cover of episode #146: Online Writing, English Literature, Ernest Hemingway and Essayful with Dylan O'Sullivan

#146: Online Writing, English Literature, Ernest Hemingway and Essayful with Dylan O'Sullivan

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Camille Leung
Dylan O'Sullivan
Dylan O'Sullivan分享了他从偶然的机会加入OSV公司,到成为专栏作家和Essayful品牌创建者的经历。他详细描述了其独特的成长环境和教育方式对其写作风格和习惯的影响,以及在不同国家学习英语文学的对比体验。他坦诚地谈论了自己在大学期间的学习态度和方法,以及对阅读和写作的热爱。他还分享了他对海明威、阿瑟·科斯特勒、奥尔德斯·赫胥黎等作家的看法,以及自己对不同写作类型的偏好和探索。此外,他还探讨了写作过程中的挑战和应对方法,包括克服拖延症、寻找写作灵感、以及如何处理写作中的完美主义倾向。最后,Dylan O'Sullivan分享了他对写作的理解和感悟,以及他认为写作最令人满足的部分。 Camille Leung作为访谈主持人,引导Dylan O'Sullivan分享了他的个人经历、写作习惯、以及对文学和写作的思考。她与Dylan O'Sullivan就海明威的写作风格、自杀原因、以及不同国家英语文学课程的差异等话题进行了深入的探讨。Camille Leung也分享了自己的写作经验和习惯,并与Dylan O'Sullivan就写作灵感、写作环境、以及写作过程中遇到的挑战等问题进行了交流。

Deep Dive

Dylan recounts his serendipitous path to joining OSV, including his participation in the Rite of Passage cohort sponsored by Jim O'Shaughnessy.

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My guest today is Dylan O'Sullivan). Dylan is a media specialist at OSV), guest lecturer at Write of Passage, columnist at a few major media outlets and the creator behind a writing-focused brand Essayful).

In today’s episode, we talked about…

  • How does Write of Passage help us embark on our online writing journey?

  • Exploring our initial love for reading and writing, and our earliest memories of writing.

  • Contrasting experiences of studying English Literature in different countries.

  • A friendly conversation between a Manchester United and Manchester City fan.

  • Delving into the life and works of Ernest Hemingway.

  • Examining the process of online writing and the beauty of writing on paper.

  • What tricks and traits have writers made or used to achieve their writing goals?

  • The influence of weather and surroundings on the work of writers.

  • Reflecting on the most fulfilling aspects of being a writer.

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