cover of episode #123: Kiwi returning home, Global talent relocation, NZ working culture and TCK with Bridget Romanes

#123: Kiwi returning home, Global talent relocation, NZ working culture and TCK with Bridget Romanes

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Bridget Romanes
Bridget Romanes女士分享了她从一名新西兰外交官到创办Mobile Relocation公司的跨文化职业历程,以及她对新西兰海外人才引进和回国人员所面临挑战的深刻见解。她指出,回国新西兰人面临三大挑战:距离感、逆文化冲击和生活阶段变化。距离感体现在新西兰与其他国家地理位置的距离,以及由此带来的经济和时间成本。逆文化冲击则体现在回国后与家人朋友的观念差异,以及职业网络的重新建立。生活阶段变化则体现在许多回国人员在人生的不同阶段回归,需要适应新的生活环境和角色。针对MIQ系统,Bridget Romanes女士认为这只是一个暂时的解决方案,未来需要向更灵活的入境政策过渡,以减轻回国人员的压力。她还分享了帮助企业更好地招聘和留住国际人才的经验,以及如何帮助回国人员克服逆文化冲击,并建议企业关注员工的整体需求,而非仅仅是工作能力。此外,Bridget Romanes女士还探讨了新西兰工作文化的特点,以及如何促进海外人才与当地文化的融合。她认为,新西兰的工作文化相对扁平化,鼓励员工主动性和独立性,但同时也需要企业和员工双方共同努力,才能更好地促进跨文化交流与合作。最后,Bridget Romanes女士还谈到了第三文化儿童(TCK)的成长经历,以及如何帮助他们更好地适应新的环境。她认为,TCK既面临着身份认同和归属感的问题,也具备开放的思维和文化适应能力,学校和社会都应该重视TCK的独特优势,并帮助他们更好地融入社会。 Camille Yang作为主持人,引导Bridget Romanes女士分享了她的个人经历和专业见解,并就新西兰的移民政策、工作文化以及海外人才的融入等问题进行了深入探讨。

Deep Dive

Bridget Romanes shares her personal journey from being an expat to founding Mobile Relocation, a company that assists Kiwis returning home and expats relocating to New Zealand.

Shownotes Transcript

My guest today is Bridget Romanes. She is the Founder of Mobile Relocation Ltd, helping Kiwis returning to work and live at homeland, assisting migrants and expats relocating to New Zealand, and offering a tailored program for businesses to recruit and retain international talent throughout Aotearoa.

We discussed:

  • From expat herself to founding the company to help expats, Bridget's cross-culture career journey

  • The motivation behind starting a business solving talents relocation challenges.

  • What are the top three struggles facing returning home Kiwis?

  • How to overcome the reverse culture shock and mentally prepare well for returning home?

  • How will children get affected by moving around? What's The Third Culture Kid (TCK)?

  • What's the MIQ system? How can we better assist global talent to relocate to New Zealand?

  • Thoughts on future work. Will remote working become mainstream in New Zealand?

  • What's unique about the Kiwi working culture?

  • What's the top three factors of NZ that will appeal to global talent to come?

  • How to deal with the negative attitudes from locals toward migrants?

  • If you could change one policy that will make your job easier, what would that be?

  • What do you get most excited about future?

Books and links mentioned in the episode: