cover of episode Kristin Cavallari Reveals Celeb Hookups, ‘Special Forces’ S3 Cast + Weekly Watch Report

Kristin Cavallari Reveals Celeb Hookups, ‘Special Forces’ S3 Cast + Weekly Watch Report

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Rhea 和 Fran 回顾了她们在底特律的演出,以及她们和团队成员一起度过的一个愉快的周末。她们提到了Lafayette Coney Island 的热狗非常好吃,并且她们对热狗上加什么调料没有强烈的偏好,只要加点东西就好。Fran 讨厌别人评论她吃东西后的肠胃反应。Fran 周日早上感觉很好,直到上了飞机才感觉不舒服。她们的飞机着陆很颠簸。Noah每次飞回纽约都会听同一首歌(或几首歌)。Noah很浪漫地看待他的生活。底特律的很多地方都在播放Eminem的歌。底特律的球迷们对他们的橄榄球队(雄狮队)非常热情。Jared Goff虽然长得帅,但并非“全球最性感男人”。底特律演出中,一位怀孕的观众Monica在舞台上表演了令人惊叹的劈叉。 她们讨论了各种话题,包括《特种部队》第三季的演员阵容,其中她们对Stephen Baldwin的出现感到惊讶,并讨论了Baldwin兄弟,提到Daniel Baldwin鲜为人知。她们还讨论了Kayla Nicole的个人简介中提到她是Travis Kelsey的前女友,以及Denise Richards参加《比弗利山庄的真实主妇》后,她的公众形象有所下降。她们认为参加《特种部队》可以让人获得自我救赎。最近有很多明星模仿大赛,她们认为人们对女性模仿女明星的评价比对男性模仿男明星更苛刻。她们对明星模仿大赛的奖金很低感到惊讶,并讨论了Timothée Chalamet出现在他自己的模仿大赛中的可能性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the crowd chant Jared Goff's name during the show in Detroit?

The crowd chanted Jared Goff's name because the Lions were having a great season, and the fans were showing love for their team and city.

What was the reaction to the landing during the flight back from Detroit?

The landing was described as tough, with the plane hitting the ground hard and bouncing, causing passengers to question the landing's smoothness.

Why did the hosts find the TikTok trend of lookalike contests interesting?

The hosts find the lookalike contests interesting because they are spontaneous and fun, allowing fans to participate and celebrate their favorite celebrities in a light-hearted way.

What was the highlight of the Detroit show according to the hosts?

The highlight of the Detroit show was Monica, a pregnant woman, performing a high kick and split on stage during a dance battle, which was considered one of the craziest moments in the show's history.

Why did the hosts feel Beyoncé's decision to perform on Christmas Day was surprising?

The hosts felt Beyoncé's decision was surprising because it's unusual for such a high-profile artist to perform on Christmas Day, traditionally a time for family and rest.

What was the reaction to the Outer Banks season 4 among the hosts?

The hosts were blown away by how bad Outer Banks season 4 was, describing the acting as some of the worst they've ever seen and the chemistry among the cast members as non-existent.

Why did the hosts find the Special Forces cast interesting?

The hosts found the Special Forces cast interesting because it combines a mix of former athletes and reality stars, creating an entertaining dynamic that is different from typical reality shows.

What was the hosts' opinion on the new show 'Say Nothing'?

The hosts found 'Say Nothing' to be very good and intense, set in Ireland during a war, and recommended it for those interested in historical dramas.

Why did the hosts find the Sabrina Carpenter concert in L.A. notable?

The hosts found the Sabrina Carpenter concert notable because it was star-studded, with celebrities like John Mayer, Katy Perry, and Christina Aguilera attending, making it a high-profile event.

What was the hosts' favorite song of all time, revealed during the podcast?

The hosts revealed that their favorite song of all time is 'Lovebug' by the Jonas Brothers.

The hosts recount their fun and eventful trip to Detroit, including their experiences at a bar, hot dog stand, and a restaurant, as well as their thoughts on condiments on hot dogs.
  • The hosts had a great time in Detroit with Andrew and Greg.
  • They enjoyed a bar visit, hot dogs at Lafayette Coney Island, and deep-dish pizza.
  • The hosts discussed their preferences for condiments on hot dogs, with one preferring no plain hot dogs.

Shownotes Transcript


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What's up, everyone? It's Chicks in the Office with Rhea and Fran giving you that Friday energy on a Monday. Happy Monday, everybody. This podcast is presented by Macy's and Black Friday deals are about to start right

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I'm ready to start shopping and get all my gifts done and covered. Holiday season is here. Thanksgiving is next week. Very, very exciting. We had a great show in Detroit this past weekend. What a lovely little trip we had. Yeah, it was great. It was a fun weekend. I had a fantastic time. Yeah, the show was so much fun. Yeah.

Andrew and Greg were so much fun. We just had a good, we just had a good squat. It was a great squat. Good squat. Honestly, one of the only times we've all stayed together the entire time. Like, you know what I mean? Like, usually like after the show, it's kind of like some people go here, some people go there or we'll like go to one place together, but some people go home. Some people stay. Like,

We were together the entire time, which was so much fun. Andrew and Greg were quite a delight, quite a blast. Yep. They're very funny, those two. They really are. A hoot. They are. They are quite a hoot. They have some great personalities. Very funny. No, we had so much fun. I think the show itself was a ton of fun. And like we said, we've been saying we don't normally do a lot of Saturday shows. So...

When we were done, it was like, all right, let's let's let's hit the town, you know, let's go out. So we all went to a bar together, had a ton of fun, went to one more spot. Gia, my sister and all of her, a lot of her, not all of them, but a lot of her.

Sorority sisters are like in Michigan, live in the area. Gio went to Michigan State. So they were all there. They all came out of the suite. So we had a big group. It was a fun squad. It was definitely a lot of fun. Ended the night with hot dogs because people kept saying you had to go to Lafayette, Coney Island for these like... I can tell you that Coney Island dog really was so fucking good. I was talking about these hot dogs all day. I was like, if I don't end this night with a hot dog, I'm gonna freak out. I'm gonna have a diva moment and say, where the fuck are my hot dogs? Now...

I will say, though, and it's in a moment where I'm like, I could not, I'd rather not eat one than have a plain hot dog.

There were some in the group were eating plain hot dogs. Well, they weren't plain. They were putting condiments on. No, but. No, no, no. We got someone in here. Oh, well. Some had just a plain dog. Well, she's a. Maddie's a picky eater. I'm saying. I know. I'm saying I would rather not eat a hot dog than eat a plain hot dog. I wouldn't say that, but I will judge you for eating a plain hot dog.

It needs a condiment. I don't feel so strongly on this tape for whatever reason. I put stuff on my hot dog.

But I don't judge other people how they eat their hot dogs because the topic in which people eat their hot dogs stresses me out that people get so worked up over it. This is the same thing that you feel about lobster rolls. Yeah. Yeah, right. Right. No, it's this is just one that doesn't get me riled up. I don't care what condiments you put on your hot dog. Put relish, put mustard, put ketchup. I don't care about what you put on it. Just put something on it. Lather it up with something. Yeah.

Yeah. Maybe she likes the taste of just a juicy dog. Something about it like kind of grosses me out. I don't know what it is. It just looks dry. Well, the good thing is we didn't eat it. We had stuff on ours. So that's the good news. And some cheese fries, chili cheese fries. Greg was going in on those chili cheese fries. Yeah, I think honestly. We all were. Honestly, they were so fucking good. I was giving Victoria justice. I think we all sang. Yeah, yeah.

I think we were all eating the chili cheese fries. No, they were really good. Actually, so good. You know what I want to know what my least favorite... Do you know who else was eating plain dogs? Mike. No, he was putting ketchup on them. Did he take ketchup? Security guard Mike had his own condiments. I was like, plain? He goes, I got my own. Security guard Mike was putting ketchup on his. I know that because he turned to... He was like, I know, it's a hot topic. I only put ketchup on. I was like, I'm not going to judge you for that. Okay, no. Sometimes the ketchup...

I'm fine with just a hot dog with just ketchup sometimes. Hot dog with just ketchup. One thing I do hate, and I'm not even going to get graphic about it because I hate it so much, is when you say you're going to eat something, right? Like, say you're going to eat a chili cheese dog or you're going to get Taco Bell or McDonald's or whatever, and someone turns to you and says, oh, you're going to be paying for that later. Oh, yeah. Don't try to fucking shame me. First of all,

do not talk about my bowel movements to me you don't know me this random guy at the bar he was he was actually really nice he was offering drinks or whatever and i was like oh my god like we're gonna go get hot dogs like we've been out all night like we're really hungry we're gonna go get hot dogs and he turns to matt and goes you're gonna be paying for that later on the toilet and i was like

bro you did not have to say that people love to make that joke they love to make that joke and I'm just like that doesn't really like that doesn't really happen to me you know what I mean so you know you'll get once in a while of course that happens I was gonna say it's more often than not first

I think a lot of people, I guess. But like, it's not every time that you eat something bad. A hot dog, I'm fine. A hot dog, I'm fine. Yeah, a hot dog is fine. But a late night Taco Bell will fuck me up. Oh, yeah. I mean, but people just like, they're just so quick to be like, oh, you're going to pay for that later. It's like, no. And then Rhea was like, probably in the bathroom like, damn, he was right. Yeah.

No, I was fine. That guy got me. That guy got me. No, I was fine. I was just like, I hate when people make those jokes. It's just like, you know people can eat that stuff and it doesn't hurt their stomach sometimes, you know? Rhea's like Kim Jong-un. She's like, I don't go to the bathroom. You always just like... Steal stomach. The hot dog, it didn't affect me, you know? No, I honestly wish I...

Maybe if I had two hot dogs, I wish I had two. I wish I had two. I could have gotten two in that moment. You know? Me too. Yeah. Looking back, I'm actually really hungry thinking about it now. I know. But that pizza we got before the show was also really good. Yeah, we had some good Detroit deep dish pizza. It was a great weekend. Delicious.

Honestly. We went to a good restaurant Friday night for dinner. It was fun. Yeah. Sunday morning, I was like, I'm ready to go again. Like, you know when you get- I actually felt shockingly good Sunday morning until I got on the plane and then I was like, oh. Uh-huh. It hits after when you get home and then I slept the entirety of Sunday. The woman, so did I, the woman next to me ordered a glass of Prosecco before we took off and-

We were flying to LaGuardia. You guys were flying back to Newark. But Greg was on our flight and we were not... He was on the other side of the plane, but he saw the flight attendant walk down with the giant cup of Prosecco and stop at my row. And he turned and looked at me and was like, no! You're an animal. I was like, it was...

that for me he like we were dying laughing he was like holy shit I thought you just I thought that was gonna be a psycho move and I know I'm not gonna lie I thought about it I was like this may make me feel better I was gonna say I would have respected that because at that pace it's like you're feeling still kind of good you're like let me keep going no but landing and getting home or

early in the morning. Oh, yeah, it was nice. Speaking of landing, how about our landing, Fran? Yeah, we hit the tar... We just, like, dropped out of the sky We hit the tar back hard. I was like, what the... We kind of, like, bounced. Like, we, like, those wheels went down and then we kind of, we were like, woof. Had a recoil? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we hit the ground hard. The little recoil action? No, that was like, it was almost like a...

Hey, how about that drive-in, huh? How about that landing, Fran? Hey, Fran, how about that landing, huh? No, it was a tough landing. People were like, what was that landing? Did you know that Noah listens to the same song every time he flies back to New York City? The same few songs, depending on when I start, which I was pissed about this time because I was seated in the...

row where there isn't a window. Oh. But like, I like to look out the window. You like to look out, look at the big city. See the city and then put on Billy Joel. I was going to say, we put a little New York, New York. But specifically the live version at Shea Stadium with Tony Bennett. And, uh,

Once that's done, if I still have more time, I'll probably put on the original version by Billy Joel. Oh, a repeat. Yeah, but it's different. It never gets old. It's all about the lyrics, you know? New York, New York, my Frank Sinatra, and then we'll go to Empire State of Mind. But I also do that for whatever. When we were going to Detroit, I started playing Eminem.

Yeah. I asked Noah this and I was like, you know, you live here, so... It never gets old. I've been doing this forever. And I was like, does it ever get old? He's like, no, never gets old. Damn, man. That's some love for your city right there. And you know what I love about it? It's like he's really... No, no, I just try to... Way to romanticize New York, Noah. I'm just about to say, like, Noah is romanticizing his life. And you know what? I love that. Yep. Yeah. I love that for you. I literally live my life as if, like, I'm in a movie.

That is amazing. I do that too sometimes. Like I'll be looking out the window being like, this would be a sick shot in the movie right now. Like me just like,

There you go. It's the classic living your life like it's a sitcom. Like sometimes things happen and I'm like, oh, this is great for my TV show. But mine's more of like a drama. Right. Well, of course. Of course. Very dramatic man over there. Romanticizing your life and living a drama. I like to look at mine as more like a sitcom. Like, you know, fun and aha, you know. Gotcha. No, that was good. Yeah, I mean, even at the bar we went to,

At one point, they just played like five Eminem songs in a row. Amazing. I think they only played Eminem. I was like, is that a requirement here? No, they changed it after that, but they went about five in a row. I ate that shit up. I was loving it. Actually, my first Uber I got in Detroit, they were playing Eminem, and I was like, is this the criteria here? Yeah. Like, you have to play Eminem when you're here. But-

I love some M&Ms. And I love how much Detroit reminded me of, and I guess it's when your team is good too, reminding me of Kansas City where they're just like, it's so go Chiefs. And then right now the Lions are so good, so it's like so go Lions. Everybody's decked out in their Lions gear. At one point during the show we were talking about People's Sexiest Man Alive, and the crowd started to chant Jared Goff's name, and we were like, that's just love for the city, love for the team.

Yeah, that one. Look, I'm not, Jared Goff's not, you know, he's a handsome guy, but, you know, the chant was loud. Yeah, he's not people's sexiest man alive. Right, right, right. He's not even, I said this, he's not even the hottest quarterback. Right. He's not in the major leagues of sexiest men. He's like in the minors. Detroit sexiest man, Detroit sexiest man alive. But in Detroit's eyes. Detroit sexiest man alive.

Nowhere near as people's sexes. In Detroit's eyes, that's their guy. Exactly. That's fine. Exactly. We had a great show. They had a massive win. Yeah. We had a great show. We had, shout out Monica. Monica and Jewel, a tag team duo for trivia. Monica, pregnant, got up on that stage and hit a kick into a fucking split right in front of our eyes.

It was out of this world. And I almost feel bad because the two girls that they were dance battling, because now just for background...

We've picked four people to come up on stage and dance battle in teams. And then the winner plays trivia. And it's been so much fun. But the two girls that they were dancing against, they... One of them, she hit the worm. And then she hit the split, too. And we were like, oh, it's over. We're like, oh, it's over. I'm going to just go fucking crush it. I was like, oh, sorry, guys. They shouldn't have even gone first. She did the worm into the split. Like, forget it. And Monica said...

Hold my water because she's pregnant. And she went leg kick. And then she did it again.

She did it twice. She did it again when Andrew and Greg came out. On like concrete. Because Andrew was like, let's see it again. She just fucking hit that shit again. Yeah. I made sure she was okay. I know. I was like, are you okay? Like that, I mean, that is hard. The baby is like, what is happening? After she did it the second time, I was like, I was like, oh, you're a dancer. Like, you know, the first time I was like, oh, is this some, because sometimes people just have wild, crazy party tricks where they can do that stuff.

And then once she did it the second time, also perfectly executed, I was like, oh, you're a rockette. Your high kick is going up to your forehead. She's done this many times before. It wasn't just an offhand. She's feeling wild. All of a sudden, she hits the ground. No, no, no. It was one of the craziest things that's ever happened at our shows, if not the craziest. You said that on stage. You were like, we've had someone propose on stage. No, literally. This split was crazier. This was an insane moment. But so much fun.

Thank you to everybody who came to the show. And well, we have Buffalo this week. Yeah, very excited for Buffalo. Boston in two weeks. So we're super excited. But it's time to get in to the rest of the show. We are going to be talking about the Special Forces cast was released. And this makes me laugh every single time. So we'll talk about that. Jeremy Allen White lookalike contest in Chicago. And of course, there was also a Zayn lookalike contest going on. There's just lookalike contests all over the place now.

It was revealed in a TikTok. Kristen Cavallari did a little TikTok with her friend that she hooked up with both Morgan Wallen and Jason Statham. Beyonce is performing live

During halftime on Christmas Day for the Texans game that will take place on Netflix, Sabrina Carpenter shows in L.A. On Netflix, what will they be able to handle? Yeah, we'll talk about that while we talk about Beyonce. And Sabrina Carpenter has had some shows in L.A. this weekend. Christina Aguilera came out. The stars came to see her. It was a star-studded event. And we have the Weekly Watch report. So let's get into the topics.

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So the Special Forces cast was released and there's always a couple people where I'm like, what the fuck are they doing on the show? And that is how I feel about Stephen Baldwin. What is Stephen Baldwin doing on the cast of Special Forces at this time? And you know what? They have to find some of they have to find people like that because that's that's what gets that's what gets the crowd going. So there are 16 contestants for this next season.

One will read the list. It's Nathan Adrian, who is the Olympic swimmer. He's won five gold medals, one silver, two bronze, competed in three different Olympics. Stephen Baldwin, youngest of the four Baldwin. There's four Baldwin brothers. Yeah. Billy, Stephen, Alec and. Oh, there's a Daniel. Oh, he's really forgotten about. He's more forgotten about than Frankie Jonas. Yeah. There's a Daniel Baldwin. Who knew? And he's the father of.

Haley Bieber. Stephen Baldwin. Yes. Not Daniel. Yes. Daniel Baldwin never gets talked about. I didn't know there was a Daniel Baldwin. I wonder if he looks exactly like the other Baldwin. They all look so much alike. He must. The Baldwins have such a strong gene pool. Strong. Yep. And it's not a great one.

I mean, debatable. Back in their day, they were considered extremely handsome. Really? Yeah. I feel like Alec Baldwin, like a young Alec Baldwin. Young Alec Baldwin people love. I was just joking. It really was that it meant. And hey, like Hailey Bieber. Hailey Bieber is fucking gorgeous. It worked for her. I think she's a mom. Her mom is fucking stunning. When you see pictures of her mom, you're like, oh, she got a lot of her mom's genes. Yep. Alana Blanchard, who is a professional surfer and model.

Landon Donovan, who is, you know, well-known big, like, U.S. soccer men's national team player. He's a professional soccer player, former professional soccer player. Ali Fedotowsky, who was in Bachelorette. Carey Hart, motocross champion. And Pink's husband.

I actually forgot about him being Pink's husband when I saw him on there. No, it's literally, yeah, I'm reading this is Us Weekly article with like a little bio for everybody. Hart is a motocross champion and Pink's husband. I think that's a fair summary there. Brody Jenner, no bio needed. Everybody knows Brody Jenner. Why didn't Brody Jenner ever win Sexiest Man Alive? Because he's too much of like a reality star? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. That's a personal opinion. Yeah. Yeah. But, you know, he's like, I don't think people, people's never, they'll go, they'll go old movie star before they go young, hot reality star, you know? Yeah. Marianne Jones, who is a retired Olympic track and field star and former professional basketball player. Cam Newton, we know, former quarterback. Kayla Nicole.

Now her bio says, Nicole is a 33-year-old influencer and model. She dated Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelsey for a few years before their 2022 breakup. That is insane. That is an insane bio. If I was her, I would be so embarrassed that that is like my bio going into this show. Knowing damn well that he has the most famous relationship of all time going on right now. And it's like, oh, your claim to fame is...

Travis Kelsey's ex yeah but you know what it's like it checks out you know because everybody's talking like you're getting your a show like that reaches out you're like okay I might as well no you're for her it's like yeah I might as well do it but hey can we not have the bio be yeah yeah Travis Kelsey's ex well that she has no choice on that you know what I'm saying once she has no choice to like production is gonna be like hey sorry that's

You know, I would just that's kind of why you're here. I would just be so embarrassed. Yeah, like that is that doesn't define me as a human being. Yeah, I'm Travis Kelsey's ex. Well, I'm sure that will be her spin on the show. You know, if she does talk about it, it's hard to do that when your whole bio is that yeah, Kelsey's ex Kyla Pratt actress well known as Penny Proud Proud family Denise Richards actress star

Former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Housewife of Beverly Hills. Christy Carlson Romano. Lover, knower, friend. She is going on as well. And Trista Sutter. First Bachelorette ever. Golden Tate. Former wide receiver. And I don't know. Jordan Weiber?

Weber? Weber? The gymnast? Yeah, is it Weber? I'm pretty sure. Jordan, she's the retired... She was the former gymnast. Yeah. Won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympics. So that is the full Special Forces cast. It's a great cast. I think that the show has only gained popularity. Like last season, I feel like it was really popular. And...

It's kind of like on the path of almost like a Traitors in my mind, where they're just assembling really quite the cast of characters. It's always an interesting cast, and that's what kind of ropes you in. You're like, they brought this person in, this person, and they're going to be interacting. I just love the mix of...

former athletes like end reality stars together. Because a lot of times you get a reality show, it's either like sport-based and it's all athletes or whatever, or just all like reality stars. So like when they put it, when they combine it, I think it's like very entertaining. Right, and then you have some old actors. I mean, Denise Richards. We talked about this a little bit in Detroit, but the Jake Paul and Mike Tyson fight

And people were so upset for Mike Tyson. It was honestly, I thought, a bizarre reaction for the internet to have to be so upset for Mike Tyson because it's like Mike Tyson is Mike Tyson. He knows what he signed up for. They both signed up to get $30 million each or more. It was obviously a money grab here.

he knows that his legacy is strong like it's like people are like oh my god Mike Tyson is ruining his legacy by doing this oh no Jake Paul is so mean for like fighting this old man it's like yeah yeah this is a bizarre take on my part on everyone's part in my opinion it's like it's just a money grab by both parties but then it reminded me about Denise Richards when we talked about special forces right after we talked about that and I was like people are talking about oh legacies and legacies being ruined it's like Denise Richards legacy yeah

When she went on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, it took a drop. You think? It took a drop in my mind. Because I think people saw a side of Denise Richards that they've never seen before with Beverly Hills Housewives. Well, it was definitely a different side. Yeah, yeah. And now everyone's like, if you watch Beverly Hills Housewives, you're like, ooh, what's going on with Denise Richards? Yeah. No, that's super fair. I mean, her and her relationship were weird. I thought she was extremely, like, there were moments that were extremely entertaining. Yeah.

She's I mean and the drama was there they drop but yeah, yeah, yeah, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, no for sure. Like that's how I yeah, but when I watched these resources on Beverly Hills housewives Sometimes I like special forces though is a show to me that moves you in another direction though Because like they dig deep you get emotional you're you're like you're physically and mentally grinding and you're sharing a lot about your life and

for the most part people seem to come out extremely appreciative of the experience so like if she's

If she took a dip doing Beverly Hills, maybe this will be a little scooch up. She had some bizarre, bizarre things happening on Beverly Hills. I mean, the last season when she just came as a guest. Oh, yeah. I mean, she was fucked up at that dinner table for sure. It was a bizarre showing. But Special Forces is a whole new ballgame. So maybe she'll climb back.

I mean, that's why people like Stephen Baldwin do the show, you know. It's like, I think it's, you get to have some redemption, maybe is the word for it. But maybe for yourself, really. It's like you're proving something for yourself, not even like for people watching. Totally, I think that's why a lot of people sign up for it. You push for yourself, which is really cool. It's a very cool aspect of the show, just to like test your limits and see how far you can go.

as a human being. So, yeah, I mean, they're doing crazy shit on that show. It's insane. Um, so it takes a lot of balls to even go on there and do it, but it's always a wild cast. Uh, there's a lot of lookalike contests going on right now. We saw the Timothy Chalamet contest happen in Washington square park. Timothy Chalamet showed up. It was a whole funny thing. They just did a Jeremy Allen white one in Chicago, which was so fucking funny. There was even little babies there dressed up as Jeremy Allen white. Um,

I think this just might be an every weekend thing. They're just going to pick, you know, an actor, a musician, someone they're a big fan of, and there's going to be a lookalike contest. I think it's a ton of fun. And the guy that won really does look like him. He did. They popped him up. It was hilarious. They lifted him up in the air. The pictures from it are so fucking funny. They're now going to do his Indea one.

oh, that feels like no one can come close. No, but there are... I mean, there's going to be someone out there that is... There's a lot of beautiful girls out there that can look like Zendaya. No, 100%. I mean, Zendaya is one of one. I feel like people are...

And you know, this is just maybe just more of a sexist thing. But I feel like people are harsher judges when it comes to women saying they look like a female celebrity. I mean, 100%. Think about the poor girl from Love is Mine. I was going to say, think about her. They fucking attacked her life for saying she looked like Megan Fox. And like, if you looked around at even like the Timothee Chalamet contest, Jeremy, there's a lot of them. You're like, Ooh,

no you're like no you don't fucking look like no but they're having a good time you know and then they're all laughing about it it's not as harsh right with the girls yeah people get meaner they're like why does she well that's what I'm saying that's what makes me like right that's what worries me about doing one like that where it's like oh they post pictures of it and then people are just fucking me right well they could be mean but I'm you know

It's very possible there's people out there that have similarities to Zendaya, just like they do Jeremy Allen White, Timothee Chalamet. And we don't have to be that harsh of a critic because obviously they're not going to look exactly like these people. The Jeremy Allen White. Zendaya is just like a one of one in my mind, you know. But like Jeremy Allen White, Timothee Chalamet, handsome guys for sure. But.

I think like that guy who won really did look like him. I actually saw somebody comment. It was a girl comment on an Instagram post about it. And she was like, that's, you know, I'm just taking her word for it. But she's like, that's my brother-in-law.

He's great and he does have social media but he looks like Jeremy Allen White. Someone told me about the contest and he just showed up. Just waltzed right in there.

I also love that it's a $50 prize. I love how little the prizes are. Keep it low stakes. No, it's amazing. It's just like people are just doing it for the love of the game. They have a giant check for this one. I didn't see. Because they did it for Timothee Chalamet. I didn't see that. I didn't see. Giant checks and it's just $50. It's so funny. I mean, who's organizing these things? I don't know. Who's taking charge? It's like a Facebook event. Yeah. Somehow I think Popgrave is involved because they're always the ones announcing it.

Like every time I see a contest announced, it's coming from Pop Crave. So I'm like, is Pop Crave behind these contests? They're the ones organizing these contests. It might be. It might be. I was going to do a callback, but no one. It was only a callback for here because no one knows what I'm talking about. But we could do a Robert Pattinson when I would show up. Oh, my God. That was so funny. After we went out on Saturday night and we were eating hot dogs and we were talking about Harry Potter and.

who looks like who. It was a whole thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Long story. But then Noah goes, yeah, people tell me I look like Cedric. And then everyone was like, no one heard him at first. And I think I'm the only one that heard you. And I was just like laughing. He was like, look. He just kept putting up the picture of Robert Pattinson next to his face.

And then we decided that the only thing that you maybe possibly have is the eyebrows. I'll take that. Yeah, we went, we did. You know what? We, I appreciate that we came around to find something. We were like, like we didn't just completely shoot him down. We're like, you know what? We could cut

could kind of see it in the eyebrows perhaps. Yeah. If you cut out everything else your eyebrows. Also we were comparing me to like a younger Robert you know. Right. Of course. Well you said Cedric Diggory. Well of course. Actually someone did have a sign at the Detroit show that said no Ives lookalike contest in my bedroom.

and we were like what? sick sickos sick puppies met her after the show and she was with her mom her mom took a picture of us oh my god wow that is funny you guys are fucking ruthless and I love it that is fucking funny but there will be there will be more lookalike contests so anyway you know

Anybody out there listening and you think you look like a celebrity, it's only a matter of time where it's your time to shine. Do you think it's like the people that know they really look like a celebrity that are the ones that are organizing it? You know? They're like, ooh, I'm going to put together...

put together a Jeremy Allen white lookalike contest because everyone tells me I look like him. Right. That would be hilarious. It's just so everyone can tell me that I look like him a lot. Yeah. I don't know who's fucking organizing these. I don't know how everyone gets the memo. Has the Zayn one happened yet or it's happening? The Zayn one happened. Oh, the Zayn one happened. It was in London, right? Yeah. Oh, it was? I thought it was in Brooklyn. Oh. I think it might have been in...

I thought I saw one in London. New York, yeah. I think there was... No, I think there was another one happening in London, too. Okay. I think there also might have been a Harry Styles one in London. It's happening around the world? The Zayn one was in Bushwick. Zayn was in Bushwick. Zayn was in Bushwick. Oh, maybe there was a Harry... Was there a Harry Styles one in London? I think they were advertising a Harry one in London. Okay. That's to come for a later date. Yeah, that's a later date. No, I mean, they're taking over the world now. It's just lookalike content all over. Although, do you think that any...

one like Timothee Chalamet will ever do that again or is that just like a one time thing where the actual guy comes no I think I think I think that's because I feel like a lot of these people who are setting this up now are like like that would be their their main goal right of course see that's the dream but you know

You can't set up a Harry Styles lookalike contest and just think Harry Styles is going to waltz in. Yeah, I think Timothee Chalamet's personality fits that. It does. It was like the first big one. It does. Right. It fits showing up to that event. And it's like, he's so New York to me. And they did the event in New York. That was very Timothee, a Timothee move. It all made sense coming from Timothee. I don't know if it makes sense for the other ones.

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Where it was like suspect, you know, it's a trend on TikTok right now where you like say things about your friend. It's like suspect does this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would be like, oh, suspect gets very mad about Eagles games. Runs. So she did one. And one of the ones was Morgan Wallen kept breaking her heart. She kept going back and hurting her feelings, hurting her feelings. And she kept trying to go back. And one of her hottest hookups is Jason Statham.

That's a hell of a... I think she has... She did this with Justin Anderson, who is her best friend. It was very funny. They were going back and forth. But she... I mean, Jason Statham is a great one. I just think Kristen Cavalieri probably has a roster, not currently, but from the past couple decades, that...

could go up against anybody else out there. Really? You think she's got a stacked list? Jason Statham being on that list is not one I would guess. No. Jason Statham has been with Rosie Huntington once.

So this must have been a long time ago. Kristen Cavallari and Jason Statham. My guess is this is even like pre-Jay Cutler. You know, this is my guess. I feel like it's 100% pre-Jay Cutler. I'm just thinking about when like the Hills was popping off and Kristen Cavallari, a socialite, is getting out there, hooking up with Jason Statham. Jason Statham. You come home, you tell your friends you hooked up with Jason Statham. The thought of that is making me laugh. Just imagine one of your friends coming home being like, I hooked up with Jason Statham. And not even was it like...

He also kind of alluded to it being like the best one. Yeah. Like that it was like good. Right. Like they really amped it up. Yeah, yeah. He would be an easy lookalike contest, I feel like. Jason Statham. Jason Statham. Here's the thing with bald guys is...

I think a lot of bald guys just think they look like other bald guys no matter what because they're just all bald. So all the baldies will roll up to the Jason Statham lookalike contest being like, well, I'm bald. Right. Oh, look at my head. I look like Jason Statham. I'm Jason Statham. I'm bald. We're all black and like a suit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

But no, that's an incredible one for the resume for sure. My guess is if she's posting this, like it happened so long ago that it's just like not, it couldn't possibly cause an issue.

And the Morgan Wallen one, though, is very funny. Jason Statham, we just said, has been with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. He's married. Jason Statham is up there for good baldies. Kelly Slater. Yeah. Kelly Slater is top baldy for me. Your favorite. Yeah, he's my favorite. No, but...

Your favorite? Woody Harrelson. He's bald now? Yes, but he's, honestly, he's not my favorite baldy. Kelly Slater would be my favorite baldy. Yeah. Still to this day. Kelly Slater, have you seen what Kelly Slater looks like? It's like, come on. Let's be real. I'm not going to pick. I think I would even throw in my guy Stanley Tuch. Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to, but like Kelly Slater is like. Oh, Kelly Slater is gorgeous. It's like, I'm not going to. Has he always been bald? Kelly Slater? Yeah.

Yeah, honestly. For as long as I can remember. For as long as I go back and remember that. Oh, no, there's pictures of him with hair if you look. I thought he looks better with hair. Really? I think it's just more his whole like the surfer, the surfer thing, you know. He's 52 years old. He also has incredible blue eyes. That's what it really is. It's the blue eyes that rope you in. Oh, yeah, that's a good picture of him.

Yeah, I mean, he's incredibly, he was an incredibly handsome young fella. Yeah, he looked like Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic. Holy shit, yeah. My God, yeah. Yeah. Yep, yep. Just talking baldies. Just throwing around baldies. Woody Harrelson's not like a attractive, he's my, we got asked this at one of the shows, like, who's your hear-me-out? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, someone who's not really attractive, but you're like, wait for it? Yeah, that's a good line. So Woody Harrelson is your hear-me-out. Wait, can I just say...

I don't know. We can cut this out. But Sarah hit me with a hilarious hear me out on Saturday night. Did you tell her? Oh, did you tell her? She told us and then said, don't tell Rhea. Did she admit to it?

She told us like last week and was like, don't tell Rhea. She told it to us after the Nashville. What did we do at Nashville? It must have been Nashville or something. And she was like, I was there in Nashville. No, it's when you went to make a sandwich. Oh, right, right. Oh my God. In that short amount of time? In that short amount of time, we were talking about it and Sarah said, Oh, at the Christmas bar. Oh, we were at the Christmas bar. I went to go fix my makeup. Yeah. And Sarah said, she goes, you want to know what might hear me out? But she goes, but don't tell Rhea because I think she'll tell him.

I wouldn't tell him. I don't, we haven't even fucking talked to him. We haven't talked to him forever. Are we gonna cut this out? No. Can I leave, can we leave this in or not? We can leave it in. Sarah, can we say it? Okay. Well, we can cut it out if you want us to. Um,

Let me tell you something. I think it's a lot. I think it's a lot of girls. A lot of girls on this podcast agree with it. Yep. Yep. She said, my hear me out's Trent. She just threw it at me and I literally like I was cracking up. I was like, that is so fucking funny. I think a lot of girls on this podcast would listen to this podcast and say the same thing. Damn. They love Trent. They do. I think a lot of like they're fucking obsessed with him. Yeah. We haven't talked to Trent.

Did you get to try, like, are we talking, because did this bring you there from talking about bald guys? Trent's not really fully bald. No, I only, because I was saying my hear me out is Woody Harrelson. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then Sarah hit me with a my hear me out is Trent. Yep, yep. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. That's funny. That is funny stuff. Yes. Oh, man. I mean, the other aspect of that being Morgan Wallen is just like,

What girl in Nashville has Morgan Wallen not broken their hearts? Right. In some way. Hurt their feelings. Morgan Wallen hurt their feelings. And you go back. You're Kristen Cavalier. You step away from Morgan Wallen. You go, fuck you. I'm not going to be begging for Morgan Wallen. Yeah. They started that video low and ended it strong for sure. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Thank God they ended with Jason Statham and not the Morgan Wallen one because now we're just thinking about the Jason Statham part of it.

Beyonce is performing on Christmas Day halftime for the Texans game on Netflix. Will Netflix be able to handle this? Who knows? They were not able to handle the Mike Tyson and Jake Paul fight. Nope. That was just out of control. They got a lot of troubleshooting to do before Christmas. I got a lot of practice reps to get in before they start dealing with any of that. But Beyonce's performing on Christmas Day. I'm so excited for this. I'm kind of shocked. You know what I mean?

I'm just shocked. That she would do this? That she would do this on Christmas Day. Yeah. She's taking her Christmas to perform. There's only one thing to say. Thank you, Beyonce. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Honestly, thank you for saving Christmas. So true. Beyonce saves Christmas once again. Mrs. Claus. Santa's thanking you. Yeah. She... I don't know. Well, one, I think because it's in Houston. Yeah. So...

She hasn't really played any of the Cowboy Carter songs live yet. So this will be like their debut, Christmas, Houston. I think it actually makes a lot of sense. And I'm assuming Netflix is paying her the big, big, big bucks. Netflix has got an unlimited bank account in my mind.

Yeah, I think they'll pay whatever. Netflix is just, Netflix is like, in my mind, like the government bank. Like how much money they have, you know, whatever that means. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I just feel like it's just endless. Like I think they just- Yeah, no, there's trillion dollars of debt, but it's endless. Right. No, exactly. It's like, just why don't they just print more money? Yeah, I guess.

Just kidding. Oh, man. No, I'm actually so excited for this. I saw the, she posted like a teaser last night on her social, like really late. And when I saw it, I was like, oh my God, this is amazing. The Netflix logo flashed for the Texans game on Christmas Day. So it's great because there's always, there is normally, you know, there's a Thanksgiving season.

halftime performance and there are always games around the holidays but they've never had a halftime performance of this caliber for a Christmas set. This ain't Texas! Yeah. Like whatever. Right, whatever she wants to do. If that's the opening it could be, you know, but even though they are in Texas. They are in Texas, right, so it's like, you know, does it fit? And I guess like Jay-Z already has a relationship with the NFL. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's probably easy to make this happen. Look, I mean, she's done...

She's done the Super Bowl. Yeah. I wish that Beyonce and Jay-Z would do their little, you know, do their little, you know what song I'm talking about. I don't. Tayshia. Yeah. Yeah. Wait, what part is that in Tayshia? I can't think of it.

I can't even think of how that song goes. Are you ready? I get deja vu. I mean, my beat in my head is different than what's coming out. Yeah, no, I got you. I got you. I got you. Of what's coming out of my mouth, obviously. I'm toned up. For a second, I couldn't even think of what song you were talking about. All the songs together. She always goes, bae. Yeah, yeah. You know. Mm-hmm.

You're looking at me like I have 500 heads. No, just say yes. Just say yes so we can move on. She doesn't do it again. Keep singing until I get it. This is where you say, yep, totally got it. Yeah, for sure. All right, I'll just stop talking then, guys. Oh, I think I know what part that is. I quit. I don't want to talk anymore. It's not the talking. I want to hear you talk forever. I don't really want to hear you do the bae thing again.

that's fair that's really fair but gap away oh yeah i know what you're trying i know you're going for you're a liar shut up no i do i do you're a fucking liar i do know i actually do know what that part was yeah after that part's like you got me like yeah yes the fact that we cannot get these words out is crazy why doesn't she bring jay up that would be cool

Why does she just call Taylor out? And then he comes in with his part, right? Yeah. And his part. Oh, great verse. Exactly. That's what I'm trying to get to right now. She doesn't need him. She's doing all Cowboy. No, she doesn't need him, but I'm just saying. She's going to do all Cowboy Carter. I know, but like. She hasn't sung any of those songs live. Any of them. Oh, so unusable. Baby girl, you should already know it's H-O. Light up the drove. Yeah.

Trying to cover my bounce flow. Is that it? Blow, blow, what's the difference? Sorry. This James E. rapping voice I'm doing needs to end now. Maybe she'll bring out Miley. That would be awesome. Think about that. I'd rather have that happen.

Yeah, but I feel like that would be like a Grammy's thing, no? Yeah, it probably would be a Grammy's thing. And it should be a Grammy's thing. But they didn't even get nominated for that song. It should be a Grammy's thing. It should be a Grammy's thing. They did get nominated. No, the song didn't though, right? The song got nominated. Did it? For Best Record? For Boss. No, for Best Pop. What word did I just say? Or Best Duo? I tried to combine Best and Pop into one word. Pop Duo. Okay, okay. Bop Duo. They don't win that. Boss, I said. Best Bop Duo. Okay.

Pop duo, I believe the song was nominated. Now watch me bop, bop, bop. Yeah. That was a good one. You completely melted into the chair. I have melted into my chair. You're like in a cream color set, so it's just kind of also melting into the chair. I am chair. Yeah, I am. I am chair. Okay, now let's sing Crazy in Love together. Oh, man. All right, what's the next topic? Sorry. I...

See, like I just haven't The way the camera is right now you only see your head. I was going to say I was a little worried about what the shot's going to look like. It's almost just like my brain is malfunctioning right now. You're really breaking the whole

rule of thirds here oh my god so true um my brain is just malfunctioning right now because i feel like we've just been go go go and now my brain can't think of lyrics right now you know it's like i'm it's like my brain is short-circuiting i'm trying to think of lyrics of like what is that bop song but watch me bop bop yeah you're asking the wrong whip oh watch me whip yeah watch me nay nay okay yeah right so it's not bop no it gets to a point where it says watch me bop bop yeah bop

I mean, time and time again, you just can't ask me about lyrics. It's my biggest weakness, I think. I just can't. Nothing. It just doesn't connect for me at all. I was actually thinking about this. So if the Jonas Brothers or someone you were a fan of invited you on stage to sing a song together, you'd have to say no. Because you wouldn't know the lyrics. Oh, no. I mean, I don't.

There's a thing, like if I studied. Yeah, yeah. But if it was like in the moment, like, hey, come sing Crazy in Love with me on stage. If it was a spur of the moment, I would do it, but I'd probably mess up some words for sure. You know that best friend game we were playing on stage? Yeah, with Andrew and Greg. With Andrew and Greg. If the question was, what is your all-time favorite song ever?

What would you put down? Because I have an answer in my head for you. And I just want to know if I'm right. And I don't... I'm not like too confident that I am. But I feel like if I were to write down this answer, you would... Maybe you wouldn't write it down, but you would say, good answer. Yeah. Maybe it wouldn't be the answer you would write down, but you would respect my answer. Should we do a flip? I'm going to write it on my phone. And I'm going to flip it. So...

Write something down. You don't have to do it as big as mine. Yeah. I don't know. I have a strong answer, I feel like. What my favorite song of all time? Like one of them. One of your favorite songs of all time. Wrote it on my Instagram. Same. You flip. Lovebug. Yes! I'm so happy! Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. Would yours be...

I can't even think of one now. No, no, but I think if I said it, you'd be like, yeah. But I'm forgetting. Hold on. I got to look up the name of it first. I just got to make sure that I'm right on the name of the song. That was unbelievable. Like, that was the moment I was waiting for on stage. And that question was not asked. But I was like, oh, my God, what would be like her favorite song? And I was like, is this her favorite song? Do you think yours would be? Think like played in the car a lot.

I literally can't think of a song like that I like right now. My brain is like malfunctioning. Tell me and I'll be honest. November Rain. Yeah. That would be like when people ask me. Yeah. I feel like that's like a go to one for you. And I told that story. Yeah. About when we were in Aruba with Brie Grace and Kelly Keegs and we were all so fucked up and Grace looked at me and was like, what's your favorite song? And I was like, November Rain. And then she played the entirety of the eight minutes of November Rain. Yeah, that would be up there.

We did a best friends test on stage in Detroit, which was really fun. But there are moments that Rhea and I, we are sending each other, I'm like, read my mind. Look at me. Look at me. Read my mind. Because one of the last questions was, but we were answering, we switched. So it was like when we were asking questions about Rhea and Greg at the same time and then me and Andrew at the same time.

And then we'd flip and then that's how we were playing. And one of the last questions was, who have you been like the most starstruck? Or like, right? I think that was like celebrity starstruck. Celebrity most starstruck by. And...

I'm sure like I'm, I have plenty of answers, but I just like looked at Reem was like, like, look at me, you know what, you know what I'm going to put down. Right. And then I felt it and then I put down James Marsden and that was correct. And it was right. And that's exactly what I wrote down. We really can communicate through our eyes. It's a really freaky thing. Like one of the questions was for me to, um,

tea or coffee order and we wrote down the same exact answer doesn't drink coffee iced tea lemonade like it was like the same exact answer it was crazy we were reading each other's minds wow i'm so pumped up about love bug yeah wow i'll remember that moment forever yeah moving on um

That was like a selfish thing right there. It was like, you're like, I just really wanted to prove how much I know you. Like on the plane home. I was like thinking about what other questions could have been. Yeah. And then I was like, what would my favorite song be? What would Fran's favorite song be? And then I was like, is it fucking love bug? It's fucking love bug. Last topic. Sabrina Carpenter had shows in L.A. this weekend and all the stars came out.

They really did. I mean, as they should. I think everybody's... I'm like, I'm so pissed I didn't go to this... Me too. ...tour. Like, I... When was she in New York? We were away or something. It was your honeymoon. Ugh. I knew it. I actually will say... We were both busy. We couldn't freaking make it. I will actually say, Joe and I came home and we were like, could there have been...

any more good concerts while we were away. Like, we missed so much music that we love. We were shocked. Like what? Like, Mount Joy at MSG we missed. Serena Carpenter we missed. I think there was maybe a Gracie Abrams show too. I was like, there was a bunch where I was like...

What the fuck? You and Joe were at a concert together last night? Yeah, they were. Oh my god. Yep, yep. Coincidental? I mean, yeah. They didn't buy tickets together. Joe came home and said that he thought you had the best seat in the house, though. We had great seats. And that's the first time I've ever been to the Blue Note, which is a very intimate setting. They've been doing these bigger artists have been performing at the Blue Note, which is a jazz club in the West Village.

and it's just really really really cool it's just say paul the broken bones last night like where you'd see like a stand-up club but even smaller that's incredible i can't believe you had the energy to go to a concert last night yeah i'm impressed in that alone and your parents parents but also it's uh since it is like small you sit the whole time so it's like yeah yeah yeah that's nice he's got the voice of an angel that guy is really out of this world um

But no, they're like Marcus King is, is doing a show in January as well. They're so very, very cool. But no, then we came home. We were like, we missed some good ones. And Sabrina Carpenter is probably high up there on that list. I really wish I know. I really wanted to make the Sabrina Carpenter content. I couldn't, I couldn't either. Yeah.

I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think we have time in the next coming weeks, Fran. We have shit to do. She's in... I don't know. This is it. After California, she goes to Seattle, and then she's in Canada, and then she's in Europe. And that's it? Oh, fuck. Maybe we should go to Europe. Wait, when is she... She's in London in March.

Let's go. Let's go. Oh, you're getting married. I'm getting married. She's got a ton of shows in the UK. A lot of shows in the UK? Yeah. Oh, no, she does. Yeah. Yeah. Dang it. Yep. Yep. Shit. Well, the stars were out. Not us, but stars were at the concert. John Mayer was there. Katy Perry was there. Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner. They were all there. One night she had Christina Aguilera come out and Christina Aguilera. God damn. She...

is she's moving backwards. Like she looks fantastic. She is quite. She sounds amazing. Quite literally aging backwards. Oh my God. She looks fucking incredible. It was, my jaw was on the floor when I was watching the TikToks of her, of her come out. And I actually like teared up a little bit because I saw one that was really young Sabrina Carpenter. Like she had to have been eight years old. Like she looked really little.

And I mean, eight may be an exaggeration, but she looked really young and she was so cute. She was like,

My favorite singer is Christina Aguilera. I think she's just so great. She has such a powerful voice. She's also confident because she was like, I think I have a voice like that. Oh my God. It was amazing. Wait, did they play that at the concert? No, no, no. It was a fan edit. That would have been a sick intro to play before she came on. No, I know. It would have been. Somebody made it on TikTok. I just saw it. Then it cut to them on stage together, which was just amazing. A couple little...

teeny tiny blonde bombshells seriously like voices with the voices of uh it's incredible unbelievable like so cool especially to have that moment that maybe christina aguilera doesn't even know that video exists but sprita carpenter secretly does and she's like oh my god this moment's happening where christina aguilera is on stage with me right now they it looked like i couldn't even say mom and daughter because christina aguilera they look like sisters you know what songs they sing

Did they sing any Christina songs? Yeah. Christina came out singing. You know, you know, like Christina's got the, that one, you all know it. I'm not going to do it. She's got that, that riff is the most recognizable thing ever. People were like, I noticed. They also did a what a girl wants. I think.

I'm pretty sure. Christina Aguilera has one of the best voices of our time. Yeah. Just absolutely incredible. Once. Yeah. Just to have that. Imagine having that instrument inside you. Yeah. It's incredible. Like it's so. I know. It's like the one thing I'm so jealous of. No, it's like it's big being a superhero. It really is. Like and everyone heard me before. It's like I can't even sing happy birthday. Yeah. You know. Right. Right. And Christina Aguilera could do all that. Yeah. Yeah.

It's incredible. Yep. Yep. It is fantastic. But no, I mean that there was John Mayer was there. Katy Perry was there. Certain it's I think she had multiple. She did multiple nights. So star studded where everybody wanted to go. Go check out. Check out her show like civil with all his exes. Like it seems like, you know.

I feel like John Mayer... Jennifer Aniston, they're friendly. Yeah, I think eventually you just move on, and especially when, like, Katy Perry, like, has Orlando Bloom. It's, you know, it's... When you look back and you're like...

I feel like John Mayer is the ex that they all look back at and they're like ah classic John still single what do you got going on John remember those times we had I feel like John Mayer probably reflected a lot on his life and like made amends with everybody that's the kind of guy he seems like at this point where he like reflected back and was like damn I was an asshole like let me make amends with everybody I think that's where he's at but alright that wraps up the topics

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All right, let's get into the Weekly Watch Report where we talk about the things we watched this week. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Ooh, I don't think I like that. Me either. You sound like doo-doo. I tried to do something different. It didn't work. That's all right. We'll try again next week. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Weekly Watch Report on Monday. Weekly Watch Report on Monday.

Fuck, I fucked that up. Yeah. Damn, I just ruined everybody's day. I appreciate you tried to remix that a little bit, but... I didn't have it. It didn't hit. I should have known I didn't have rhythm today. I don't know why I tried to do something different there. All right, well, here's everything I watched. I didn't watch too many things. You said that in a very, like, Charlie XCX British Vogue interview.

here's what's in my bag and here's what's in my bag here's everything i see here on snl at all yeah i did see i saw some of the clips she's some good she did some good uh impressions and yeah i saw this sketch she did with please don't destroy that didn't even like make it in the show i guess but it was funny the mean cute it was funny yeah i watched the martha stewart documentary and i thought that was good it was solid yeah i'll give that a b

Nothing too crazy, but I enjoyed my time watching it. Martha cracks me up. The director did an interview last week that was like, like the quote was, they were talking about the reception of the documentary and like people being like, oh, like Martha's mean, like blah, blah, whatever. The director said that Martha had asked him like, oh, can I ask you a favor? And he was like, yeah, sure, but you have to be nice to me. And she goes, oh, somebody else. Yeah.

I fucking love that. No, I really love that. Honestly, and also the fact that she talked about that photographer or not for the other, the post columnist.

back in the day then she was like oh she's dead thank god and then it came out she's not even dead i lost it when she was like oh she's she's dead thank god i lost my shit i was like this is incredible martha's a 101 seriously i give that a b solid yeah very solid yeah um i also started watching love island australia i watched the first two episodes yeah i'll also give that a b yeah i'm into it

Is it a requirement that you have to have somebody named Mimi on the Australian seasons? Yep. Or am I crazy? And there's a Mimi and there's an M, which I keep getting confused. I feel like there's always a Mimi. There's also always seems to be always there's like a cane. Yeah.

On like every season of Love Island. Yeah. I mean, this kid's name is Indigo. Yeah, I mean, it just seems like there's a lot of, you know, I guess it's names. Yeah, yeah. That is everything I watched that's new. I didn't really have any time to watch anything other than that this week. Just a lot of things like before. But on the plane, I watched Devil Wears Prada again. Obviously, it's like classic A every single time it hits. And...

When we got home on Sunday, I literally slept the entire day. Football was on in the background. I was in and out of sleep. I still haven't finished. I still haven't caught up. I have not had any time to watch. They're really long episodes. I'm finishing this week. I will get to it, but unfortunately. Yeah. I'm all caught up on Love Island Australia, like Hulu Love Island Australia. It's like nine episodes long.

It's good. It's interesting. It seems that Love Island now has decided that the only way that they can go about their seasons is bringing... And I think Australia has liked doing it because it maybe ropes more people into watching Love Island Australia. Is...

bringing in other Love Island people. So, like, I mean, it's not really a spoiler, but at one point there are two bombshells that come in. One's from Love Island USA. One is Love Island France. He was also on Love Island Games. So they're trying to bring in other people and mix it up that way. The Australians do kind of crack me up because there's just –

Their conversations are funny to me. I don't know what it is. That's just, yeah. Good banter. Yeah, good banter. I'll give it a B as well. It's solid. I'm enjoying watching it so far. I did love that, sorry, this is, I'm not, there's one point where one couple goes into the highway and they get into a fight, which has, I feel like I'd never see happen, which honestly was entertaining. Over something really stupid. What else did I watch?

I watched, I'm all caught up on real hostess of salt Lake city, which has been very, it's honestly been very entertaining. I, I'm a, I'm a fan of Bronwyn. I think she's a good new addition. I think the whole Palm beach trip episode was very funny. Uh,

This is like the kind of housewife stuff we need that's like silly and funny and entertaining, but like they're still, they're just fighting over the dumbest shit. I don't know what, like I know a lot of people are complaining about New York this season that they're just not into it and it's just like not that good. I've only watched the first episode, so I can't really speak to it, but I mean, I feel like that also goes to show like I haven't felt any interest to kind of catch up with it. But Lisa Barlow is just...

She's just fantastic. She's just exactly what you want out of your housewife. Like Bronwyn booked all their flights home from Palm Springs. I believe they were in Palm Springs. And they I want to say they flew private there. But then they were all flying commercial. And Lisa was like, what? What seat am I? I can't be I can't I can't fly like that.

17 17 c like she was like i haven't flown coach it's college like it was like it was a disaster and it was very funny to watch like she was ready to completely get on a different flight and delay getting home longer so that she didn't have to fly uh coach and also like by the way not a super long flight like they're just going back to salt lake right you know

And God, that was, it just, just the whole way she acted with it was really, actually really funny. That's a housewife right there. Yeah, no, it is. It is. It is. So I'll give Salt Lake City, I'll give Salt Lake City a B. I've been enjoying it. I'm all caught up on Chicago Med, PD, and Fire. Med has got to, Med's got to pick it up. Med's got to pick it up. Damn, Med. It's not that good. Fire and PD, good plot lines. I like where they've been. Med, I'll give a C.

Fire and PD, I'll give B minuses. And then I'm also, I mean, God, I watched a lot of network television this week.

Caught up on Grey's Anatomy. Tough go. You know, eventually they just have to kill people. You know, like it's just the way it's just the way the show is just a formula. It's just going on for so long. You have. Yeah, it was a tough. This last episode was tough, tough, sad. They also said goodbye to he didn't die, but he's moving. So his story has ended as well. And that was sad because he was one of my favorites there.

Grey's I'll give a C. I just keep watching. And I love it on Australia. I talked about what's the last thing I watched? Great British Baking Show. I'll give a B+. I fucking love the Great British Baking Show. It's just throw it on.

Very good. And the Penguins episode four and five I watched at the beginning of last week. So I have six, seven, eight left to watch. But four and five... Four was fantastic. Four... I would actually like to grade the two episodes separately. Four was an A-plus episode. Five is like... Five gets an A. That was the one that I wanted to give an A-plus and I think I was like...

No, five gets an A for sure, but four was an A+. She deserves an award just from that episode. She's been fantastic in the other episodes, but just that episode, oh my God. It was so good. I was so impressed. And I also believe I watched three and four of Shrinking, which I'll give a B+. Oh, yeah, I forgot about Shrinking. I gotta catch up on Shrinking. I gotta catch up on Bad Sisters, second season's out. Yeah, yeah. I like the Shrinking season's been good. Yeah.

Tough decisions. Some tough decisions made already. And you know who's my favorite? It's her husband. David Daniel. What's his name? Derek. Derek. Derek. Derek. The neighbor. Yeah, yeah. He cracks me up in like the stupidest way. Like he's objectively not funny, but so funny at the same time. And that's everything I watched. Okay. I finished Outer Banks. I watched 7 to 10.

Blown away, huh? I was actually blown away at how bad it was. Because like, I, it's not like I went in expecting it to be good. I went in being told it was horrible and like seeing online that no one had any chemistry. And it was somehow worse than I thought it would be like.

I don't want to single anyone out and like name certain people, but some of the acting was just some of the worst I've ever seen. At this point, I kind of like have my fingers crossed for season five and the fact that like if all these internet rumors are true and there were like issues that if Rudy's not doing the show anymore, maybe like that won't be a problem. Yeah, maybe that. I mean, like just the fact that's like, I think everyone's heard it by now, but it's like if one of the main characters is dying and you're,

significant other is next to you like you'd think they'd like be a little touchy like like yeah why are you so far like it's bad it was you get stabbed and like your girlfriend doesn't even say anything just like jj it's bad it was bad yeah horrible uh f i was like should i give a d minus like no that was awful bold it was so bad bold like it just kept getting worse and worse

And that one scene that Fran was saying too, where she just kept yelling, JJ. It was just, it felt like, that's what I said to Fran. It was endless. He's climbing for the crown and she's going, JJ, hurry. JJ, come on. JJ, hurry. Just over and over and over again. You know what that made me feel like? When you're playing a video game and you can't figure out how to beat the level and they just keep repeating the same thing. Oh my God. Yeah. That's spot on. It was so bad. I watched Shrinking Episode 6, which is up next.

the last episode that came out. I actually, yeah, like I'm, I'll give it a B plus. It's just like one of those shows that's just easy to watch. It is. And it's kind of like, it's kind of been like a little heavier, like the last couple episodes. Yeah. The storyline of like their mom dying and everything, but it's, it's good. I, I've enjoyed it. And then I started this new show that I just saw on Hulu called Say Nothing. That's about,

Like Northern Ireland and like this is the war that went on there. I only watched one episode, but it was very good. And I would highly recommend it so far. But like, yeah, I don't know. I don't know what else to say about it. You liked it. It's about like the war between like when...

I don't want to sound like an idiot also. Yeah. So, you know, I'll come back next week after watching more. You're not going to sound like an idiot to me. And do some more research. But, yeah, it's set in Ireland and it's pretty, like, intense. Yeah. But, yeah, it's good. I'll give that a B+. Solid. What's it on? It's on Hulu. Oh, it's on Hulu. But it's gotten, like, very good reviews. I just looked it up right now. But, yeah, that's all I watched. Cool. All right. Well...

Very exciting week because it is Wicked Week, so I hope everybody is going to see Wicked this week. And we'll be able to talk about it on Monday. I mean, I'm dodging. People are posting their film in the screens. I'm seeing shit on TikTok. I'm scrolling so fast. I'm really trying not to see too many clips before I go see it on Sunday. Is it one of those things where you do know the story? Yeah, of course. You just don't want to see the movie. I know what happens, but I don't want to...

I don't want to see the clips already. I didn't realize the movie was three hours long. It's three hours? It's two hours and 41 minutes. That's three hours to me. And that's only one part?

Yeah, it's the first act. That's only the first act. Yeah, it's very long. That's longer than the play. Oh my God. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's long. The first act is longer than the whole entire play. It's long, but I'm not worried at all, truly. Is it getting good reviews? From what I'm seeing. People fucking love it. From my side of the internet, everybody's fucking ranting and raving about it.

Oh, that doesn't have any yet. No, I'm... Yeah, it'll start this week in the reviews, I think. I mean, it's been nothing but... Like, I've only seen amazing things. Right. So, I could not be more excited. I'm going. I wish I was seeing it earlier. Wait, what day are you going? Sunday. I could have gone this week...

I said this to Gia and Rhea heard me the other day but I got invited to go with somebody so like Gia and I have tickets to go see it on Sunday and I got I got invited to go this week but it was just me so then like

I would have seen it. I would have had to text you and be like, oh, sorry, I'm going now early. You should have just not told her about and just pretended that you're watching it for the first time. And pretended I didn't know. Yeah. No, no. I actually want, like, I'm excited to go with her and we see it together for the first time. But did she say she's one of the people that's going to sing? She says she's going to sing. Well, she said, would you see? I bought the tickets and then she texted me, are you going to be mad if I sing? And I said, yes. And...

Then I said, look, if other people in the theater are singing, fine. Like if that's how it's going to be. But if you're the only one, pipe down. Fair. That's very fair. I was like, you can't be the only one singing. Extremely fair. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm excited. I'm going to see it on Sunday afternoon. So we'll have that on Monday. Yeah. All right. That wraps up everything we watched this week.

- Tricks in the Office is sponsored by BetterHelp. This month is all about gratitude, so make sure you are not only grateful for the people around you, but you're thankful

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All right. That wraps up today's episode of Chicks in the Office. Thank you so much for watching and listening. We love you guys. We'll talk to you on Wednesday and Friday. Full schedule this week. Not changing it up even though we have a show on Thursday night in Buffalo. Bring your signs. We're actually kind of wicked coded the two of us. We are. And even now I'm looking at our outfits. Well I looked at our phones at lunch and was like oh our phones are so wicked. And

And now like you're in like a little cream set with your pink phone. I'm in black and I got my green hat on. We are giving very wicked. We are. We are. Oh my God. Cute. All right. That wraps up the episode. Love you guys. Bye. Bye.