Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest
The science behind gratitude keeps getting better and better.
Tomorrow is election day in the U.S. and there has never been a more important or a more powerful ti
Dedicating Yourself to Presence. Here's how presence can be a huge difference maker in your life. Wi
Decorate your life with beautiful people and beautiful, awakened, spiritual energy. Building this ki
When the spiritual part of you wants to react one way and the human part of you falls asleep for jus
The more that you think about the things that worry you and make you feel negative, bring you anxiet
Your epigenetic expression is your personal potential. How you think, eat, move, and live will outpi
Better sleep, improved metabolism, more radiant skin .... the not so secret method to having all of
Personal peace comes from being on purpose and not on outcome. Are you dedicated to creating your ow
Express what makes you come alive. Don't give your power away to drama. Lay a foundation of self car
Live and love so deeply that you cry daily. Allow crying to become your superpower and cleanse your
Step Outside homeostasis. Live your dharma. Are you willing to be so bold and brilliant that they wh
It's not the critic that counts. There is no effort without error. Stand in the arena of high achiev
Use these five questions to help galvanize your purpose. Who are you? What do you love? Watch to lea
Are you surrendering to live in the valley of average? Are you ready to move outside of mediocrity a
How can you continue to be the best version of yourself? Don't you ever give up! Always remember to
What can you do today to stand with people in a way that you show up as a beneficial presence in the
I believe every human being has come here to express - to speak and live one's mind - telling and sh
How taking five minutes to do this can decrease fear and anxiety and increase the integration of pos
To learn more, visit http://changeagentspodcast.com