Welcome to the Change Agents Community, where unstoppable individuals unite to ignite their fullest
When we convey appreciation and love for others, there are at least ten positive things that happen
Can you be an incarnation of living up to what's possible? It's so good to be in touch with kindness
The first half of 2020 has been an interesting struggle of sorts, for many of us. Today I want to es
Talk to and treat yourself with unconditional love. Be your truth right now. In your truth you will
Our work is to remember that Spirit is never held by precedent. What is it we need to do to overcome
There is an especially awesome Danish word, arbejdsglæde, which means “happiness at work.” It’s a cu
How often do we allow our ego to control our reaction? Are we quick to react rather than mindfully a
This is directed towards your inner activist. It's time to wake up from your self-imposed slumber pa
The more we put energy on things outside of ourselves that we can't control, the more emotional unre
Don't ever revert to talking yourself out of your greatness. Build the life you desire. Do not dim y
You "have it going on" when you're spiritually connected. Intrinsic motivation is all about feeling
There is a lot more that we can do to improve our quality of life and uplevel our joy.
Half the population is suffering from anxiety, loneliness, unhappiness, depression. It's time to ris
We have a major issue going on in America - beyond politics, the pandemic, systemic racism - is the
Our world needs creative, courageous thinkers. The more time we suffer under stress and sadness, our
It's too easy these days to fall into complacency - the valley of mediocrity. Where are you in this
This is all about impulse control. Do you think before you speak? Conscientious communication can im