love him. I'm so happy that he's here and I'm grateful for all of you guys. And also, uh, I actually wanted to mention this at the beginning of the episode, but I wanted to extend my gratitude to anybody who has donated to the podcast. Um,

I just want you guys to know that I see you. I literally see you and I appreciate it. And there's not a single dollar that goes unnoticed or unappreciated. Truly. Wow. Thank you so much to those who have decided to donate. It really is what's helping the pod continue. It's supporting me. It's supporting the show. And so thank you so much for donating.

It does not go unnoticed. And I'm just so grateful. So I have to say that. I have to acknowledge it because there have been some people who have already been donating and it means so much to me. I love you guys. I love you. I hope you have an incredible rest of your day. I hope you have a great weekend. I hope you have a great rest of your week.

I'm looking forward to spending time with you guys next Friday. And like we always say, can we just do something cool today, y'all? Can we just show somebody how cool Jesus is? Why don't we share something we've learned today? Why don't we share some scripture from the book of Luke that we've read with someone? I'm so proud of y'all and I'm so proud of the way that you guys continue to strive to look like Jesus, talk like Jesus.

Be like Jesus. We are doing it together. So thank you, Jesus, that we are not alone because not only do we have him, but we have each other. Thank you, God. And yeah, I love y'all. I love you so much. Thank you for tuning in and I will see you next time. Bye. Bye.

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