Is there a science to being happy? Does our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we
Flying can be risky these days, so what should you do if you need to travel? CNN Chief Medical Corre
During the pandemic, many people are struggling to make even the smallest decisions. Why does choosi
CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is joined by colleague and veteran anchor, Wolf B
Graduates all over the country heard virtual commencement speeches from celebrities to presidents. I
For some of us, sheltering at home could mean being isolated with an abusive relative or partner, un
Health officials in Europe and the United States have reported cases of a rare but serious new syndr
CNN’s Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta goes through his inbox and answers some listeners
Jeanette Jenkins, founder of The Hollywood Trainer, walks you through a few stretches that target yo
Fitness centers are starting to reopen around the country. Whether you are ready to go back or prefe
Mobile apps, QR codes, facial recognition. Everyone is looking to technology for help in this pandem
During this pandemic, restaurants have no longer been able to perform their role as social and cultu
Our experience in airports and airplanes changed dramatically after 9/11. And experts now expect a s
With this school year disrupted for so many, students and families are wondering what may happen in
As most states begin to reopen, much of the country is thinking about the future. Which aspects of o
It's National Teacher Appreciation Week, and there's rarely been a more important time to be gratefu
Healthcare workers on the front lines are risking not only their lives, but their mental and emotion
As healthcare systems across the country focus on fighting the coronavirus pandemic, many have halte
We've addressed early questions about testing for Covid-19, but plenty remain. CNN's Chief Medical C
As conspiracy theories and myths about Covid-19 continue to spread, CNN Chief Medical Correspondent
Have you been having bizarre dreams lately? CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta talks