cover of episode God isnt answering yet ft. ashley hetherington

God isnt answering yet ft. ashley hetherington

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Christ With Coffee On Ice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ally Yost
Ashley Hetherington
Ally Yost: 她们分享她们在信仰旅程中跟随上帝带领的经历,即使在很多事情没有答案的情况下,她们仍然选择相信和顺服。她们相信上帝的计划远超乎她们的想象,即使面临搬家、生活环境改变等挑战,她们仍然选择相信上帝的供应和保护。她们鼓励听众效法她们,即使在面对未知和不确定性时,也要勇敢地跟随上帝的带领,因为上帝不会抛弃那些信靠祂的人。她们相信上帝会为她们预备一切所需,包括住所和未来的配偶。她们的经历是激进信心的见证,鼓励听众在生活中勇敢地跟随上帝的带领,即使在没有答案的情况下。 Ashley Hetherington: 她们分享了她们在加州的经历,以及她们如何通过祷告、禁食和寻求上帝的带领,最终决定搬到洛杉矶。她们相信上帝在洛杉矶有更大的计划,她们需要参与其中。即使她们在搬家后面临许多挑战,例如没有固定的住所,她们仍然选择信靠上帝,相信上帝会供应她们的需要。她们鼓励听众在信仰中勇敢地迈出第一步,即使不知道未来的方向,也要信靠上帝的带领。她们相信上帝会看重她们的信心,而不是她们所做的决定的正确与否。她们的经历是信心的见证,鼓励听众在生活中勇敢地跟随上帝的带领,即使在没有答案的情况下。

Deep Dive

Ally and Ashley recount a trip to California for a podcast recording that turned into a spiritual awakening. They share how unexpected connections, a last-minute worship night, and a spontaneous baptism led to a shift in their lives and a sense of calling to return to California.
  • Ally and Ashley felt called to California after a series of divinely orchestrated events during a trip.
  • They extended their trip and experienced significant spiritual growth, including Ally's baptism.
  • Upon returning to Nashville, they felt a disconnect and a growing sense that they were meant to be in California.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost, and I am accompanied by bestie, Ashley Hetherington. Hi. Hi. Hi guys. This is what, your third time? Fourth time? Third time. Um, I'm not even sure, but we're back. But we're back. We're back. We're here. Yeah, we're really excited about this episode, and if you're physically watching, please

Whatever. We change the environment a lot here, I guess, on the pod, but we are not in my place or Ashley's place. And we just have had a lot going on in our lives in the past few weeks. I feel like Ashley and I kind of went back and forth on whether we should really go in depth of explaining what we're doing and why we're doing it because it's a lot. But at the same time, it would feel like a dishonor to the Lord if we weren't

sharing what he's walking us through and what he's been telling us to do because we believe that, you know, he's doing so much in our lives for us, but not like it's also just about the impact that he plans to have through us. Hopefully that's making sense because I'm trying to like give like a good explanation without really getting into it just yet. But it would be a dishonor to the Lord is what I'm saying. I think that with what he's doing now,

Through us, we're hoping that it inspires other people to have really radical faith and bold faith because that's literally what he's calling us to do. And we can even talk about the definition of faith to like what that even looks like, because I think even in my journey, like this past year and a half or so, I've had faith, but I've never had this kind of faith, which is giving like real faith.

Like the real raw, raw, what faith really means. And biblical faith. Biblical. Like definition what faith is supposed to be and looks like as a Christian. Anyway, yeah, so that's what we're going to do. We're just going to tell you guys about what's been going on and why we feel the Lord has called us to do the things that we're doing. And, um,

yeah hopefully it just inspires you guys to also step out in faith because ultimately what the lord is asking us to do is what he's always asked us to do and what he asked a lot of um you know even people in the bible to do like so many stories where you read about abraham and you read about um

you know, Moses and the disciples and just so many incredible people that had to walk out in such bold faith. And I don't think it just stops at the Bible. Like the Lord still calls us to do that. Even today in the year 2024, we are always supposed to be walking in that type of bold faith, which is giving crazy sometimes. I don't think I would be fulfilled knowing that the Lord is calling me to do something so big. And I just tell him no, even though it's scary. And even though we don't have a lot of answers right now, because we really don't have like a

a lot of answers at all right now. Just like a spoiler, we really have no idea what we're doing. We don't know. And that's what's like actually kind of fun is sharing that process with you guys because...

It's not like we're like here. Okay. So we have this figured out, this figured out, this came together. It's giving actually like nothing's figured out. And we want to show that because that's real. That's actually real life. And so many of y'all who are walking in faith too, are going to have things not be dialed in. And it's,

this is like real life that we're talking about. Yeah. We are going to get, you're going to get the tea today. Yeah. It's giving tea time for sure. Yeah. But also like, it's funny because any time I've had to like have faith, I feel like I really did have a majority of my answers ahead of time. And I think that was the Lord just being really gentle to me. Cause I don't know if

I don't know if in the beginning of my journey I could have handled walking out in this type of bold faith. This is like giving radical, insane, crazy faith what we're doing right now. And I think that was the Lord's compassion and grace for me is because I don't know if I would have had it in me. I think we need to go back to the very beginning when we got invited by our friends Ange and Ari to go to California for the Girls Gone Bible podcast. And...

What was it? February? I mean, it was like mid-Feb. We had just gone to the send and we raised our shoes in the air. Oh, that was the moment. And we said...

"Lord, send me." Hey, everyone repeat after me. Take your shoe in your hand. "Lord, send me to wherever you want me to go." And we were like, oh, this is so cute and fun. Before going to California, we heard about the send and we got connected with some people in Circuit Riders, which made us not go for the podcast, only for the podcast, also to go see Circuit Riders.

Now I'm just going to take it and give it to you. And Circuit Riders, that connection was just like so last second and like random and crazy. It was with Josh Brenton. We just love him and adore him so much. He was like, well, if you're ever out in California, like we do these worship nights every Monday night. And so...

give it a few more weeks and then we're planning our trip out to California to go out there for Girls Gone Bible. And the other part of it was it was like literally just supposed to be a fun trip because Ashley hasn't been to LA since the age of like nine or something. I've actually never been to LA. I had been to California for...

visiting my grandmother when I was like eight. That was it. So yeah, you don't really have a whole lot of experience with California, especially LA. So I just remember us being like, wait, this could be fun though. We should just go on a trip. We'll be able to hang out with our girlies. We'll record for the pod and we'll stay for like a week. And obviously I had just moved from LA to Nashville a few months prior to that.

So we're like, we definitely knew we wanted to get in on a Monday. So we get there on a Monday and we go to Circuit Riders that night. We actually almost missed it, by the way. And if we had missed Circuit Riders that night, you guys, this is where I stand by if you make a commitment to...

In the spirit. And you really feel in the spirit that you're supposed to do something in the spirit. Hear me clearly. Yeah. But then when you're exhausted or you're anxious and you're like wanting to back out, like basically what happened is we had gotten no sleep. We're in the plane. It's like five o'clock, but the time difference, all of that. We're in the car in rush hour going from LA to HB. It's around like an hour and a half in the car. You guys, we are exhausted. It was like two hours.

My brother looks at me and he's like, should we even go? And here we are in all this traffic. We're exhausted, three hours of sleep. And I was like, you know what? I will get a literal Uber. I don't care because we knew we needed to go. We knew we needed to go to Circuit Riders that night. Like that was so important. And so hear me clearly, like don't let your flesh take over an amazing opportunity and

What happened that Monday night, Allie? Yeah. So if we had fallen to our flesh and went home, we would have missed out on everything we're about to tell y'all because we really were hanging on by a literal thread. And there wasn't really anything hanging over our heads that really...

have to go, I guess, you know, it was just a fun worship night. It wasn't anything that we like really like highly committed to. We could have literally bailed on this because we pushed through. And honestly, it was a test of just like leaning on the Lord. I felt like I was fasting sleep.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We were literally sustained my body right now. Holy Spirit sustained me. And it did like Holy Spirit really did because I don't even know how we even did all of this. And we stayed up as long as we did. So we go to circuit riders. It was the best time of our lives. Okay. We had the best time. The worship was incredible. And then we connected with another one of our friends, Zach, and he was like, oh my gosh, you're here. Like,

The way that the Lord was just like, boop, boop, boop. Like just literally was just plopping. All these connections. All these connections in our lap as we're there. And we literally meet like all of the most incredible people. Like 20 people, you guys. It's our community here. 20 people. It's our community. Like the people that we know and love here are the people that we, a majority of the people that we met that night. On the...

first night that we almost bailed on. We're just talking to people about how much we love the Lord. And it was just amazing. It was just so divine. Like the whole night was so divine. I'll never forget it. And yeah, I'll never forget it. It was such a good night. And so, uh, we're like driving home and we were just like, I don't think we could stop talking about how fun it was. Like, it was just such a good time. We're like, can you even believe, like, we couldn't stop being like, can you believe we almost didn't go? Yes. Can you believe?

that we were actually considering bailing on this. This was the most fun part. And I think this is why we had like literally the time of our life was because every day we woke up Ash, we were like, we literally fully surrendered the day to the Lord because honestly we weren't home. So we didn't have like, like I didn't have my animals to tend to. I didn't have my dogs. Like, and it was just really cool. Cause we were just kind of waking up and we're like, so what do we do today? God?

And so that's what we did. Like every morning we would like take communion and we'd be like, Lord, today is your day. Like, let us do whatever your will is. Let us honor you. Like, how can we spread your love today? How can we serve someone today? Like, what do you want us to do? And it was so funny because every morning we would wake up, we would do that and we would have no idea what our day would look like. And then all of a sudden we just have all these plans and the day would be like amazing. Like perfect. Perfect.

know what was happening that day and the day would just be perfect yeah because we literally surrendered it was so amazing it was so fun yeah and i believe the only reason it was fun was because of the surrender we had every day to the lord and we trusted we trusted every day to the lord yeah so we're having so much fun that we don't feel like we're supposed to go home yet so we extend our trip we stay for another like four days i think ali got baptized baptized

And I got baptized on one of the days that we would have already been back home. Yeah, that was the day that we should have left was the day that you got baptized. Yeah. That night, Allie gets baptized out of nowhere. That was so the Lord. After house church, we go to a house church, by the way. Like we just, again, every day, the Lord's just taking our day. We go to a house church right after that. It's 11 p.m. at night. Allie looks at me and goes...

hey, Ashley, I think I need to get baptized. And I was like, yeah, like absolutely. And she was like,

No, like right now. I think it's tonight. And I'm like, and then in the back of my head, I'm like, oh, and I'm the one getting into the pool with her. Yeah. I was like, it has to be you baptizing. So me and her are literally getting, she's getting baptized. Yeah. It was so sweet. And I'm getting baptized in front of all these people I just met. But for some reason it felt like family. It felt like home. Like these people literally felt like home. It was so beautiful. It just so happens that all of them were already at Chelsea's house. Like,

When it was just crazy, like God was just moving you guys. And then what did we feel, Allie? So then after it all, after it all, right, we go home and we are sad girl nation. We are so sad girl. And honestly, it was just me and Ash. Like, if I'm gonna be so honest, like our community that we had, like wasn't, it just wasn't the same when we went back to Nashville.

And I was like, a lot was shifting. A lot was shifting in our lives in Nashville, which confused us because we had like this routine in Nashville, you know, and it was so beautiful and it was working and everything was great. And then we come back from this trip and the Lord was just changing so much for us, even in Nashville. And we had a couple of friends in California and I thought this was all out of their flesh because they just loved us so much. We were having so much fun, but we had a couple of friends that were like, you guys are going to move here. And I laughed profusely.

the hardest out of the two of us, because as you guys know, I literally just moved from LA to Nashville. So I'm like, I am not turning back around and moving back to LA. Like I swore I would never move back to LA. You know, we were like, we have a routine. We have a church family in Nashville. Like we have a great community. Um, but yeah, there was a shift. Something had changed when we got back to Nashville. And I think we were in a lot of, um,

I think at first where we were like, are we making this up? Like, yeah, we had to pray about it. We have, we fasted about it too, because we just felt like,

Yeah, it was just different when we got back. We were sad. We were literally like, we felt as if we actually left home in LA and came back to a place that was no longer our home anymore. It was so weird. And that was not our plan going out there originally. One more thing is as you were there, like, yes, the community was amazing. But something that Allie and I were seeing is that there was revival happening in California. Out of the most...

out of the place you would not expect it. Like out of LA, like y'all what? But we saw all of this movement in the spirit, like God moving and working through young people and, and like starting these ministries there. And we're like, what is going on in California? And one of our friends was like, I think that you guys are needed out here for the revival that is going to happen. This is faith.

It hasn't happened yet. Yeah. And you know when God's speaking to you and he's saying something to you and you're like, Lord, I did not expect this. Like, what do you mean? I also didn't sign up for... I'm like, what? Yeah. When I got back, I was really sad, but I also was just like in denial because I'm like...

Lord, that just doesn't make sense. Well, we had all our own plans. Yeah. We had our own plans in Nashville. Days after leaving California, Carew comes into our lives. You guys, we're not making this up. He comes out of nowhere. Yeah. Yeah, we didn't know Carew yet. And he was at the send too. So we were talking about going back to California, you and I, Ashley.

We're talking about going back to California. After my book. Yes. We're like, this is fun. Like, Ashley, you know, you got to launch your book. You've been, this has been like such an anticipated moment. It's going to be huge in your career, obviously. We have to celebrate you and then we'll go. We need vacation. And then we'll run away. And so then we're talking to Karu and Karu's like...

Well, I'm actually going to be out in California at that same time because I'm going to be interviewed. Like I'm going to be having people on my podcast and he's naming off these people. And these are all people that we were just hanging out with in California the last time we were there. Like these are all people that honestly I didn't even know he was connected with. I mean, I guess it makes sense because we're all like Christian influencers. Like not really. Some of them were kind of like how in the world –

With the timing and everything, it just all felt so God. So it was like around beginning of April. We were like, okay, we're going to California then. This was also around the same time as Carew doing his podcast. So we're seeing the timing is lining up. We end up going again. And what happened, Sally? This time we are...

mind is a bit more fixated on like, all right, Lord, if we're supposed to live out here, like show us then, you know, I think we definitely had a lot more faith believing that the Lord was actually leaving, leading us out here after the time that we did spend, like praying about it and like reflecting and listening to his voice and fasting about it. So I think this trip was different because we really did have more of a POV of like, okay,

this actually is happening probably, you know? We decided to stay for three weeks. We were like, last time, even though we extended it, still wasn't long enough. We're going to stay for a full three weeks. We rented a car, we drove around, and we ended up touring a couple places. But what was discouraging was we really had a lot of faith that the Lord was going to deliver our home, especially by the time...

our trip was over, you know? And we had been really praying into that. We were like, Lord, deliver. Like, we need to know our home. We'll be there for three weeks. That's plenty of time. So we've got a whopping like four days left of our trip and we have no idea where we're living. We thought we were going to move to HB. Then the Lord was like, JK, LA. I was in super deny-nay because I was like, I am not. At first I was like trying, I was like trying to compromise with the Lord. And I was like, okay, Lord, if I'm going to move back to California,

after only being gone for a few months, can it please be somewhere kind of cute and quiet and slow and nice? Like by the beach? Like HB? With no traffic? Is that okay? Like we'll just drive into LA whenever you need us there.

And that was not working really. I felt a lot of resistance from the Lord because every reason to live in HB was just falling through the cracks. We even toured a really beautiful home in HB. Like we thought, we felt so much peace about it. We were like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. This is perfect. We literally thought it was God sent. The realtor just ghosted us. Never answered us. It's giving closed door. Kind of just had to just surrender.

And I think we needed to be humbled a little bit too in...

putting the Lord in a box and telling him that he needed to deliver to us in four days. In our timeline. In our timeline. Yeah. Like, who are we to tell the Lord, like, um, God, you're running out of time. LOL. Yeah. You're running out of time. We just surrendered. And we're like, even if the Lord doesn't give us a home, like we still believe that he's sending us out here. And we just felt such an urgency. Like I'll speak for myself, but I, I felt such urgency.

like whenever I'd ask the Lord about it he'd be like I need you to just go and like when he would say the word go it would literally send chills down my body fear of God where he was like if you don't go like I need you to I need you to feel my urgency right now and how much this means to me I need you to get out there Allie like it was giving something bigger than just me you know like it

It's not just about me. This is about what the Lord has planned out here in Los Angeles, which we do wholeheartedly believe. Ashley's already said it's revival. So many of us out here feel it's like on the brink of breaking out.

And that's what that was about. That's why he was like, you need to go because it wasn't about me. It was about all the people who are literally spiritually dead, like suffocating and dying out here because they don't have the Holy Spirit. And so at that point I was like, all right, Lord, I, I'm going to listen to you. Like, and we felt this mutually. We're like, we're just going to go. We're just going to go. And we prayed and we fasted and we both felt peace. And, um, yeah, it was time to just, um,

Not the Lord really led me to the scripture where Abraham is, where God is talking to Abraham and God looks at Abraham and Abraham and Sarah are living a beautiful, comfortable life in Ur. Love the name Ur, right? Okay. So they're living in Ur and he goes to them and he says, listen, follow me to the land that I will show you.

What is that, God? And I will give you descendants. I will give you all these descendants to the land. So follow me to the land that I will show you.

And I looked at that and the Lord said, you don't need to know where exactly you're going to follow me. You just need to follow me. And you proceed to see Abraham and Sarai just follow God. And Abraham didn't bat an eye. He followed God into the land that the Lord would show him. And it took some time and there was some hop in there. You even see in the scriptures that he went from town, like he's going different places, but eventually the Lord leads him to the place that he needs to settle and

And then God brings about the promise in his timing. And so the Lord was like, listen, Ash, you need to go even though you don't know where. And even though LA is terrifying, right?

I'm like low key. I am Southern hospitality girly. Yeah. Here I am in LA where like people are screaming at me as I'm driving. Like I just got yelled at at the gym this morning. I got full blown yelled at. And I'm like, this is crazy. Like this is not...

Kansas anymore. Yeah. Like we're not in Kansas anymore. Like I'm not in, I'm not in a place where people talk in the elevators all the time. No, honey, that don't happen that much here. You know, it's honestly weird if you don't talk to the person that you're around. If you don't know them, like it's weird if you don't talk to them in Nashville, like everyone's talking to each other. No, everybody is like,

It's scary. Everyone's just like traumatized out here. It's for real though. It's getting traumatized. Nobody trusts anyone. Yeah. There's no grace. I really believe it's rooted in the spirit of like no one trusts anybody out here. Yeah.

Because of how much wrong is being done out here. It's because of the sin. It's because of the evil. Like I don't blame people for being on guard and not being willing to like let their guard down and have a conversation with people. Like everyone is so... And receive love and kindness. They're so hardened out here. Yeah. And that was a big reason why I felt I needed to leave. That was why I thought I was supposed to leave. Wow. Like...

because of how different it is out here. Hey guys, how's it going? Are we loving this pod episode? Is it our favorite? Is it absolutely blessing us?

Thanks, God. You're the best. Listen, guys, this is kind of giving mini commercial moment. But I wanted to tell you guys that there is a way to give to the pod and help support it financially, which is so huge. Even if you can only give 99 cents, literally anything is so appreciated. But I wanted to let you guys know that the option is there so that the pod can keep running and keep going. So to find...

The way to donate. You can go through the link in our bio on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. There's a link there that will lead you to give. I can also verbally tell you the link right now, but I'm going to tell you it's kind of lengthy. It's kind of long. Are you ready? Pens and papers are ready. Okay.

It is slash pod slash show slash c w c o i slash support. I love you guys so much. Thank you for your generosity. Now let's get back into the episode. I think

the most beautiful part about this is the Lord didn't allow us to go through this alone. Yeah. Like I think he knew that with me coming with you, I've already had the experience of living in LA for a year. It's not a ton, but it's enough, you know, where I could kind of walk you through those obstacles where I have had to live in the city and I know how it is. Um, but also like

this is so different for me this time. This is so different this time around because the first time I lived in LA, I didn't have community. I didn't even know that people loved Jesus out here. So for us to see that now, it's like, it's just, it's given me a lot of hope.

And you're different. And I'm so different. Like, I actually am on fire and I love the Lord this time, you know? When I moved out to LA, I was just starting to get to know who God even was. She was lukewarm, girly. I didn't know who the Lord was. Like, I was still learning. I was like a literally baby, tiny little infant Christian, you know? So it's, yeah, overall, it's still very different for me too. And Nashville really served a purpose in your life. Because a lot of people have been like, oh, well, like, didn't Allie just...

wasn't she just in LA? And well, and some people are like, okay, so you made a mistake. You decided you didn't want to be in Nashville and you want to go back. And I'm like, y'all, that's actually not, listen, not Allie. What did God do? I'm going to just speak for her. I, I,

got to see Ali go from someone who couldn't even pray over her house to someone who was lit on fire, like, like rebuking demons off of people. Right. Like this girl went from like zero to 100 and she got planted in community in Nashville. Like our community in Nashville was such a, a like almost like this incubator for you to be on fire, spirit filled, uh,

Like walk in the gifts of the spirit, know the word of God. Like obviously we're always works in progress. We're never like fully there, but I just think you were equipped in Nashville to

So that you're now going back here and you're ready to like slay the enemy. Like you're ready to literally stomp on the enemy like a scorpion. I think that we are, Allie and I together are supposed to literally demolish the enemy out here through the power of the Holy Spirit. We've been feeling that so strong because there's a strong presence of evil here and we are to shine the light and like share the love of God. But Allie, you literally demolished

You had to go to Nashville to be equipped. You could not be equipped out here. I don't know if that's what the Lord would have had for you here. No, if I had stayed out here, I would not be who I am right now. If I had stayed in LA, I would not be the person I am right now. Absolutely served a purpose. I don't regret any of my time. And I believe that it was also a huge purpose for us to meet. Hello, elephant in the room. Biggest thing. Like we were supposed to be doing this together, Ash. And there's no way you would have ever thought

to move to LA if it wasn't for me moving out there and us doing that together. What is it like now, Allie? Where are we at now? So where are we right now? So Lord, Lord, our, gosh, I love him so much. I love him so much. Our dad. Our dad didn't give us a house yet.

I literally love him so much. I don't even care. So dad brought us here. We were in the car for literally three days. 30 hours. So Abba told me, he said, you're leaving May 15th. I said, okay. Aye, aye, captain. I said, Lord, we have no idea what we're doing, where we're going, where we're living. What do you mean? We don't even have movers. So we came back from California and we had two weeks to get ready. To pack. To pack.

To get movers. Say our goodbyes. Tell our parents. Tell our families. Everybody we're leaving, by the way, because we haven't said anything about it. Tell our friends. Yeah. There's still people that don't know because it happened that fast. Yeah, that's true. But it's giving, oh, oh. Pick up your cross and go. Before I follow you, Jesus, let me go tell my family. Let me go have a goodbye party. He said, anyone who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Because we're not supposed to be operating in fear of man and making decisions based off of man. Yeah.

And there were a lot of people who looked at Allie and I and were like, we don't know. Like, maybe this isn't God. Like, they were probably fearful that we were operating out of flesh and being too eager. You know, like we ran off to California. We had all this great experience with all these incredible people and great community. And now we're just like, la la land. But we were not operating out of our flesh. Actually, if I was going to be operating out of my flesh, I would have, I wouldn't have moved.

because what an inconvenience to me. Same. And my bank account, by the way, because I just moved all my stuff across the country. Now I'm going to turn around and do it again? Yeah. We are uncomfy. We left our comfy to be uncomfy. We had three days in the car, fam, with the girls, aka the babies, the dogs. Now we're here. We're in California, guys. We live here, but we don't have a home yet. We're living in an Airbnb. Yeah.

And all of our stuff, oh, everything's on the way now. Like all of our, we left before our furniture came.

Yeah, because Abba said May 15th, so we said, okay, we're not just going to... We said, okay, aye-aye, like you tell me May 15th. So we had movers, but they couldn't get there until like a week after we had already left. So we... Everything's fine. Our stuff is finally on the way across the country now. As of today. As of literally today. Been here for about a little over a week. And everything's going to go in a storage unit. Okay, but...

Okay, so let's first unpack what we don't know. So we don't know. We have faith. We have faith. We don't know where we're living. We don't really exactly... No, no, no. That's the only thing we really don't know. What do we know, Allie? What do we know in faith right now? We know that our dad is going to provide a house for us. So in conclusion, us sharing this whole story is to just say that...

Sometimes we have to do things out of faith and we don't have all the answers. I also feel like we have to mention one more thing that we're believing for. What? You can cut this if you want. Okay. But we also do know one more thing. I might cut it. I don't know if I'm ready to tell the world yet.

We are moving in faith. We're giving Ruth and Naomi. Okay, Ashley, say it. We believe that the Lord is... We believe that the Lord has us here to also meet our husbands. We are believing that. Oh, I thought you were going to say something else. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we're totally getting... Yeah, we're getting our husbands out here. Oh, my gosh. We just believe that. We believe that the Lord... 100%. Yeah. That's like crazy, crazy faith. We don't know who they are, but we do believe in that. We do believe that they are here. Well, and it's crazy because Nashville seems definitely more like a place where you would meet your husband because it's more like...

you know, good values, right? But in California, we're still believing that God's gonna do it. Actually, I've seen a lot more godly men out here than I ever have seen. Keep it a buck. Keep it a buck. No shade to Nashville or any other city I've lived in. No, for real though, you need to share this. This was such a shock for us. This was such a shock, y'all. First off, I think one of the

first things that came out of our mouths when we when the lord told us we were moving to la was we were like lord how are we going to find a husband out here like no one gets married are we supposed to find a husband in los angeles like no one's ready to settle down no one wants to grow up in los angeles everybody wants to party drink and have fun for the rest of their lives you know yeah and i think the thing the lord had to remind us is that he's calling people like us to la right so there's a good chance that there's a lot more people and we've already been meeting so many incredibly

Just incredible men. Men, actually. And they're not unicorns. Godly men exist. We should just zip it before we think we know anything. Come on. We know nothing. Wait, can I say one more thing? Yeah. I always said that I would never move to LA. And then when my friend Carol looks at us at the end of our California trip and says...

You're going to move back here. I have a feeling you're going to move back here. I said, what? I get back. I'm like, absolutely not. Here we are. We're approximately in downtown LA right now. No, we're not. We're not in downtown LA. Downtown LA is so scary, babe. We are approximately in LA. She's still learning. We're in the Los Angeles area. I don't even know where I am. She's still learning, guys. Just be easy on her. But you're right. DTLA is so scary. We're not living there. Here's the thing that Allie just said to echo. We had these assumptions of what we thought our lives would look like, and we didn't.

We needed to trust God and we're now at a place where we're trusting God. And we still are trusting him. We are actively sitting in this season right now, not having a house, not having a whole lot of answers, living out of an Airbnb. We don't even know if the Lord is actually going to deliver our house in time of our Airbnb stay being up.

We might have to go move into another Airbnb. Like the way that we don't know anything. We don't see a revival yet. But at the same time, I feel like the Lord is so proud of us. It's not because of our social presence. It's not because of who we are. It's not because we're any more...

you know, qualified than somebody else having that same type of radical faith. Like we are all capable of having this type of faith. All of us can have this type of radical faith. Does it always have to look like picking up and moving across the country? Of course not. But it can look like so many different things where you just are fully surviving and

living off of just your faith in the Lord. No, that's so good, Al. And I could just sense that someone might be listening to this and going, okay, well, how do I know? You heard May 15th, you heard this, you heard that, you felt that you're supposed to go, like, how do I know what God is telling me to do? Like, how do I know what God is wanting me to step out in faith and do?

And I was talking with a friend about this and I think it is so applicable to this. If you feel the Lord is leading you to do something and you have peace and you've gotten confirmation from the word of God and you're just like, you feel that this is what he's telling you to do. Abba is not going to be upset with you if you step out and you do that thing and it's perhaps maybe not the right thing, right? He ain't going to be upset.

He's actually more pleased with you

trying to follow him and praying and fasting and seeking his will and then moving in faith, like that pleases the heart of God. It says without faith, it is impossible to please God. So, so many of us, we are so afraid to take the step because we don't want to be wrong, but God is actually so pleased with your dependence on him. He wants you to take the step in what you feel he's leading you to do. He's like, that's my girl.

That's my dude. Like, look at him go, look at her go. They are trying to follow me. They are living this walk out. He's pleased with you. He loves when we walk out in faith.

Even when we're wrong. He's actually always because of your faith, not because you made the right decision in faith. Yes. It's because of your faith. You were healed. You were healed because of your faith. You may go daughter. Love you. Yes. Because of your faith, not because of your faith. And then you pick the right choice. Good job. Yeah. It's because of just your faith. I actually just really love that you had faith. Love you so much. Wasn't totally on point, but it's okay. I'm sovereign. I can fix it.

Like it's okay. I can leave you. I can leave you now. I'll shut that door. I'll open that door. You take a step. Keep having that faith though, babe. Love you. It's like we walked out. It's like we take a step. We maybe fall. He picks us up. He says, all right, take another, take another. It's like walking in faith is that. Yep. There might've been some decisions we've already made that probably aren't really giving exactly what the Lord wanted us to do.

But he's pleased with our faith. I know he is. I feel it. I know he's proud of us. There's nothing that we can do outside of ourselves. We're not supernatural. We can't control it. We can't control his timing. We can't control any of this. So I think our only option is really just to

have faith continue to pray and bring everything to him like every single thing yeah every feeling i feel like he's like really shown us that in this past week we've been going on these prayer walks y'all or we just we're about to go on one we're about to do it right after this that's our reward actually is going on a walk with the lord we're going to our prayer walks because we have so many prayer so many questions

But it's been giving us peace too. I feel his peace immediately after we pray about it. Cause it's giving like, we just hand it to him. Yeah. Giving it to him. And then he just gives us peace. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.

And also the other thing that I feel the Lord tells us over and over again is like, I didn't call you guys out here just to abandon you. You know, like I think that's another really important thing to remember about stepping out in like really crazy, radical, insane faith is just remembering that with taking that leap of faith, you will not be abandoned. There's just no way. There's just no way. That's not his heart. That's literally not our God. Our God would never ask us to step out in radical faith and then go, all right,

All right, good luck. Like, that's literally not who he is. He's going to take care of us. He's actually taking care of us right now. We're eating. We still have a roof over our head. We're taking care of him. And Allie's eating well. And I'm eating really well. That's a whole other episode. I'm eating really well because Ashley's teaching me how to eat. Peanut butter berry smoothie. Everything. And she loves it. And everything. That's so good. It's going to be in Ashley's future cookbook one day. No, it's... God has been...

has us on an adventure and yes we're gonna have this is the beauty in it all there's gonna be a season where Ali and I we aren't living together and we're gonna have husbands and kids and it might even feel a little mundane and

And we're going to look back on this. We're going to look back on this season when we didn't know what we were doing. We're just trying to figure it out. We're going to look back on it and be like, wow, that was so fun. Even if like every day we're living right now isn't really giving. There are moments where I'm like, I'm not having the most fun right now, Lord. I'm freaking out. Like her last night. Like literally.

Everything was falling apart in my world. I do believe that one day we are going to look back on this and be like, that was just so fun. That was so fun. What an adventure. And the Lord wants to take you on adventures. There are adventures that he has for you. And he wants you to follow him in faith, whatever he's putting on your heart to do. And if you take anything from this, just know that we also don't have it figured out. Yeah. And you're just going to be able to see everything.

How this story unfolds. That's actually really cool. This is really cool. It's not like we're talking about this three months after, like we were in this crazy place. Like we actively have no idea. Actively. Right now. No clue. No clue. But until then, we'll be here. We'll just keep praying. We'll just keep praying in our Airbnb. Keep watching. Keep waiting. Keep hoping.

Keep waiting. All you can do when you're walking in faith is you got to keep watching for the Lord. You got to keep waiting for the Lord. You got to keep hoping for the Lord. You got to keep asking and praying that the Lord would move in your situation like

you can control things when you are walking in faith and nothing makes sense. Yeah. You know what else the Lord says is he says, don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worry of its own. Today actually has enough worry of its own. Just focus on today, which was a revelation we had yesterday because we were, we really were like starting to be like, okay, Lord's to when's the house and when's this and that and the next. And we just felt the spirit be like, can we just take it day by day? Literally exactly how we started this whole adventure. When we first came out here,

We said, today is yours, God. And we just surrendered every day. And I feel like the Lord wants us to continue to walk that way and have that posture, even though we're living here now. It shouldn't be any different. Like we should just wake up every morning and surrender our entire day and all of our plans to the Lord and say, but you know what, God, whatever you want. Yeah. God, how can I be faithful to you today? Yeah.

Hey, I want you to move your body. Okay, cool. Hey, I want you to make Allie breakfast. Okay, cool. Hey, you should go say hi to that person at the grocery store. Okay, cool. Yeah, I'll do that for you, Lord. Like, guys, walking in faith is just obeying God in where he has you today. In all the things. In all the things.

In all the things. In the little. In the little. We think that it's always the big stuff. Because even what we're talking about is like big stuff. Like us moving. But the little leads to the big. Come on, somebody. Okay.

The little leads to the big. If we hadn't said yes to God telling us to go to CR on Monday night, that looked little, but it led to our, it led to us being here right now. Yeah. You just got to tell the Lord. Yes. In all the things, the big and the little, and sometimes all the little things lead up to something big, you know, cause he was like teaching us how to hear his voice. You know, I feel like

That was a huge reason why he had us kind of start with those little moments where we were like, okay, God, what do we do today? Because it really did lead us to this moment of like really big obedience, you know, where it's like, okay, now we're picking up our entire life.

And willing to be uncomfortable for you, Lord. And we're still going to say yes. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of what we do not see. Like all of us listening to this right now, you're walking in faith. He's like, oh my goodness. She's so excited. She's crushing it. Yeah. And all the people doubting you.

All the people who are like, oh, what's that girl doing? And you know that they're doubting you. You just keep listening to the Lord. You keep obeying your heavenly father. He's the one that you have to stand in front of at the end of your life when you die. You're not going to stand and give an account to your parents who didn't like your decision. You're going to have to give an account to God. That's fear of God right now. Yeah. That's the only one I want to listen to. I don't ever want to have to look him in the eye and say,

I'm sorry I didn't fulfill all you had planned for me in my life. Could you imagine if he was like, I had so much planned for you, but you were scared. You said no. Allie, you decided to settle so you could be comfortable. Oh my gosh, my heart would shatter. I would actually not even be able to look at him. I can't imagine ever doing that to him. I can't do that to him. And apparently he believes in me. So period. I'm just gonna do it. Let's live for that well done. So I just feel like he's gonna look at you and he's gonna be like,

Well done. Yeah. I saw you move. I saw you get out of your comfort zone. Yeah. I knew you really valued living in your house and you left. Yeah.

Well done. Yeah. Okay. Well, everybody, thank you for tuning in for an episode. I'm so grateful. I really, I love you, Ashley. I love you, sister. The spirit move, bro. Yeah, y'all just have a beautiful Friday. Have a great rest of your week, everyone. And also guys, can we do something cool? Can we just show somebody how cool Jesus is today? Can we walk more like him? Can we talk more like him? Let's be more like Jesus today for the rest of our week, for the rest of our lives.

Let's just try to be more like Christ. Let's follow closer to him. Like really examine everything he does. Honestly, even when it comes down to like what you think Jesus would do in his manner. Like I just even feel like the way that I smile. I'm like, is this how Jesus would smile? Like this, I feel like this is how he would smile. Like he's just radiant. Let's just be radiant like the Lord. Yeah. You know? Thank you guys. I love y'all. And I look forward to seeing y'all next week. Have a blessed day and I will see you soon.

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