cover of episode Chasing Life S:2 | The Last W E:6 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Chasing Life S:2 | The Last W E:6 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

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Chasing Life After Show – AfterBuzz TV Network

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Heather Gardner
Michelle V
Sam Davidson
Heather Gardner: 本集围绕April的婚礼展开,讨论了婚礼前后的各种戏剧性事件,包括April的婚前焦虑、与前男友Dominic的藕断丝连、以及家人之间的矛盾。她认为April在婚礼前夕去见Dominic是不合适的,并且指出April在处理感情问题上经常做出糟糕的决定。她还分析了剧中其他女性角色的性格特点,并对Frankie的行为和动机进行了评价。最后,她对剧中人物的未来走向做出了预测,认为Leo可能会去世,Dominic将会陪伴April。 Michelle V: Michelle V主要从April的心理角度出发,分析了April在婚礼前后的情绪变化和行为动机。她认为April的焦虑和不安并非完全不想要结婚,而是患有婚前恐惧症。她还指出April利用癌症作为借口,自私地去看望前男友Dominic,并认为April在事情真相大白后,选择站在Dominic一边是不对的。此外,她还对剧中其他女性角色进行了评价,并对剧中人物的未来走向做出了预测。 Sam Davidson: Sam Davidson对剧中主要人物关系和剧情发展进行了梳理和分析。他认为婚礼的目的是为了让April在万一将来无法实现的情况下,拥有梦想中的婚礼体验。他还分析了April与Dominic、Leo以及家人之间的复杂关系,并对April在婚礼前夕去见Dominic的行为进行了评价。此外,他还对Natalie的性格和行为进行了分析,并对剧中人物的未来走向做出了预测,认为Leo可能会去世,Dominic将会陪伴April。 Heather Gardner: This episode centers around April's wedding, discussing various dramatic events before and after the wedding, including April's pre-wedding anxiety, her complicated relationship with her ex-boyfriend Dominic, and conflicts within the family. She believes that April's visit to Dominic on the eve of her wedding was inappropriate, and points out that April often makes poor decisions when it comes to relationships. She also analyzes the personality traits of other female characters in the show and evaluates Frankie's actions and motivations. Finally, she makes predictions about the future direction of the characters in the show, believing that Leo may die and Dominic will be there for April. Michelle V: Michelle V mainly analyzes April's emotional changes and behavioral motivations before and after the wedding from April's psychological perspective. She believes that April's anxiety and unease are not entirely about not wanting to get married, but rather pre-wedding jitters. She also points out that April uses cancer as an excuse to selfishly visit her ex-boyfriend Dominic, and believes that April's decision to side with Dominic after the truth is revealed is wrong. In addition, she also evaluates other female characters in the show and makes predictions about the future direction of the characters in the show. Sam Davidson: Sam Davidson organizes and analyzes the relationships and plot developments of the main characters in the show. He believes that the purpose of the wedding is to allow April to have the wedding of her dreams in case she is unable to do so in the future. He also analyzes the complex relationships between April, Dominic, Leo, and her family, and evaluates April's actions of visiting Dominic on the eve of her wedding. In addition, he analyzes Natalie's personality and behavior, and makes predictions about the future direction of the characters in the show, believing that Leo may die and Dominic will be there for April.

Deep Dive

April's decision to visit Dominic before her wedding is debated, with concerns raised about her motives and the impact on Leo and Dominic.

Shownotes Transcript


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After Buzz TV, the destination for TV superfans. Producing aftershows for over 300 of your favorite TV shows. Interviewing celebrities and showrunners. And bringing you behind-the-scenes exclusives. All thanks to E! Entertainment's Maria Menounos, producer Kevin Undergaro, and internet leader Akamai. Now, let the buzz begin!

Hello, hello, all you Chasing Life fans out there. I'm Heather Gardner and welcome to Season 2, Episode 6, The Last W. I think it's fair to say this is the episode we've all been waiting for. It was. Absolutely.

I am joined tonight by my lovely co-hosts. Hey guys, I'm Michelle V. Hey guys, I'm Sam Davidson. And welcome again to AfterBuzz TV. Follow us on Twitter. You can use the hashtag ABTVChasingLife.

If you have hate for us, for what we're about to say, if you love what we're about to say, if you love the show, let us know on Twitter. Use the hashtag ABTVChasingLife. All right, should we get right into this, guys? This was the, the episode. It was the wedding of the century. At least of today. Okay, yeah. You're right. Of April 5th. Listen, Jennifer Aniston got married this week, okay?

You're right, she did. I'm sure it was a beauty. I'm so, like, mad that I wasn't invited. I can't wait for the pictures. I really just can't. Don't be mad. I love her. Her other friends weren't invited either. Except for Monica. And Phoebe. And Phoebe. But the rest of them weren't. Anyway, that's besides the point. Either way, Jennifer Aniston, April Carver. I mean, it's a toss-up on which wedding was better. But we actually got to see this one, so I'm going to go with April Carver. So, guys, it was her wedding!

It was. All right, let's start with the beginning. Before a wedding, we had a rehearsal. And I was going to say there was a bit of drama. I felt like there was a bit of tension. Tension. And like uneasiness, I felt like. Like Leo just, he looked very concerned that April wasn't into it. I don't think April was into it. No. I disagree. I think she was. I think she was nervous. At that time, though, at the rehearsal dinner...

I know. I saw the rehearsal dinner. I don't think that she... I think that she was just having cold feet like any other young bride. And that's normal. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, she was questioning whether he was marrying her for the right reasons. Yeah. I think one of the big moments right in the beginning was when Leo's dad comes and offers him the job. Like, you've helped so many, like, charities. You've been, like, the Robin Hood since your, you know, diagnosis and everything. And Rachel...

Rachel. I'm doing, see, Jennifer Aniston. April. April. They're so close in names. April kind of felt like maybe she was Leo's charity case. I mean, it's kind of a trendy thing to do nowadays if you have cancer or if even your dad has cancer, someone in your family, to go ahead and like speed up a wedding process and perhaps she thought that she was just one of those cases. Yeah.

Yeah, but I don't know why she would have... I mean, I do kind of know why she would have that thought because his dad did kind of... Kind of like planted the seed in her head. But at the same time, I feel like if Leo really was trying to speed it up, he would have married her months ago. Or okay, maybe days ago. Yeah, but I think the whole point of the wedding was to let her have that dream experience just in case she doesn't get to do it down the road. Yeah.

And I think that maybe she was all just, am I marrying him for the right reasons? Is he marrying me for the right reasons? I think those are pretty normal thoughts for her to have. It is, but she should have thought about it, like... Have I not been saying this? Okay, I get that. But I think I'm going to have to go with Sam and say that she's probably, like... She was probably getting cold feet, you know? Yeah, I agree. Which I understand. Okay, but...

I don't understand why she had to go to her ex-boyfriend's house on the eve of her wedding. Okay, Heather, she said that they are friends. And she knew something was wrong. Okay. No, no, no. I have exes that I am friendly with. Did I go to their house on the eve of my wedding? No, because you are not friends like that. Like, she...

I think I felt like from the get-go, like from the very beginning, she knew that she wanted him in her life. Like, regardless if they were dating or married, like she knew that he was this person who, like, you know, she wanted to be her best friend, someone that she could go to. So I honestly feel like she was going there simply because she cared for him as a friend and that she just wanted to see if he was okay. Sam, I can see it in your face. On the night of her wedding...

The night before. Yeah, it's a little messed up. Whoa, it's a little weird. It's messed up. So messed up. Yeah, but then she... What's her name? Frankie. Oh, God. Frankie just had to drop that bomb. I know, but that was after the fact, too. Okay, here, you guys. Listen to the words of wisdom. I mean, we're going to get to the conclusion of this. We know how it ends, but...

So, basically, because April has cancer and everything is sped up, her relationship with Dominic is still so fresh. I think normally her and Leo would have taken more time. That does not give April an excuse to go to Dominic's house. I think it was a wrong decision. Yeah.

But she is so, like, trying to speed everything up, make sure she gets in, you know, all the love and communication with people that she cares about. And in a way, she's using it as an excuse to kind of abuse that power and see her ex-boyfriend before the night of her marriage. And that's what I think it was. I think it was very selfish of her to go and see him. A, because I think on some level she has to know that Dominic has some sort of feelings for her. No, yeah. That's not very cool to him to

to be like, oh, I'm getting married tomorrow. Ha ha, I'm here. You know, you can't have me. And on some level, she has to know that, no, she already does know because Leo has said it a million times. He has a problem with Dominic. So it's kind of a slap in everyone's face for her to go down there. And again, April's just being a little bit selfish. And her sister Natalie. Oh, yeah, of course, that situation too. Ugh.

I mean, I just thought it was the wrong thing to do. No, I agree with that. But I'm not saying that, you know, I think she went there for personal reasons. No, I don't think so either. Yeah. Considering what happened later, which we'll get to.

But, no, no, I just thought it was a poor April life decision. Well, I feel like she makes a lot of poor decisions when it comes to boys. Like, she's good in making, like, career decisions and, like, personal decisions. Not lately. Okay, not lately, but before she was. Yeah. But I'm just saying that. Well, yeah, but I think the whole point of, like, the rehearsal, there was tension, there was cold feet, there was a little spat, you know?

And then, of course, Frankie getting in the middle of everything. April has one idea for her new husband, and Frankie, the old friend, has another idea. There was just a lot of tension going on. And George came back. George came back! No, he was in the episode a lot.

But he was there for like... If you put it all together, he was there for like two minutes. Don't you worry, girl. George is going to be back. Yeah, okay. The doctor asked him to stay, but that's later on. Right. I think another bit of tension that was very...

I felt like it was a little oddly placed for this episode, was Natalie and other grandma. Yeah. I liked it. I liked it. It was great, but I'm like, this is a little... I thought it was too much. Yeah, like, it was, like, too much in one episode. Yes. Like, you already have the wedding issues. Yes. And then now you're just, like, bringing Natalie into it. You know what I mean? And I just, honestly, this, to me, I don't understand Natalie too much because she...

She is so, so bitter about her whole life. And honestly, she has every right to be. But if I were Natalie and I knew about the secret family and I knew about grandma that haven't seen me, but are all about my, you know, half siblings, um,

I wouldn't want to put myself around that situation. And she just like keeps bringing it up how she's like second rate to Brenna and April and how she didn't, that's the life she always wanted but never had. And yet she still puts herself in these situations to feel that way. I think she's trying her best to like be a part of their family. And I know that's like really awkward at first, but she doesn't seem like the type of person to give up. You know what I mean? Do you think that the family is doing a good enough job of accepting her?

Not really. No. Except for Brenna. Brenna, yeah. But then April gets so mad whenever Natalie...

I'm over it. I know. I'm over everything. It's so dramatic. I love Natalie. I love Natalie's character too. Well, I think her character is fresh and it brings in, like, you want to know what? There's other people in this family that, you know, aren't obsessed with April dying while Natalie is sad. This is a person that's going to have to carry on after she goes and she might have to pick up the pieces. Yeah.

Right. And I really like Natalie. Oh, I like Natalie, too. I just don't understand her. I don't either. She's just so every single episode, she's like whining about the life she never had. And she's always comparing herself to April. And it's just like at this point, they've known about each other for a while now. They've been in each other's lives daily for a while now. She either needs to get over it or get out. For a while or a month.

I don't know the timeline of this show. I don't either. But all I'm saying is she needs to get over it or get out. Like, I'm just so tired of her whining about it. But then she has Dominic. She makes these choices that are specifically kind of wanting to follow her sister's footsteps, which is weird and creepy. It is weird and creepy. You guys know what it is? It's the middle child syndrome. Or the other child syndrome. Well, that's technically what a middle child is. Yeah.

The other one. Are you a middle child? I am, yeah. Do you have a little bit of bitterness in your life? No, because I am like the most loved one in my family, so... Oh, oh, wait a minute. So these are completely separate. Are you an anomaly? Anomaly to the middle child syndrome? What do you mean? Because you're the favorite. Oh, yeah. No, I can attest. I have three siblings in my family, and my middle sister is the absolute favorite, so...

Natalie's not the favorite. She's not, unfortunately. But then again, like, that's not her mom, though. You know what I mean? Of course. And her dad is. Her mom was so cool, by the way. I wish her mom would come back. Her mom was chill. Yeah, her mom was, like, really nice. Yeah, she was cool. She really was. I did, like, second grandma. Do you remember her name? I don't remember her name. No, I don't remember. Second grandma. But she was great. The turtle grandma. The turtle grandma. Yeah, I liked her. I loved her with the mimosas. Yes. Yes.

That was so funny. And I think that they, I hope that she sticks around because Natalie needs someone who's solid in her life that's not a part of

of April's life so personally, you know what I mean? Like, like Brenna and of course Sarah and, you know, the, the real grandmother and, you know, Beth and everybody, they're just, they're April's friends and Natalie's kind of an attachment of that, but Natalie needs someone of her own. And I think this other grandma could be that person. Absolutely. She's going to send her text. That was so cute. It was really cute. It really was. It made me want to call my grandma. It really did. All right. Should I move on to

The wedding day. Ooh. Yeah. The wedding. What is this? Ooh. Share your thoughts. Oh, gosh. Like, how horrific. I mean... I know. It was tough. It was tough. Well, we have to start at the beginning. Again, April's having cold feet. She's still... Well...

The bomb that Frankie dropped was that Dominic... Can we talk about Frankie? How do we feel about Frankie? She's just there to strum up drama. But is she... Is she... I feel like she has ulterior... Ulterior... She loves Leo. Yeah, she totally does. Loves him. Like, why else would she not tell April what happened that night? Until the day of her wedding. Right. Right.

She was mean. My mom and I watched that together last night. She was really mean. And I was like, that was mean. She was like, yeah, that was below the belt. I mean, everybody else was ready to just bury it. And she just like literally brought it up to bring it up. And then, yeah. Well, April did ask about it. Yeah, but she could have just...

I know. I mean, yeah, I know. I get it. Well, also, let's be honest. It's weird that Leo does not have a best man that's a man. Oh, it's all weird. It's completely weird. Everything is weird, you guys. Yeah, it is weird. No, but I mean, but you are right. I do think she possibly has an ulterior motive. She clearly has feelings for Leo on some level, whether they're romantic or just strong, strong friends. She is, I feel like, trying to put a wedge between

April and Leo. Okay, one other thing since Frankie and Leo did date at one point, do you guys think it's weird that he didn't tell her? What do you mean? Or he didn't tell April that Frankie and... Yeah. Especially after that conversation they had where they were like, are we just keeping secrets from each other? Absolutely. If I found out that my husband...

well, we actually had this conversation. He wanted to invite an ex to the wedding. And I was like, absolutely not. Like, and if I, if I had not known and I'm like, oh, this is just a friend. And then later I found out that they dated. No. And that was his best man. It was weird. It was really, really strange. But I just feel like,

Once April found out that little bit of information, she really, really had issues. And I think she, again, was holding on a little too much to Dominic's feelings. And I thought Frankie was completely right. Like, how about you... When everything kind of came out, April was starting to side with Dominic. And then Frankie was just like...

Why don't you just side with your soon-to-be husband in, like, two hours? Like, I think that was completely correct. I agree. And I also thought it was weird that she just, like, sided with Dominic without knowing the fact. I did, too. Absolutely. You know, like, maybe Leo hit him for a reason. Like, you know what I mean? There was a reason. And he did. And they didn't even talk about that. I mean... No, they never gave the reason why Dominic...

What needed to have earned his punch. Earned his black eye. I mean, we've talked about time on this show as far as how much has gone by. And this is the first episode that you realize, like, the girl is sick. She can't keep on this way. Right, yeah.

Which is why she's beating everything up. Which is why I think she's having problems. I mean, it was kind of cute when they were having a little fight, but he didn't want to see her. That was really sweet. The back-to-back with the door. That was beautiful ABC family. That was really, really sweet. I loved that they did that. But it was also kind of heart-wrenching to face those fears right before you're marrying somebody. A, there's not only just tension between you two, but there's tension between...

possibly two other people, Dominic on April's side and then Frankie who's drumming up this drama on the other side. And yeah, we're getting ready to walk down the aisle to say, dude, there's just so much happening and there's so much to kind of clear up in these little few minutes they have before they walk down the aisle. I did love what Leo said though. Like, oh, I heard you and Frankie had a conversation like rich old housewives have on TV. Well, I think

I think the biggest thing that we can take from this, like, they obviously, like, resolve their issues. Yeah. But the real reason why Dominic, you know, got punched was never revealed. And then Dominic himself never revealed it. We'll get to that. But, yeah, there's... Dominic's still a little piece of this. It's interesting. And it's really interesting considering what happens. And, like I said, we'll get to that. But I think...

The sweetest moment to me. After that point of the drama, the whole show got... It shifted. It got personal. It got really sweet. I may or may not have cheered up for the first time in this entire series. It was so sweet. The conversation... The conversation that...

April had with her mom and her grandma and her sister right before she walked down the aisle was beautiful. And let me just tell you guys, I just got married. And so you think about all these things. They didn't have cold feet like April. I didn't speed up any process. I've been with my husband for five years. But...

Like, you think about those things. About marriage isn't just about being romance and it's a commitment. And then I just love what grandma said. Like, but commitment is romantic. Yeah. And that was just so perfect. I just love that whole scene. I loved it. She's, like, reliving her wedding day. No, I'm reliving that moment. It was so... Please. My grandmother and my mother were so busy with other things, I did not have any sentimental moments on my wedding day. No, but it was really, really sweet.

It was. And I just, I love all of the women in that family. And, you know, everybody loves them. They're so strong. All of them. In their own separate ways. Like, Sarah is so, all she's focused on is April's health. When April just wants to focus on not her health, living her life and not letting her health affect her.

affect her life. But, you know, April's mom is so focused. But then Grandma's kind of balances the two out. I mean, like, you need to take care of yourself, but you need to live. And she's just like the comic relief. And it was just perfect. It was so beautiful and perfect. I just, I love Brenna. I relate to Brenna the most.

And she's going through such a trying time on the show. Yeah. But she was kind of glossed over. I feel like this episode was all about April. Which, I mean, it was her wedding day. It probably should have been. And it's her show. Can we real quick, though, talk about the dress and the bridesmaid dresses? Oh, they were so cute. They were beautiful. The bridesmaid dresses, gorgeous. I didn't really like April's dress, though, to be honest. I did not like April's dress. I liked the back of it, but that thing...

I didn't like it. It was supposed to be grandma's dress, right? Grandma had some style back in the 50s or whenever she got married. You know what they say about fashion? It recycles. I did not like the top of it.

of it me I wish it could have showed a little more she's a young vibrant young woman I know she wanted to cover her scars but it had straps well it could have done like a shoulder off yeah it could have been it could have been better I mean it was so pretty though I know I was still and the bridesmaids dresses were very very pretty I thought I would love to wear those bridesmaid dresses okay guys I think we got to get into what really happened this part it's really sad

April went down. Just let it out. April collapses as she's walking down the aisle. And I... Okay, you guys are not even going to believe this. I'm going to just throw it out there right now.

There is no more wall anymore. Because Leo was perfect. And he rushed to her side. And it was perfect. And he was so concerned. That actor is amazing. Because I could feel how concerned he was for April. He was right there. It was so... It was beautiful. Really quick though. Did you guys not see the hashtag that went up when he was running for her? No. I swear to God, I thought it... I feel like it said, Go Dom, go. Because Dom was...

Oh, Donny was also running at the same time. Running there? Yeah, Donny was running to the wedding. But as she's collapsing and Leo's running, oh! Oh my gosh, is that a foreshadow? I was like, wait, what? You guys, he is still a guest star. Leo is. It's true. Listen, we're not there yet. We can get predictions in a minute. I get it. This was a beautiful moment. Like, when she went down, he just like...

runs over, and of course, they played the entire thing in slow motion, because why wouldn't they? You know, to play up the drama, and it was full of drama, and it was just so... I just... I could just feel... I could just feel the love, and all the doubts that I had about those two just floated away, and especially the other scene, which we'll talk about, but that moment, I was just like, alright, Dominic, you can just...

Just wait. It's okay. It's okay. Yeah. Can you believe this? Can you believe I have jumped the wall? No. I can't. I know. I know. I couldn't believe it myself. I'm sitting there thinking, I'm sitting there watching this. I'm like, damn it. Yeah. I have to, I'm going to have to confess that I'm just, I'm not team Dominic anymore. I feel like you should have known that a while ago. Listen, okay. I have my reasons. I've expressed my reasons why I was team Dominic, but I, I can admit when I'm strong.

Okay. Nice. I'm taking this step, guys. I'm taking this step. You're maturing. It's beautiful. I love it. Anyway, so she's rushed to the hospital. She collapses. They're not sure why. And then she gets a stern scolding from her doctor. Which is well-deserved. And well-overdue, to be honest. Yes. How long? We keep on talking about this. We don't know how long it's passed.

enough time for there to be a problem. All these vacations and she's like She had a rash on her shoulder. She went to jail. I love that. Have you been wearing a face mask? She asks. Like that nice little guy the hot guy that Brennan's gonna fall in love with. Oh yeah. He knows what's going on. He's wearing that face mask.

Yeah, I mean, April kind of took her life, the fact that she wants to live her life and be a normal person a little too far, and it cost her her health. Because now she's in an extremely bad situation where they have to take her off the clinical trial. They don't really know what to do with her treatment. George is coming back because the doctor wanted him to stay. Which, first of all, if he's been this expert the entire time on the clinical trial...

Where has he been? Right. Well, not only that, but he's also like a pediatric doctor. Yeah. Where has he been? Getting warm. What did Sarah say? So glad you can keep him warm in San Francisco. That was so awkward. So awkward. But anyway, he's been getting warm with his little lady friend. No, no, no. He should have been there the whole time. But anyway, so April comes to the realization that she is actually sick, that she cannot live a normal life.

She couldn't have the wedding of her dreams. And it's a really, really emotional time for her. And then Leo gets emotional and there is nothing more beautiful than a very attractive man crying on television. And if I wasn't already team Leo...

You are now. It was so sweet, guys. When she was like, I mean, they had, with their little door conversation, they had alluded to, you know, is this right? And of course, he's saying it is, but they're, you know, can't see each other. And then when she was like, are you just marrying me because I have cancer? And he's like, yes. And it was just the sweetest thing.

I can't even remember what happened. It's too emotional. It was so sweet, though. It was very sweet. He wasn't sweet this entire time. He has been so sweet. From the moment he's been on the show. No, not from the moment. Okay, not from the moment, but I feel like he's always been there for her. He's always had potential. His true colors showed through. No, they've shown. And he's always been protective of her because even when he was sick...

That's why he pushed her away. He is like too much. I love him. He's so sweet. That moment when they were just crying together was the sweetest thing in his little speech. I can't remember what he said except for that. It's like their life. He would have wanted to speed it up anyway because he always wanted to marry her.

The moment you met her. Guys, it was just the sweetest. Well, it made me want to rewatch that episode. It's really sweet. When they did meet and then when they did eventually have sex, which was pretty fast. Well, okay, so she realizes basically her life for the temporary moments is over. She has to stay in the hospital for a few days. She can't have her wedding, so Leo and the bridesmaids...

Go and plan this little wedding. However, something happened in the middle before that. Dominic makes it to the hospital. Are you mad at him now? I'm not mad at him. No. I've always thought that Dominic was the most classy out of all of these people. Except for the whole dating the sister thing. That was a little weird. But... No, but...

I think he loves April. Obviously, we've seen it this entire season. He confessed his love to her fiancé last episode. And he's rushing to the church to stop the wedding. But when he sees her and he sees...

how happy that she actually is he just puts it all aside and he's just gonna let it go which i feel like he's been really trying to do this whole time but now he's just gonna let it go and i was actually i was actually shocked i really was that abc went in that direction because it's drama yeah and yet some at least for episode six the last w they had their happy ending i mean the cancer is drama enough she doesn't need all this other stress in her life but can we talk

about when he came in and Natalie saw him. And did Natalie think Dominic was there? Nope. Not for one second she even said it. She thought that he was just there to see April. Yep. She said it. She knew. But she was like, oh, so you finally realized what I've known all this time? And he didn't say anything. It is really sad. Again, for April. I mean, Natalie. Yeah. But you know what? Again, she just brings it upon herself. No! Sometimes she just

She puts herself in these situations. Yeah, but you never know if it's like true love if you don't put yourself out there. Well, it wasn't true love. Well, it could have been. And they better not get back together because that is really creepy. It needs to be done. Yeah, I know. I just saw the finale of Pretty Little Liars and that is creepy. That would not be creepy compared to that. That's true. That's a different show and I actually didn't watch it yet, so don't spoil it.

So, anyway, I just thought it was another sweet moment. The whole episode was just so sweet. Dominic, you can really tell he really loves April. And out of all the people, all the selfish people in this show, we've talked about Brenna being selfish, obviously April is super selfish. Brenna deserves to be selfish. So take that back. No, I'm just saying, even though she deserves it, and April

deserves to be selfish too but these are very selfish moments. Leo has been selfish. Everybody has been selfish. Even Dominic but this is pretty much the most selfless act of the whole show I felt like. It was just really sweet and heartbreaking. But you know he loves her and he's not done yet. Even though I'm maybe team Leo.

I don't know. I don't know! You're like straddling that line. Listen, I mean, she ended up marrying Leo. They are married.

They, grandma officiated in the chapel, in the church. It was the sweetest, cutest little moment. Except for the creepy dancing with the IV bag. With the IV bag, yeah. It was, that was depressing. Well, it is depressing. They got married in a hospital, for goodness sake. It's all depressing. But, it was a really sweet and sentimental moment. And...

I don't know. Dominic, I don't think he's done though. He's not done. Right. No, I don't think he's done. He still has one more sister to hook up with when she turns 18. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Okay. We're just going to go ahead and get in predictions on that note. You can save it for that. Well, since you've already predicted, why don't you go ahead and say it? I'm joking. I really hope that doesn't happen. That would be the worst.

That would be really disgusting. I think that, oh, guys, this is rough. Someone is going to die, and I think that it's going to be Leo, as much as I love him so much. He has a new show, Blood and Oil, on ABC. You're right. He's a series regular. He has an overall deal with ABC, which includes ABC Family. He's been a guest star for a very long time.

Rachel, or Rachel. You did it too. It's just because you did it, not why I did it.

In a few episodes, my mom has told me that she has read that April has a lot of money and is dealing with a big loss. So that only makes sense that she married Leo and inherits all of his stuff. Guys, this is too much. I couldn't handle this after all the sweetness. I know. It's like it hurts. I cried. It's devastating. I don't want Leo to go at all, but I think he might.

I'm too sad to make a prediction. No, you're making a prediction. Let's see. Well, I have to agree with Sam. I do think Leo is going to die. They can switch fault in our stars. What is the world coming to?

I don't know. I don't want it to happen either, but it's going to happen. And then Dominic is just going to be there for her. Swoop on in. But Dominic really loves her and he is the person who should be there for her. I know, but like... They just set that up perfectly and you're right and it makes total sense and I can't even, I can't even. Right. But I feel like it's just too soon. I mean, if it like, if Leo were to...

pass away in the next or the following episode after that and then Dominic just swoops right in. He's not going to swoop right in like that. No. He's not going to be like, hey, your husband just died and you have all this money. No. It's not going to be like that. He's going to just be a classy person. This is my prediction. Hold on. Okay, Michelle. Okay. Okay, Housewives of Afterbuzz TV. Okay.

I'm the only housewife over here, okay? She's the only one. Okay. No, I mean, like, I don't mean he's going to, like, swoop in in a, like, you know, terrible way. But, you know, he'll be thinking, like, oh, I feel really bad that April just lost Leo, but no.

Okay, but you have to understand, too, that they have set this up that they're very close friends. And it's not one-sided, okay? It's not Dominic just following and hoping. Like, April is in this, too. And she has set that up so many times that they are really good friends and that she is there for him, too. So it would only be natural that... I mean, she went to him on the eve of her wedding. So, obviously, she would go to him on the eve of the funeral. I mean... I hate this. I hate everything.

That's it. Well, we don't know that it's true. Okay, I'm going to give a different outcome where no one dies. No one dies in this outcome. Okay? Good luck with that one. Yeah, I know. I know. Especially what you just said, the loss, the money. Okay, but I'm just going to play devil's advocate here. So, Grandma had admitted that she only got officiated, is that the right word? Certified? Whatever. Seven minutes before the ceremony happened.

So I'm thinking that something happens. They're not actually married because grandma didn't do something right. Paperwork didn't go through. They're not actually married. They realize that they're really different because obviously they've had a lot of issues this whole season. They realize they're different. They go their separate ways and then Dominic sweeps in because it's going to happen. Okay. Okay. Listen, it's the happier of the two scenarios. Okay. All right. Okay. Someone's going to die.

Can it be Natalie? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. It wouldn't. She's a donor. She can't die. What if grandma dies? No. Oh, and she inherits money. That's what I was thinking too, but I didn't want to say it. Yeah. I mean, I love her, but like, you know, she's, it's, she's had her time. So what?

I'm going to be joyful George's eyes. Oh my gosh. Okay. All right. We're done with this. We're done. We're just going to have to wait. Sam, tell them where they can find you. All right, guys. You can find me, Sam Davidson, at and on Twitter and Instagram at samd43. You guys can find me on Twitter and Instagram at underscoremichellefee. And you can find me, Heather Gardner, at heathergtv on Instagram and Twitter. Thank you guys so much for watching. Remember, if you agree with us, you disagree with us, we're going to be

Whatever it may be, use the hashtag ABTVChasingLife. We'll see you next time. From executive producers Maria Menounos, Kevin Undergaro, Phil Svitek, and the entire AfterBuzz TV staff, we would like to thank you for listening to the AfterBuzz TV Network. To watch or listen to other aftershows and post comments or questions, be sure to visit I'm Sir Richard Wentworth, and this has been a presentation of AfterBuzz TV. Buzz you later!

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