cover of episode #137: Breaking Rules, Solitary Socialite, Future Possibility Folders, Daydreaming and How to Live with Derek Sivers

#137: Breaking Rules, Solitary Socialite, Future Possibility Folders, Daydreaming and How to Live with Derek Sivers

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Chiwi Journal

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Camille Yang
Derek Sivers
Camellia Yang 探讨了人们在生活选择上的差异,以及 Derek Sivers 如何在世界各地生活并适应不同文化。Derek Sivers 分享了他对打破常规、独处社交、未来可能性文件夹、白日梦等理念的看法,以及如何平衡个人生活和职业发展。他认为,人生没有唯一的正确道路,可以灵活组合不同的生活方式,并强调了高效沟通和高品质内容创作的重要性。他还谈到了对不同城市生活体验的感受,以及如何看待刻板印象和文化差异。 Derek Sivers 认为,人们对挑战的渴望程度决定了他们选择的生活方式,有些人追求舒适,有些人则主动寻求挑战和成长。他分享了自己在纽约、新加坡、惠灵顿和牛津等地的生活经历,以及这些城市如何塑造了他的身份认同和世界观。他认为,周游世界虽然艰难,但能带来归属感和深刻的幸福感。为人父母后,他会更注重他人的需求,将孩子的需求置于自身之上。他解释了如何放下旧身份,以及如何看待“孤独的社交达人”这种生活方式的利弊。他强调创作无需等待灵感,灵感往往在创作过程中产生,高品质内容创作需要投入大量时间和精力,并注重简洁高效。他还分享了白日梦和未来可能性文件夹的理念,以及如何灵活组合不同的生活方式。最后,他谈到了在新西兰的生活感受,以及如何看待刻板印象和文化差异。

Deep Dive

Derek discusses what drives some people to choose the more challenging path of moving across the world, contrasting it with those who prefer an easier life.

Shownotes Transcript

Kia Ora, Nihao and hello! Welcome to the Chiwi Journal Podcast. I’m your host Camellia Yang).

My guest today is Derek Sivers).  Derek has been a musician), producer, circus performer), entrepreneur), TED speaker), and book publisher. He’s an author of four books, Anything You Want), Your Music and People,) Hell Yeah or No), and How to Live).

In today’s episode, we talked about…

  • The benefit of keep moving across the world and breaking the rules.

  • How do different cities shape one’s identity and expand one’s worldview?

  • How to say goodbye to old identities that no longer serve you?

  • The pros and cons of being a solitary socialite.

  • Why shouldn’t you wait for inspiration to come?

  • How to be a considerate content creator?

  • The good side of daydreaming and building future possibility folders

  • How to approach our life?

  • How do physical locations matter to your morale?

  • Why do people like to use stereotypes to pre-judge others, and why is it so hard to break?

  • Learning Mandarin and Portuguese.

Books/links mentioned in this episode

Check out Derek Sivers' website) and introduce yourself :)